+static void test_ptarray_contains_point()
+/* int ptarray_contains_point(const POINTARRAY *pa, const POINT2D *pt) */
+ LWLINE *lwline;
+ POINT2D pt;
+ int rv;
+ lwline = lwgeom_as_lwline(lwgeom_from_text("LINESTRING(0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0)"));
+ pa = lwline->points;
+ /* Point in middle of square */
+ pt.x = 0.5;
+ pt.y = 0.5;
+ rv = ptarray_contains_point(pa, &pt);
+ /* Point on left edge of square */
+ pt.x = 0;
+ pt.y = 0.5;
+ rv = ptarray_contains_point(pa, &pt);
+ /* Point on top edge of square */
+ pt.x = 0.5;
+ pt.y = 1;
+ rv = ptarray_contains_point(pa, &pt);
+ /* Point on bottom left corner of square */
+ pt.x = 0;
+ pt.y = 0;
+ rv = ptarray_contains_point(pa, &pt);
+ /* Point on top left corner of square */
+ pt.x = 0;
+ pt.y = 1;
+ rv = ptarray_contains_point(pa, &pt);
+ /* Point outside top left corner of square */
+ pt.x = -0.1;
+ pt.y = 1;
+ rv = ptarray_contains_point(pa, &pt);
+ CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(rv, -1);
+ /* Point outside top left corner of square */
+ pt.x = 0;
+ pt.y = 1.1;
+ rv = ptarray_contains_point(pa, &pt);
+ CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(rv, -1);
+ /* Point outside left side of square */
+ pt.x = -0.2;
+ pt.y = 0.5;
+ rv = ptarray_contains_point(pa, &pt);
+ CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(rv, -1);
+ lwline_free(lwline);
+ lwline = lwgeom_as_lwline(lwgeom_from_text("LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1, 2 0, 0 0)"));
+ pa = lwline->points;
+ /* Point outside grazing top of triangle */
+ pt.x = 0;
+ pt.y = 1;
+ rv = ptarray_contains_point(pa, &pt);
+ CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(rv, -1);
+ lwline_free(lwline);
+ lwline = lwgeom_as_lwline(lwgeom_from_text("LINESTRING(0 0, 0 4, 1 4, 2 2, 3 4, 4 4, 4 0, 0 0)"));
+ pa = lwline->points;
+ /* Point outside grazing top of triangle */
+ pt.x = 1;
+ pt.y = 2;
+ rv = ptarray_contains_point(pa, &pt);
+ /* Point outside grazing top of triangle */
+ pt.x = 3;
+ pt.y = 2;
+ rv = ptarray_contains_point(pa, &pt);
+ lwline_free(lwline);
** Used by the test harness to register the tests in this file.
+ PG_TEST(test_ptarray_contains_point),
CU_SuiteInfo ptarray_suite = {"ptarray", NULL, NULL, ptarray_tests };
int lwtin_is_closed(const LWTIN *tin);
+int lw_pt_in_seg(const POINT2D *P, const POINT2D *A1, const POINT2D *A2);
+int ptarray_contains_point(const POINTARRAY *pa, const POINT2D *pt);
* Split a line by a point and push components to the provided multiline.
* If the point doesn't split the line, push nothing to the container.
-** lw_segment_side()
-** Return < 0.0 if point Q is left of segment P
-** Return > 0.0 if point Q is right of segment P
-** Return = 0.0 if point Q in on segment P
+* lw_segment_side()
+* Return < 0.0 if point Q is left of segment P
+* Return > 0.0 if point Q is right of segment P
+* Return = 0.0 if point Q in on segment P
double lw_segment_side(const POINT2D *p1, const POINT2D *p2, const POINT2D *q)
int lw_segment_envelope_intersects(const POINT2D *p1, const POINT2D *p2, const POINT2D *q1, const POINT2D *q2)
double minq=FP_MIN(q1->x,q2->x);
* Returns true if P is between A1/A2. Only makes sense if P has already been
* deterined to be on the line defined by A1/A2.
-static int
lw_pt_in_seg(const POINT2D *P, const POINT2D *A1, const POINT2D *A2)
- return ((A1->x < P->x && P->x < A2->x) || (A1->x > P->x && P->x > A2->x)) ||
- ((A1->y < P->y && P->y < A2->y) || (A1->y > P->y && P->y > A2->y));
+ return ((A1->x <= P->x && P->x < A2->x) || (A1->x >= P->x && P->x > A2->x)) ||
+ ((A1->y <= P->y && P->y < A2->y) || (A1->y >= P->y && P->y > A2->y));
return ptarray_is_closed_2d(in);
+* Return -1 if the point is inside the POINTARRAY, 1 if it is outside,
+* and 0 if it is on the boundary.
+ptarray_contains_point(const POINTARRAY *pa, const POINT2D *pt)
+ int wn = 0;
+ int i;
+ double side;
+ const POINT2D *seg1;
+ const POINT2D *seg2;
+ double ymin, ymax;
+ seg1 = getPoint2d_cp(pa, 0);
+ seg2 = getPoint2d_cp(pa, pa->npoints-1);
+ if ( ! p2d_same(seg1, seg2) )
+ lwerror("ptarray_contains_point called on unclosed ring");
+ for ( i=1; i < pa->npoints; i++ )
+ {
+ seg2 = getPoint2d_cp(pa, i);
+ /* Zero length segments are ignored. */
+ if ( seg1->x == seg2->x && seg1->y == seg2->y )
+ continue;
+ ymin = FP_MIN(seg1->y, seg2->y);
+ ymax = FP_MAX(seg1->y, seg2->y);
+ /* Only test segments in our vertical range */
+ if ( pt->y > ymax || pt->y < ymin )
+ {
+ seg1 = seg2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ side = lw_segment_side(seg1, seg2, pt);
+ /*
+ * A point on the boundary of a ring is not contained.
+ * WAS: if (fabs(side) < 1e-12), see #852
+ */
+ if ( (side == 0.0) && lw_pt_in_seg(pt, seg1, seg2) )
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If the point is to the left of the line, and it's rising,
+ * then the line is to the right of the point and
+ * circling counter-clockwise, so incremement.
+ */
+ if ( (side < 0) && (seg1->y <= pt->y) && (pt->y < seg2->y) )
+ {
+ wn++;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If the point is to the right of the line, and it's falling,
+ * then the line is to the right of the point and circling
+ * clockwise, so decrement.
+ */
+ else if ( (side > 0) && (seg2->y <= pt->y) && (pt->y < seg1->y) )
+ {
+ wn--;
+ }
+ seg1 = seg2;
+ }
+ /* Outside */
+ if (wn == 0)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Inside */
+ return 1;
ptarray_force_dims(const POINTARRAY *pa, int hasz, int hasm)