--- /dev/null
+pspell basic tests
+<?php if (!extension_loaded("pspell")) print "skip"; ?>
+<?php // $Id$
+$string = "";
+$string .= "I will not buy this record, it is scratched. ";
+$string .= "Sorry ";
+$string .= "I will not buy this record, it is scratched. ";
+$string .= "Uh, no, no, no. This is a tobacconist's ";
+$string .= "Ah! I will not buy this tobacconist's, it is scratched. ";
+$string .= "No, no, no, no. Tobacco... um... cigarettes (holds up a pack). ";
+$string .= "Ya! See-gar-ets! Ya! Uh... My hovercraft is full of eels. ";
+$string .= "Sorry? ";
+$string .= "My hovercraft (pantomimes puffing a cigarette)... is full of eels (pretends to strike a match). ";
+$string .= "Ahh, matches!";
+$pspell = pspell_new ("en", "", "", "", (PSPELL_FAST|PSPELL_RUN_TOGETHER));
+$array = explode(' ',preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/','',$string));
+for($i=0,$u=count($array);$i<$u;++$i) {
+ echo $array[$i].' : ';
+ if (!pspell_check($pspell, $array[$i])) {
+ echo "..false\n";
+ $suggestions = pspell_suggest ($pspell, $array[$i]);
+ foreach ($suggestions as $suggestion) {
+ echo "Possible spelling: $suggestion\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ echo "true\n";
+ }
+I : true
+will : true
+not : true
+buy : true
+this : true
+record : true
+it : true
+is : true
+scratched : true
+Sorry : true
+I : true
+will : true
+not : true
+buy : true
+this : true
+record : true
+it : true
+is : true
+scratched : true
+Uh : true
+no : true
+no : true
+no : true
+This : true
+is : true
+a : true
+tobacconists : true
+Ah : true
+I : true
+will : true
+not : true
+buy : true
+this : true
+tobacconists : true
+it : true
+is : true
+scratched : true
+No : true
+no : true
+no : true
+no : true
+Tobacco : true
+um : true
+cigarettes : true
+holds : true
+up : true
+a : true
+pack : true
+Ya : true
+Seegarets : ..false
+Possible spelling: Secrets
+Possible spelling: Regrets
+Possible spelling: Secretes
+Possible spelling: Egrets
+Possible spelling: Serrates
+Possible spelling: Segre's
+Possible spelling: Seagate's
+Possible spelling: Regreets
+Possible spelling: Segregates
+Possible spelling: Sergeants
+Possible spelling: Sugariest
+Possible spelling: Garrets
+Possible spelling: Socrates
+Possible spelling: Egret's
+Possible spelling: Separates
+Possible spelling: Cigarettes
+Possible spelling: Sugared
+Possible spelling: Scarlets
+Ya : true
+Uh : true
+My : true
+hovercraft : true
+is : true
+full : true
+of : true
+eels : true
+Sorry : true
+My : true
+hovercraft : true
+pantomimes : true
+puffing : true
+a : true
+cigarette : true
+is : true
+full : true
+of : true
+eels : true
+pretends : true
+to : true
+strike : true
+a : true
+match : true
+Ahh : ..false
+Possible spelling: Shh
+Possible spelling: Ah
+Possible spelling: Aha
+Possible spelling: Ash
+Possible spelling: Ha
+matches : true