win32: strip illegal file name characters from plname and replace with '_'
win32: don't let recover build a save file out of level files belonging
to an active NetHack.exe or NetHackw.exe process
+win32: SELF_RECOVER to let NetHack itself recover aborted games
win32gui: make error() work; it was essentially non-operative in 3.4.0
win32gui: fix alignment of columns in menu windows
win32gui: Window menu File|Save worked during #quit disclosure processing
Gnome/Linux: more portable getres*id workaround
msdos: compiling without NO_TERMS resulted in a link-time error
msdos: reworked Makefile.GCC to get rid of need to duplicate source files
+msdos,win32: stop doing chdir when NOCWD_ASSUMPTIONS is defined
General New Features