-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Changes with Apache 2.4.33
+ *) htpasswd/htdbm: report the right limit when get_password() overflows.
+ [Yann Ylavic]
*) htpasswd: Don't fail in -v mode if password file is unwritable.
PR 61631. [Joe Orton]
2.4.x patch: svn merge -c 1826686 ^/httpd/httpd/trunk .
+1: jailletc36, ylavic, covener
- *) htpasswd/htdbm: report the right limit when get_password() overflows.
- This brings 2.4.x passwd_common.c in sync with trunk.
- trunk patch: http://svn.apache.org/r1781516
- 2.4.x patch: svn merge -c 1781516 ^/httpd/httpd/trunk .
- plus CHANGES
- +1: rjung, covener, jailletc36
*) ab: try all destination socket addresses returned by apr_sockaddr_info_get
instead of failing on first one when not available.
Needed for instance if localhost resolves to both ::1 and
+1: rjung
ylavic: likewise, patch not found
- *) mod_slomem_shm: Fix failure to create balancers's slotmems in Windows MPM,
+ *) mod_slotmem_shm: Fix failure to create balancers's slotmems in Windows MPM,
where children processes need to attach them instead since they are owned
by the parent process already.
trunk patch: http://svn.apache.org/r1826845