5. If you don't know how to do something, ask first!
6. Test your changes before committing them. We mean it. Really.
+ To do so use "make test".
+ 7. For development use the --enable-maintainer-zts switch to ensure your
+ code handles TSRM correctly and doesn't break for thos who need that.
Currently we have the following branches in use:
HEAD Will become PHP 6.0. This CVS branch is for active development.
-PHP_5_1 Is used to release the PHP 5.1.x series. Only minor feature
- enhancements may go in here, but please keep that as infrequent as
- possible.
+PHP_5_2 Is used to release the PHP 5.2.x series. Only minor feature
+ enhancements may go in here, but please keep that as infrequent as
+ possible.
+PHP_5_1 Is used to release the PHP 5.1.x series. Only bugfixes are permitted
+ on this branch (Consult the releasemaster prior to commit).
+PHP_5_0 This branch is closed.
PHP_4_4 Is used to release the PHP 4.4.x series. Only bugfixes are permitted
- on this branch.
+ on this branch (Consult the releasemaster prior to commit).
+PHP_4_3 This branch is closed.
The next few rules are more of a technical nature.