Note: many sites disable SMTP \samp{VRFY} in order to foil spammers.
+\begin{methoddesc}{login}{user, password}
+Log in on an SMTP server that requires authentication.
+The arguments are the username and the password to authenticate with.
+If there has been no previous \samp{EHLO} or \samp{HELO} command this
+session, this method tries ESMTP \samp{EHLO} first.
+This method will return normally if the authentication was successful,
+or may raise the following exceptions:
+ \item[\exception{SMTPHeloError}]
+ The server didn't reply properly to the \samp{HELO} greeting.
+ \item[\exception{SMTPAuthenticationError}]
+ The server didn't accept the username/password combination.
+ \item[\exception{SMTPError}]
+ No suitable authentication method was found.
\begin{methoddesc}{sendmail}{from_addr, to_addrs, msg\optional{,
mail_options, rcpt_options}}
Send mail. The required arguments are an \rfc{822} from-address