-/* NetHack 3.6 detect.c $NHDT-Date: 1541144458 2018/11/02 07:40:58 $ $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6.2-beta01 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.85 $ */
+/* NetHack 3.6 detect.c $NHDT-Date: 1522891623 2018/04/05 01:27:03 $ $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6.0 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.81 $ */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/*-Copyright (c) Robert Patrick Rankin, 2018. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
register int zx, zy;
struct monst *mtmp;
+ struct obj *otmp;
+ long save_EDetect_mons;
+ char save_viz_uyux;
boolean unconstrained, refresh = FALSE, mdetected = FALSE,
- extended = (sobj && sobj->blessed);
- int lo_y = ((u.uy - 5 < 0) ? 0 : u.uy - 5),
+ /* fake spellbook 'sobj' implies hero has cast the spell;
+ when book is blessed, casting is skilled or expert level;
+ if already clairvoyant, non-skilled spell acts like skilled */
+ extended = (sobj && (sobj->blessed || Clairvoyant));
+ int newglyph, oldglyph,
+ lo_y = ((u.uy - 5 < 0) ? 0 : u.uy - 5),
hi_y = ((u.uy + 6 >= ROWNO) ? ROWNO - 1 : u.uy + 6),
lo_x = ((u.ux - 9 < 1) ? 1 : u.ux - 9), /* avoid column 0 */
hi_x = ((u.ux + 10 >= COLNO) ? COLNO - 1 : u.ux + 10),
+ /*
+ * 3.6.0 attempted to emphasize terrain over transient map
+ * properties (monsters and objects) but that led to problems.
+ * Notably, known trap would be displayed instead of a monster
+ * on or in it and then the display remained that way after the
+ * clairvoyant snapshot finished. That could have been fixed by
+ * issuing --More-- and then regular vision update, but we want
+ * to avoid that when having a clairvoyant episode every N turns
+ * (from donating to a temple priest or by carrying the Amulet).
+ * Unlike when casting the spell, it is much too intrustive when
+ * in the midst of walking around or combatting monsters.
+ *
+ * For 3.6.2, show terrain, then object, then monster like regular
+ * map updating, except in this case the map locations get marked
+ * as seen from every direction rather than just from direction of
+ * hero. Skilled spell marks revealed objects as 'seen up close'
+ * (but for piles, only the top item) and shows monsters as if
+ * detected. Non-skilled and timed clairvoyance reveals non-visible
+ * monsters as 'remembered, unseen'.
+ */
+ /* if hero is engulfed, show engulfer at <u.ux,u.uy> */
+ save_viz_uyux = viz_array[u.uy][u.ux];
+ if (u.uswallow)
+ viz_array[u.uy][u.ux] |= IN_SIGHT; /* <x,y> are reversed to [y][x] */
+ save_EDetect_mons = EDetect_monsters;
+ /* for skilled spell, getpos() scanning of the map will display all
+ monsters within range; otherwise, "unseen creature" will be shown */
+ EDetect_monsters |= I_SPECIAL;
unconstrained = unconstrain_map();
for (zx = lo_x; zx <= hi_x; zx++)
for (zy = lo_y; zy <= hi_y; zy++) {
+ oldglyph = glyph_at(zx, zy);
+ /* this will remove 'remembered, unseen mon' (and objects) */
show_map_spot(zx, zy);
- if (extended && (mtmp = m_at(zx, zy)) != 0
+ /* if there are any objects here, see the top one */
+ if (OBJ_AT(zx, zy)) {
+ /* not vobj_at(); this is not vision-based access;
+ unlike object detection, we don't notice buried items */
+ otmp = level.objects[zx][zy];
+ if (extended)
+ otmp->dknown = 1;
+ map_object(otmp, TRUE);
+ }
+ /* if there is a monster here, see or detect it,
+ possibly as "remembered, unseen monster" */
+ if ((mtmp = m_at(zx, zy)) != 0
&& mtmp->mx == zx && mtmp->my == zy) { /* skip worm tails */
- int oldglyph = glyph_at(zx, zy);
- map_monst(mtmp, FALSE);
- if (glyph_at(zx, zy) != oldglyph)
+ /* if we're going to offer browse_map()/getpos() scanning of
+ the map and we're not doing extended/blessed clairvoyance
+ (hence must be swallowed or underwater), show "unseen
+ creature" unless map already displayed a monster here */
+ if ((unconstrained || !level.flags.hero_memory)
+ && !extended && (zx != u.ux || zy != u.uy)
+ && !glyph_is_monster(oldglyph))
+ map_invisible(zx, zy);
+ else
+ map_monst(mtmp, FALSE);
+ newglyph = glyph_at(zx, zy);
+ if (extended && newglyph != oldglyph
+ && !glyph_is_invisible(newglyph))
mdetected = TRUE;
You("sense your surroundings.");
if (extended || glyph_is_monster(glyph_at(u.ux, u.uy)))
ter_typ |= TER_MON;
- if (extended)
- EDetect_monsters |= I_SPECIAL;
browse_map(ter_typ, "anything of interest");
- EDetect_monsters &= ~I_SPECIAL;
refresh = TRUE;
+ EDetect_monsters = save_EDetect_mons;
+ viz_array[u.uy][u.ux] = save_viz_uyux;
+ /* replace monsters with remembered,unseen monster, then run
+ see_monsters() to update visible ones and warned-of ones */
+ for (zx = lo_x; zx <= hi_x; zx++)
+ for (zy = lo_y; zy <= hi_y; zy++) {
+ if (zx == u.ux && zy == u.uy)
+ continue;
+ newglyph = glyph_at(zx, zy);
+ if (glyph_is_monster(newglyph)
+ && glyph_to_mon(newglyph) != PM_LONG_WORM_TAIL)
+ map_invisible(zx, zy);
+ }
+ see_monsters();
if (refresh)