?? ??? 2010, PHP 5.3.4
-- Added DateTime support for intl date formatting. (Stas)
-- Fixed extract() to do not overwrite $GLOBALS and $this when using
- EXTR_OVERWRITE. (jorto at redhat dot com)
-- Fixed crashes on invalid parameters in intl extension (Stas, Maksymilian
- Arciemowicz)
-- Fixed bug #53366 (Reflection doesnt get dynamic property value from
- getProperty()). (Felipe)
-- Fixed bug #53362 (Segmentation fault when extending SplFixedArray). (Felipe)
-- Fixed bug #52854 (ReflectionClass::newInstanceArgs does not work for classes
- without constructors). (Johannes)
-- Fixed bug #50987 (unaligned memory access in phar.c).
- (geissert at debian dot org, Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #47168 (printf of floating point variable prints maximum of 40
- decimal places). (Ilia)
+- General improvements:
+ . Added DateTime support for intl date formatting. (Stas)
+- Core:
+ . Fixed extract() to do not overwrite $GLOBALS and $this when using
+ EXTR_OVERWRITE. (jorto at redhat dot com)
+ . Fixed bug #47168 (printf of floating point variable prints maximum of 40
+ decimal places). (Ilia)
+- Intl extension:
+ . Fixed crashes on invalid parameters in intl extension (Stas, Maksymilian
+ Arciemowicz)
+- Phar extension:
+ . Fixed bug #50987 (unaligned memory access in phar.c).
+ (geissert at debian dot org, Ilia)
+- Reflection extension:
+ . Fixed bug #53366 (Reflection doesnt get dynamic property value from
+ getProperty()). (Felipe)
+ . Fixed bug #52854 (ReflectionClass::newInstanceArgs does not work for classes
+ without constructors). (Johannes)
+- SPL extension:
+ . Fixed bug #53362 (Segmentation fault when extending SplFixedArray). (Felipe)
18 Nov 2010, PHP 5.3.4RC1
- Upgraded bundled Sqlite3 to version 3.7.3. (Ilia)
- Upgraded bundled PCRE to version 8.10. (Ilia)
-- Reverted fix for bug #51176 (Static calling in non-static method behaves
- like $this->). (Felipe)
-- Added stat support for zip stream. (Pierre)
-- Added follow_location (enabled by default) option for the http stream
- support. (Pierre)
-- Added new character sets to mysqlnd, which are available in MySQL 5.5
- (Andrey)
-- Improved support for is_link and related functions on Windows. (Pierre)
-- Added '-p/--prefix' to php-fpm to use a custom prefix and run multiple
- instances. (fat)
-- Added support for the ( and ) delimiters/separators to
- DateTime::createFromFormat(). (Derick)
-- Added custom process title for FPM. (fat)
-- Added '-t/--test' to php-fpm to check and validate FPM conf file. (fat)
-- Added statistics about listening socket queue length for FPM.
- (andrei dot nigmatulin at gmail dot com, fat)
-- Implemented FR #52348, Ability to detect zend multibyte at runtime. (Kalle)
-- Implemented FR #52173, added functions pcntl_get_last_error() and
- pcntl_strerror(). (nick dot telford at gmail dot com, Arnaud)
-- Implemented symbolic links support for open_basedir checks. (Pierre)
-- Implemented FR #51804, SplFileInfo::getLinkTarget on Windows. (Pierre)
-- Implemented FR #50692, not uploaded files don't count towards
- max_file_uploads limit. As a side improvement, temporary files are not opened
- for empty uploads and, in debug mode, 0-length uploads. (Gustavo)
-- Added a 3rd parameter to get_html_translation_table. It now takes a charset
- hint, like htmlentities et al. (Gustavo)
-- Paths with NULL in them (foo\0bar.txt) are now considered as invalid. (Rasmus)
-- Fixed a possible double free in imap extension (Identified by Mateusz
- Kocielski). (CVE-2010-4150). (Ilia)
-- Fixed NULL pointer dereference in ZipArchive::getArchiveComment.
- (CVE-2010-3709). (Maksymilian Arciemowicz)
-- Fixed possible flaw in open_basedir (CVE-2010-3436). (Pierre)
-- Fixed MOPS-2010-24, fix string validation. (CVE-2010-2950). (Pierre)
-- Fixed symbolic resolution support when the target is a DFS share. (Pierre)
-- Changed deprecated ini options on startup from E_WARNING to E_DEPRECATED.
- (Kalle)
-- Changed the $context parameter on copy() to actually have an effect. (Kalle)
-- Fixed possible crash in mssql_fetch_batch(). (Kalle)
-- Fixed inconsistent backlog default value (-1) in FPM on many systems. (fat)
-- Fixed bug in the Windows implementation of dns_get_record, where the two
- last parameters wouldn't be filled unless the type were DNS_ANY (Gustavo).
-- Fixed forward stream seeking emulation in streams that don't support seeking
- in situations where the read operation gives back less data than requested
- and when there was data in the buffer before the emulation started. Also made
- more consistent its behavior -- should return failure every time less data
- than was requested was skipped. (Gustavo)
-- Fixed htmlentities/htmlspecialchars accepting certain ill-formed UTF-8
- sequences. (Gustavo)
-- Fixed bug #52929 (Segfault in filter_var with FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL with
- large amount of data) (CVE-2010-3710). (Adam)
-- Fixed ReflectionProperty::isDefault() giving a wrong result for properties
- obtained with ReflectionClass::getProperties(). (Gustavo)
-- Fixed covariance of return-by-ref constraints. (Etienne)
-- Fixed the filter extension accepting IPv4 octets with a leading 0 as that
- belongs to the unsupported "dotted octal" representation. (Gustavo)
-- Fixed NULL dereference in lex_scan on zend multibyte builds where the script
- had a flex incompatible encoding and there was no converter. (Gustavo)
-- Fixed bug #53335 (pdo_firebird did not implement rowCount()).
- (preeves at ibphoenix dot com)
-- Fixed bug #53323 (pdo_firebird getAttribute() crash).
- (preeves at ibphoenix dot com)
-- Fixed Bug #53319 (strip_tags() may strip '<br />' incorrectly). (Felipe)
-- Fixed bug #53305 (E_NOTICE when defining a constant starts with
-- Fixed bug #53297 (gettimeofday implementation in php/win32/time.c can return
- 1 million microsecs). (ped at 7gods dot org)
-- Fixed bug #53284 (Valgrind warnings in oci_set_* functions) (Oracle Corp.)
-- Fixed bug #53279 (SplFileObject doesn't initialise default CSV escape
- character). (Adam)
-- Fixed bug #53273 (mb_strcut() returns garbage with the excessive length
- parameter). (CVE-2010-4156) (Mateusz Kocielski, Pierre, Moriyoshi)
-- Fixed bug #53248 (rawurlencode RFC 3986 EBCDIC support misses tilde char).
- (Justin Martin)
-- Fixed bug #53241 (stream casting that relies on fdopen/fopencookie fails
- with streams opened with, inter alia, the 'xb' mode). (Gustavo)
-- Fixed bug #53236 (problems in the validation of IPv6 addresses with leading
- and trailing :: in the filter extension). (Gustavo)
-- Fixed bug #53226 (file_exists fails on big filenames). (Adam)
-- Fixed bug #53198 (changing INI setting "from" with ini_set did not have any
- effect). (Gustavo)
-- Fixed bug #53180 (post_max_size=0 not disabling the limit when the content
- type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded or is not registered with PHP).
- (gm at tlink dot de, Gustavo)
-- Fixed bug #53144 (Segfault in SplObjectStorage::removeAll()). (Felipe)
-- Fixed bug #53141 (autoload misbehaves if called from closing session).
- (ladislav at marek dot su)
-- Fixed bug #53136 (Invalid read on openssl_csr_new()). (Felipe)
-- Fixed bug #53071 (SPLObjectStorage defeats gc_collect_cycles). (Gustavo)
-- Fixed bug #53006 (stream_get_contents has an unpredictable behavior when the
- underlying stream does not support seeking). (Gustavo)
-- Fixed bug #53021 (In html_entity_decode, failure to convert numeric entities
- with ENT_NOQUOTES and ISO-8859-1). Fixed and extended the fix of ENT_NOQUOTES
- in html_entity_decode that had introduced the bug (rev #185591) to other
- encodings. Additionaly, html_entity_decode() now doesn't decode " if
- ENT_NOQUOTES is given. (Gustavo)
-- Fixed bug #52939 (zend_call_function does not respect ZEND_SEND_PREFER_REF).
- (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #52981 (Unicode casing table was out-of-date. Updated with
- UnicodeData-6.0.0d7.txt and included the source of the generator program with
- the distribution) (Gustavo).
-- Fixed bug #52971 (PCRE-Meta-Characters not working with utf-8). (Felipe)
-- Fixed bug #52947 (segfault when ssl stream option capture_peer_cert_chain
- used). (Felipe)
-- Fixed bug #52944 (Invalid write on second and subsequent reads with an
- inflate filter fed invalid data). (Gustavo)
-- Fixed bug #52941 (The 'iconv_mime_decode_headers' function is skipping
- headers). (Adam)
-- Fixed bug #52931 (strripos not overloaded with function overloading enabled).
- (Felipe)
-- Fixed bug #52926 (zlib fopen wrapper does not use context). (Gustavo)
-- Fixed bug #52906 (gmp_mod returns negative result when non-negative is
- expected). (Stas)
-- Fixed bug #52891 (Wrong data inserted with mysqli/mysqlnd when using
- mysqli_stmt_bind_param and value> PHP_INT_MAX). (Andrey)
-- Fixed bug #52879 (Objects unreferenced in __get, __set, __isset or __unset
- can be freed too early). (mail_ben_schmidt at yahoo dot com dot au, Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #52849 (GNU MP invalid version match). (Adam)
-- Fixed bug #52843 (Segfault when optional parameters are not passed in to
- mssql_connect). (Felipe)
-- Fixed bug #52827 (cURL leaks handle and causes assertion error
- (CURLOPT_STDERR)). (Gustavo)
-- Fixed bug #52820 (writes to fopencookie FILE* not commited when seeking the
- stream). (Gustavo)
-- Fixed bug #52786 (PHP should reset section to [PHP] after ini sections).
- (Fedora at famillecollet dot com)
-- Fixed bug #52784 (Race condition when handling many concurrent signals).
- (nick dot telford at gmail dot com, Arnaud)
-- Fixed bug #52772 (var_dump() doesn't check for the existence of
- get_class_name before calling it). (Kalle, Gustavo)
-- Fixed bug #52744 (cal_days_in_month incorrect for December 1 BCE).
- (gpap at internet dot gr, Adam)
-- Fixed bug #52732 (Docs say preg_match() returns FALSE on error, but it
- returns int(0)). (slugonamission at gmail dot com)
-- Fixed bug #52725 (gcc builtin atomic functions were sometimes used when they
- were not available). (fat)
-- Fixed bug #52745 (Binding params doesn't work when selecting a date inside a
- CASE-WHEN). (Andrey)
-- Fixed bug #52699 (PDO bindValue writes long int 32bit enum).
- (rein at basefarm dot no)
-- Fixed bug #52693 (configuration file errors are not logged to stderr). (fat)
-- Fixed bug #52686 (mysql_stmt_attr_[gs]et argument points to incorrect type).
- (rein at basefarm dot no)
-- Fixed bug #52681 (mb_send_mail() appends an extra MIME-Version header).
- (Adam)
-- Fixed bug #52674 (FPM Status page returns inconsistent Content-Type headers).
- (fat)
-- Fixed bug #52668 (Iterating over a dateperiod twice is broken). (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #52654 (mysqli doesn't install headers with structures it uses).
- (Andrey)
-- Fixed bug #52636 (php_mysql_fetch_hash writes long value into int).
- (Kalle, rein at basefarm dot no)
-- Fixed bug #52613 (crash in mysqlnd after hitting memory limit). (Andrey)
-- Fixed bug #52599 (iconv output handler outputs incorrect content type
- when flags are used). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bug #52573 (SplFileObject::fscanf Segmentation fault). (Felipe)
-- Fixed bug #52546 (pdo_dblib segmentation fault when iterating MONEY values).
- (Felipe)
-- Fixed bug #52534 (var_export array with negative key). (Felipe)
-- Fixed bug #52512 (Broken error handling in odbc_execute).
- (mkoegler at auto dot tuwien dot ac dot at)
-- Fixed bug #52508 (newline problem with parse_ini_file+INI_SCANNER_RAW).
- (Felipe)
-- Fixed bug #52498 (libevent was not only linked to php-fpm). (fat)
-- Fixed bug #52487 (PDO::FETCH_INTO leaks memory). (Felipe)
-- Fixed bug #52484 (__set() ignores setting properties with empty names).
- (Felipe)
-- Fixed bug #52468 (wddx_deserialize corrupts integer field value when left
- empty). (Felipe)
-- Fixed bug #52454 (Relative dates and getTimestamp increments by one day).
- (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #52436 (Compile error if systems do not have stdint.h)
- (Sriram Natarajan)
-- Fixed bug #52433 (Call to undefined method mysqli::poll() - must be static).
- (Andrey)
-- Fixed bug #52430 (date_parse parse 24:xx:xx as valid time). (Derick)
-- Fixed bug #52417 (MySQLi build failure with mysqlnd on MacOS X). (Andrey)
-- Fixed bug #52413 (MySQLi/libmysql build failure on OS X, FreeBSD). (Andrey)
-- Fixed bug #52390 (mysqli_report() should be per-request setting). (Kalle)
-- Fixed bug #52361 (Throwing an exception in a destructor causes invalid
- catching). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #52302 (mysqli_fetch_all does not work with MYSQLI_USE_RESULT).
- (Andrey)
-- Fixed bug #52221 (Misbehaviour of magic_quotes_runtime (get/set)). (Andrey)
-- Fixed bug #51763 (SplFileInfo::getType() does not work symbolic link
- and directory). (Pierre)
-- Fixed bug #51610 (Using oci_connect causes PHP to take a long time to
- exit). Requires Oracle client libraries (or Oracle bug fix
- 9891199) for this patch to have an effect. (Oracle Corp.)
-- Fixed bug #51008 (Zend/tests/bug45877.phpt fails). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #50590 (IntlDateFormatter::parse result is limited to the integer
- range). (Stas)
-- Fixed bug #50481 (Storing many SPLFixedArray in an array crashes). (Felipe)
-- Fixed bug #52260 (dns_get_record fails with non-existing domain on Windows).
- (a_jelly_doughnut at phpbb dot com, Pierre)
-- Fixed bug #50953 (socket will not connect to IPv4 address when the host has
- both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, on Windows). (Gustavo, Pierre)
-- Fixed bug #50579 (RegexIterator::REPLACE doesn't work). (Felipe)
-- Fixed bug #50524 (proc_open on Windows does not respect cwd as it does on
- other platforms). (Pierre)
-- Fixed bug #50345 (nanosleep not detected properly on some solaris versions).
- (Ulf, Tony)
-- Fixed bug #50117 (problems in the validation of IPv6 addresses with IPv4
- addresses and ::). (Gustavo)
-- Fixed bug #49687 (utf8_decode vulnerabilities and deficiencies in the number
- of reported malformed sequences). (CVE-2010-3870) (Gustavo)
-- Fixed bug #49407 (get_html_translation_table doesn't handle UTF-8). (Gustavo)
-- Fixed bug #49215 (make fails on glob_wrapper). (Felipe)
-- Fixed bug #48831 (php -i has different output to php --ini). (Richard,
- Pierre)
-- Fixed bug #47643 (array_diff() takes over 3000 times longer than php 5.2.4).
- (Felipe)
-- Fixed bug #47199 (pg_delete() fails on NULL). (ewgraf at gmail dot com)
-- Fixed bug #45921 (Can't initialize character set hebrew). (Andrey)
-- Fixed bug #44248 (RFC2616 transgression while HTTPS request through proxy
- with SoapClient object). (Dmitry)
-- Fixed bug #25927 (get_html_translation_table calls the ' ' instead of
- '). (Gustavo)
+- Security enhancements:
+ . Paths with NULL in them (foo\0bar.txt) are now considered as invalid. (Rasmus)
+ . Fixed a possible double free in imap extension (Identified by Mateusz
+ Kocielski). (CVE-2010-4150). (Ilia)
+ . Fixed NULL pointer dereference in ZipArchive::getArchiveComment.
+ (CVE-2010-3709). (Maksymilian Arciemowicz)
+ . Fixed possible flaw in open_basedir (CVE-2010-3436). (Pierre)
+ . Fixed MOPS-2010-24, fix string validation. (CVE-2010-2950). (Pierre)
+ . Fixed symbolic resolution support when the target is a DFS share. (Pierre)
+ . Fixed bug #52929 (Segfault in filter_var with FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL with
+ large amount of data) (CVE-2010-3710). (Adam)
+- General improvements:
+ . Added stat support for zip stream. (Pierre)
+ . Added follow_location (enabled by default) option for the http stream
+ support. (Pierre)
+ . Improved support for is_link and related functions on Windows. (Pierre)
+ . Added a 3rd parameter to get_html_translation_table. It now takes a charset
+ hint, like htmlentities et al. (Gustavo)
+ . Added support for the ( and ) delimiters/separators to
+ DateTime::createFromFormat(). (Derick)
+- Implemented feature requests:
+ . Implemented FR #52348, Ability to detect zend multibyte at runtime. (Kalle)
+ . Implemented FR #52173, added functions pcntl_get_last_error() and
+ pcntl_strerror(). (nick dot telford at gmail dot com, Arnaud)
+ . Implemented symbolic links support for open_basedir checks. (Pierre)
+ . Implemented FR #51804, SplFileInfo::getLinkTarget on Windows. (Pierre)
+ . Implemented FR #50692, not uploaded files don't count towards
+ max_file_uploads limit. As a side improvement, temporary files are not opened
+ for empty uploads and, in debug mode, 0-length uploads. (Gustavo)
+- Improved MySQLnd:
+ . Added new character sets to mysqlnd, which are available in MySQL 5.5
+ (Andrey)
+- Improved PHP-FPM SAPI:
+ . Added '-p/--prefix' to php-fpm to use a custom prefix and run multiple
+ instances. (fat)
+ . Added custom process title for FPM. (fat)
+ . Added '-t/--test' to php-fpm to check and validate FPM conf file. (fat)
+ . Added statistics about listening socket queue length for FPM.
+ (andrei dot nigmatulin at gmail dot com, fat)
+- Core:
+ . Fixed bug in the Windows implementation of dns_get_record, where the two
+ last parameters wouldn't be filled unless the type were DNS_ANY (Gustavo).
+ . Changed the $context parameter on copy() to actually have an effect. (Kalle)
+ . Fixed htmlentities/htmlspecialchars accepting certain ill-formed UTF-8
+ sequences. (Gustavo)
+ . Fixed Bug #53319 (strip_tags() may strip '<br />' incorrectly). (Felipe)
+ . Fixed bug #53248 (rawurlencode RFC 3986 EBCDIC support misses tilde char).
+ (Justin Martin)
+ . Fixed bug #53226 (file_exists fails on big filenames). (Adam)
+ . Fixed bug #53198 (changing INI setting "from" with ini_set did not have any
+ effect). (Gustavo)
+ . Fixed bug #53180 (post_max_size=0 not disabling the limit when the content
+ type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded or is not registered with PHP).
+ (gm at tlink dot de, Gustavo)
+ . Fixed bug #53141 (autoload misbehaves if called from closing session).
+ (ladislav at marek dot su)
+ . Fixed bug #53021 (In html_entity_decode, failure to convert numeric entities
+ with ENT_NOQUOTES and ISO-8859-1). Fixed and extended the fix of ENT_NOQUOTES
+ in html_entity_decode that had introduced the bug (rev #185591) to other
+ encodings. Additionaly, html_entity_decode() now doesn't decode " if
+ ENT_NOQUOTES is given. (Gustavo)
+ . Fixed bug #52931 (strripos not overloaded with function overloading enabled).
+ (Felipe)
+ . Fixed bug #52772 (var_dump() doesn't check for the existence of
+ get_class_name before calling it). (Kalle, Gustavo)
+ . Fixed bug #52534 (var_export array with negative key). (Felipe)
+ . Fixed bug #52260 (dns_get_record fails with non-existing domain on Windows).
+ (a_jelly_doughnut at phpbb dot com, Pierre)
+ . Fixed bug #50953 (socket will not connect to IPv4 address when the host has
+ both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, on Windows). (Gustavo, Pierre)
+ . Fixed bug #50524 (proc_open on Windows does not respect cwd as it does on
+ other platforms). (Pierre)
+ . Fixed bug #49687 (utf8_decode vulnerabilities and deficiencies in the number
+ of reported malformed sequences). (CVE-2010-3870) (Gustavo)
+ . Fixed bug #49407 (get_html_translation_table doesn't handle UTF-8). (Gustavo)
+ . Fixed bug #48831 (php -i has different output to php --ini). (Richard,
+ Pierre)
+ . Fixed bug #47643 (array_diff() takes over 3000 times longer than php 5.2.4).
+ (Felipe)
+ . Fixed bug #25927 (get_html_translation_table calls the ' ' instead of
+ '). (Gustavo)
+- Zend engine:
+ . Reverted fix for bug #51176 (Static calling in non-static method behaves
+ like $this->). (Felipe)
+ . Changed deprecated ini options on startup from E_WARNING to E_DEPRECATED.
+ (Kalle)
+ . Fixed NULL dereference in lex_scan on zend multibyte builds where the script
+ had a flex incompatible encoding and there was no converter. (Gustavo)
+ . Fixed covariance of return-by-ref constraints. (Etienne)
+ . Fixed bug #53305 (E_NOTICE when defining a constant starts with
+ . Fixed bug #52939 (zend_call_function does not respect ZEND_SEND_PREFER_REF).
+ (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #52879 (Objects unreferenced in __get, __set, __isset or __unset
+ can be freed too early). (mail_ben_schmidt at yahoo dot com dot au, Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #52786 (PHP should reset section to [PHP] after ini sections).
+ (Fedora at famillecollet dot com)
+ . Fixed bug #52508 (newline problem with parse_ini_file+INI_SCANNER_RAW).
+ (Felipe)
+ . Fixed bug #52484 (__set() ignores setting properties with empty names).
+ (Felipe)
+ . Fixed bug #52361 (Throwing an exception in a destructor causes invalid
+ catching). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #51008 (Zend/tests/bug45877.phpt fails). (Dmitry)
+- Build issues:
+ . Fixed bug #52436 (Compile error if systems do not have stdint.h)
+ (Sriram Natarajan)
+ . Fixed bug #50345 (nanosleep not detected properly on some solaris versions).
+ (Ulf, Tony)
+ . Fixed bug #49215 (make fails on glob_wrapper). (Felipe)
+- Calendar extension:
+ . Fixed bug #52744 (cal_days_in_month incorrect for December 1 BCE).
+ (gpap at internet dot gr, Adam)
+- cURL extension:
+ . Fixed bug #52827 (cURL leaks handle and causes assertion error
+ (CURLOPT_STDERR)). (Gustavo)
+- DateTime extension:
+ . Fixed bug #53297 (gettimeofday implementation in php/win32/time.c can return
+ 1 million microsecs). (ped at 7gods dot org)
+ . Fixed bug #52668 (Iterating over a dateperiod twice is broken). (Derick)
+ . Fixed bug #52454 (Relative dates and getTimestamp increments by one day).
+ (Derick)
+ . Fixed bug #52430 (date_parse parse 24:xx:xx as valid time). (Derick)
+- Filter extension:
+ . Fixed the filter extension accepting IPv4 octets with a leading 0 as that
+ belongs to the unsupported "dotted octal" representation. (Gustavo)
+ . Fixed bug #53236 (problems in the validation of IPv6 addresses with leading
+ and trailing :: in the filter extension). (Gustavo)
+ . Fixed bug #50117 (problems in the validation of IPv6 addresses with IPv4
+ addresses and ::). (Gustavo)
+- GMP extension:
+ . Fixed bug #52906 (gmp_mod returns negative result when non-negative is
+ expected). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #52849 (GNU MP invalid version match). (Adam)
+- Iconv extension:
+ . Fixed bug #52941 (The 'iconv_mime_decode_headers' function is skipping
+ headers). (Adam)
+ . Fixed bug #52599 (iconv output handler outputs incorrect content type
+ when flags are used). (Ilia)
+- Intl extension:
+ . Fixed bug #50590 (IntlDateFormatter::parse result is limited to the integer
+ range). (Stas)
+- Mbstring extension:
+ . Fixed bug #53273 (mb_strcut() returns garbage with the excessive length
+ parameter). (CVE-2010-4156) (Mateusz Kocielski, Pierre, Moriyoshi)
+ . Fixed bug #52981 (Unicode casing table was out-of-date. Updated with
+ UnicodeData-6.0.0d7.txt and included the source of the generator program with
+ the distribution) (Gustavo).
+ . Fixed bug #52681 (mb_send_mail() appends an extra MIME-Version header).
+ (Adam)
+- MSSQL extension:
+ . Fixed possible crash in mssql_fetch_batch(). (Kalle)
+ . Fixed bug #52843 (Segfault when optional parameters are not passed in to
+ mssql_connect). (Felipe)
+- MySQL extension:
+ . Fixed bug #52636 (php_mysql_fetch_hash writes long value into int).
+ (Kalle, rein at basefarm dot no)
+- MySQLi extension:
+ . Fixed bug #52891 (Wrong data inserted with mysqli/mysqlnd when using
+ mysqli_stmt_bind_param and value> PHP_INT_MAX). (Andrey)
+ . Fixed bug #52686 (mysql_stmt_attr_[gs]et argument points to incorrect type).
+ (rein at basefarm dot no)
+ . Fixed bug #52654 (mysqli doesn't install headers with structures it uses).
+ (Andrey)
+ . Fixed bug #52433 (Call to undefined method mysqli::poll() - must be static).
+ (Andrey)
+ . Fixed bug #52417 (MySQLi build failure with mysqlnd on MacOS X). (Andrey)
+ . Fixed bug #52413 (MySQLi/libmysql build failure on OS X, FreeBSD). (Andrey)
+ . Fixed bug #52390 (mysqli_report() should be per-request setting). (Kalle)
+ . Fixed bug #52302 (mysqli_fetch_all does not work with MYSQLI_USE_RESULT).
+ (Andrey)
+ . Fixed bug #52221 (Misbehaviour of magic_quotes_runtime (get/set)). (Andrey)
+ . Fixed bug #45921 (Can't initialize character set hebrew). (Andrey)
+- MySQLnd:
+ . Fixed bug #52613 (crash in mysqlnd after hitting memory limit). (Andrey)
+- ODBC extension:
+ - Fixed bug #52512 (Broken error handling in odbc_execute).
+ (mkoegler at auto dot tuwien dot ac dot at)
+- Openssl extension:
+ . Fixed bug #53136 (Invalid read on openssl_csr_new()). (Felipe)
+ . Fixed bug #52947 (segfault when ssl stream option capture_peer_cert_chain
+ used). (Felipe)
+- Oracle Database extension (OCI8):
+ . Fixed bug #53284 (Valgrind warnings in oci_set_* functions) (Oracle Corp.)
+ . Fixed bug #51610 (Using oci_connect causes PHP to take a long time to
+ exit). Requires Oracle client libraries (or Oracle bug fix
+ 9891199) for this patch to have an effect. (Oracle Corp.)
+- PCNTL extension:
+ . Fixed bug #52784 (Race condition when handling many concurrent signals).
+ (nick dot telford at gmail dot com, Arnaud)
+- PCRE extension:
+ . Fixed bug #52971 (PCRE-Meta-Characters not working with utf-8). (Felipe)
+ . Fixed bug #52732 (Docs say preg_match() returns FALSE on error, but it
+ returns int(0)). (slugonamission at gmail dot com)
+ . Fixed inconsistent backlog default value (-1) in FPM on many systems. (fat)
+ . Fixed bug #52725 (gcc builtin atomic functions were sometimes used when they
+ were not available). (fat)
+ . Fixed bug #52693 (configuration file errors are not logged to stderr). (fat)
+ . Fixed bug #52674 (FPM Status page returns inconsistent Content-Type headers).
+ (fat)
+ . Fixed bug #52498 (libevent was not only linked to php-fpm). (fat)
+- PDO:
+ . Fixed bug #52699 (PDO bindValue writes long int 32bit enum).
+ (rein at basefarm dot no)
+ . Fixed bug #52487 (PDO::FETCH_INTO leaks memory). (Felipe)
+- PDO DBLib driver:
+ . Fixed bug #52546 (pdo_dblib segmentation fault when iterating MONEY values).
+ (Felipe)
+- PDO Firebird driver:
+ . Fixed bug #53335 (pdo_firebird did not implement rowCount()).
+ (preeves at ibphoenix dot com)
+ . Fixed bug #53323 (pdo_firebird getAttribute() crash).
+ (preeves at ibphoenix dot com)
+- PDO MySQL driver:
+ . Fixed bug #52745 (Binding params doesn't work when selecting a date inside a
+ CASE-WHEN). (Andrey)
+- PostgreSQL extension:
+ . Fixed bug #47199 (pg_delete() fails on NULL). (ewgraf at gmail dot com)
+- Reflection extension:
+ . Fixed ReflectionProperty::isDefault() giving a wrong result for properties
+ obtained with ReflectionClass::getProperties(). (Gustavo)
+- SOAP extension:
+ . Fixed bug #44248 (RFC2616 transgression while HTTPS request through proxy
+ with SoapClient object). (Dmitry)
+- SPL extension:
+ . Fixed bug #53279 (SplFileObject doesn't initialise default CSV escape
+ character). (Adam)
+ . Fixed bug #53144 (Segfault in SplObjectStorage::removeAll()). (Felipe)
+ . Fixed bug #53071 (SPLObjectStorage defeats gc_collect_cycles). (Gustavo)
+ . Fixed bug #52573 (SplFileObject::fscanf Segmentation fault). (Felipe)
+ . Fixed bug #51763 (SplFileInfo::getType() does not work symbolic link
+ and directory). (Pierre)
+ . Fixed bug #50481 (Storing many SPLFixedArray in an array crashes). (Felipe)
+ . Fixed bug #50579 (RegexIterator::REPLACE doesn't work). (Felipe)
+- Streams:
+ . Fixed forward stream seeking emulation in streams that don't support seeking
+ in situations where the read operation gives back less data than requested
+ and when there was data in the buffer before the emulation started. Also made
+ more consistent its behavior -- should return failure every time less data
+ than was requested was skipped. (Gustavo)
+ . Fixed bug #53241 (stream casting that relies on fdopen/fopencookie fails
+ with streams opened with, inter alia, the 'xb' mode). (Gustavo)
+ . Fixed bug #53006 (stream_get_contents has an unpredictable behavior when the
+ underlying stream does not support seeking). (Gustavo)
+ . Fixed bug #52944 (Invalid write on second and subsequent reads with an
+ inflate filter fed invalid data). (Gustavo)
+ . Fixed bug #52820 (writes to fopencookie FILE* not commited when seeking the
+ stream). (Gustavo)
+- WDDX extension:
+ . Fixed bug #52468 (wddx_deserialize corrupts integer field value when left
+ empty). (Felipe)
+- Zlib extension:
+ . Fixed bug #52926 (zlib fopen wrapper does not use context). (Gustavo)
22 Jul 2010, PHP 5.3.3
- Upgraded bundled sqlite to version (Ilia)