virtual void indicatePessimisticFixpoint() = 0;
+/// Simple state with integers encoding.
+/// The interface ensures that the assumed bits are always a subset of the known
+/// bits. Users can only add known bits and, except through adding known bits,
+/// they can only remove assumed bits. This should guarantee monotoniticy and
+/// thereby the existence of a fixpoint (if used corretly). The fixpoint is
+/// reached when the assumed and known state/bits are equal. Users can
+/// force/inidicate a fixpoint. If an optimistic one is indicated, the known
+/// state will catch up with the assumed one, for a pessimistic fixpoint it is
+/// the other way around.
+struct IntegerState : public AbstractState {
+ /// Undrlying integer type, we assume 32 bits to be enough.
+ using base_t = uint32_t;
+ /// Initialize the (best) state.
+ IntegerState(base_t BestState = ~0) : Assumed(BestState) {}
+ /// Return the worst possible representable state.
+ static constexpr base_t getWorstState() { return 0; }
+ /// See AbstractState::isValidState()
+ /// NOTE: For now we simply pretend that the worst possible state is invalid.
+ bool isValidState() const override { return Assumed != getWorstState(); }
+ /// See AbstractState::isAtFixpoint()
+ bool isAtFixpoint() const override { return Assumed == Known; }
+ /// See AbstractState::indicateOptimisticFixpoint(...)
+ void indicateOptimisticFixpoint() override { Known = Assumed; }
+ /// See AbstractState::indicatePessimisticFixpoint(...)
+ void indicatePessimisticFixpoint() override { Assumed = Known; }
+ /// Return the known state encoding
+ base_t getKnown() const { return Known; }
+ /// Return the assumed state encoding.
+ base_t getAssumed() const { return Assumed; }
+ /// Return true if the bits set in \p BitsEncoding are "known bits".
+ bool isKnown(base_t BitsEncoding) const {
+ return (Known & BitsEncoding) == BitsEncoding;
+ }
+ /// Return true if the bits set in \p BitsEncoding are "assumed bits".
+ bool isAssumed(base_t BitsEncoding) const {
+ return (Assumed & BitsEncoding) == BitsEncoding;
+ }
+ /// Add the bits in \p BitsEncoding to the "known bits".
+ IntegerState &addKnownBits(base_t Bits) {
+ // Make sure we never miss any "known bits".
+ Assumed |= Bits;
+ Known |= Bits;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// Remove the bits in \p BitsEncoding from the "assumed bits" if not known.
+ IntegerState &removeAssumedBits(base_t BitsEncoding) {
+ // Make sure we never loose any "known bits".
+ Assumed = (Assumed & ~BitsEncoding) | Known;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// Keep only "assumed bits" also set in \p BitsEncoding but all known ones.
+ IntegerState &intersectAssumedBits(base_t BitsEncoding) {
+ // Make sure we never loose any "known bits".
+ Assumed = (Assumed & BitsEncoding) | Known;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// The known state encoding in an integer of type base_t.
+ base_t Known = getWorstState();
+ /// The assumed state encoding in an integer of type base_t.
+ base_t Assumed;
+/// Simple wrapper for a single bit (boolean) state.
+struct BooleanState : public IntegerState {
+ BooleanState() : IntegerState(1){};
/// Base struct for all "concrete attribute" deductions.
/// The abstract attribute is a minimal interface that allows the Attributor to