notify(LUser, LServer, Clients, Pkt, Dir) ->
fun({TS, PushLJID, Node, XData}) ->
- HandleResponse = fun(#iq{type = result}) ->
- ok;
- (#iq{type = error}) ->
- spawn(?MODULE, delete_session,
- [LUser, LServer, TS]);
- (timeout) ->
- ok % Hmm.
- end,
+ HandleResponse =
+ fun(#iq{type = result}) ->
+ ?DEBUG("~s accepted notification for ~s@~s (~s)",
+ [jid:encode(PushLJID), LUser, LServer, Node]);
+ (#iq{type = error} = IQ) ->
+ case inspect_error(IQ) of
+ {wait, Reason} ->
+ ?INFO_MSG("~s rejected notification for "
+ "~s@~s (~s) temporarily: ~s",
+ [jid:encode(PushLJID), LUser,
+ LServer, Node, Reason]);
+ {Type, Reason} ->
+ spawn(?MODULE, delete_session,
+ [LUser, LServer, TS]),
+ ?WARNING_MSG("~s rejected notification for "
+ "~s@~s (~s), disabling push: ~s "
+ "(~s)",
+ [jid:encode(PushLJID), LUser,
+ LServer, Node, Reason, Type])
+ end;
+ (timeout) ->
+ ?DEBUG("Timeout sending notification for ~s@~s (~s) "
+ "to ~s",
+ [LUser, LServer, Node, jid:encode(PushLJID)]),
+ ok % Hmm.
+ end,
notify(LServer, PushLJID, Node, XData, Pkt, Dir, HandleResponse)
end, Clients).
body_is_encrypted(#message{sub_els = SubEls}) ->
lists:keyfind(<<"encrypted">>,, SubEls) /= false.
+-spec inspect_error(iq()) -> {atom(), binary()}.
+inspect_error(IQ) ->
+ case xmpp:get_error(IQ) of
+ #stanza_error{type = Type} = Err ->
+ {Type, xmpp:format_stanza_error(Err)};
+ undefined ->
+ {undefined, <<"unrecognized error">>}
+ end.
%% Caching.