consumption of programs creating many instances of non-builtin types.
+PEP 362: Function Signature Object
+:pep:`362`: - Function Signature Object
+ PEP written by Brett Cannon, Yury Selivanov, Larry Hastings, Jiwon Seo.
+ Implemented by Yury Selivanov.
+A new function :func:`inspect.signature` makes introspection of python
+callables easy and straightforward. A broad range of callables is supported:
+python functions, decorated or not, classes, and :func:`functools.partial`
+objects. New classes :class:`inspect.Signature`, :class:`inspect.Parameter`
+and :class:`inspect.BoundArguments` hold information about the call signatures,
+such as, annotations, default values, parameters kinds, and bound arguments,
+which considerably simplifies writing decorators and any code that validates
+or amends calling signatures or arguments.
Using importlib as the Implementation of Import
:issue:`2377` - Replace __import__ w/ importlib.__import__