Problem: More functions can be used as methods.
Solution: Make various functions usable as a method.
-*eval.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Sep 04
+*eval.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Sep 06
number. Otherwise return the buffer number of the newly
created buffer. When {name} is an empty string then a new
buffer is always created.
- The buffer will not have' 'buflisted' set and not be loaded
+ The buffer will not have 'buflisted' set and not be loaded
yet. To add some text to the buffer use this: >
let bufnr = bufadd('someName')
call bufload(bufnr)
buffer is used.
Returns a unique ID that can be passed to |listener_remove()|.
- The {callback} is invoked with four arguments:
+ The {callback} is invoked with five arguments:
a:bufnr the buffer that was changed
a:start first changed line number
a:end first line number below the change
only the items listed in {what} are set. Refer to |setqflist()|
for the list of supported keys in {what}.
+ Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
+ second argument: >
+ GetLoclist()->setloclist(winnr)
setmatches({list} [, {win}]) *setmatches()*
Restores a list of matches saved by |getmatches() for the
current window|. Returns 0 if successful, otherwise -1. All
If {win} is specified, use the window with this number or
window ID instead of the current window.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetMatches()->setmatches()
setpos({expr}, {list})
Set the position for {expr}. Possible values:
also set the preferred column. Also see the "curswant" key in
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetPosition()->setpos('.')
setqflist({list} [, {action} [, {what}]]) *setqflist()*
Create or replace or add to the quickfix list.
independent of the 'errorformat' setting. Use a command like
`:cc 1` to jump to the first position.
+ Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
+ second argument: >
+ GetErrorlist()->setqflist()
setreg({regname}, {value} [, {options}])
Set the register {regname} to {value}.
nothing: >
:call setreg('a', '', 'al')
+< Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
+ second argument: >
+ GetText()->setreg('a')
settabvar({tabnr}, {varname}, {val}) *settabvar()*
Set tab-local variable {varname} to {val} in tab page {tabnr}.
Tabs are numbered starting with one.
This function is not available in the |sandbox|.
+ Can also be used as a |method|, the base is used as the value: >
+ GetValue()->settabvar(tab, name)
settabwinvar({tabnr}, {winnr}, {varname}, {val}) *settabwinvar()*
Set option or local variable {varname} in window {winnr} to
:call settabwinvar(3, 2, "myvar", "foobar")
< This function is not available in the |sandbox|.
+ Can also be used as a |method|, the base is used as the value: >
+ GetValue()->settabvar(tab, winnr, name)
settagstack({nr}, {dict} [, {action}]) *settagstack()*
Modify the tag stack of the window {nr} using {dict}.
{nr} can be the window number or the |window-ID|.
call settagstack(1003, stack)
unlet stack
-setwinvar({nr}, {varname}, {val}) *setwinvar()*
+ Can also be used as a |method|, the base is used as the Dict: >
+ GetStack()->settagstack(winnr)
+setwinvar({winnr}, {varname}, {val}) *setwinvar()*
Like |settabwinvar()| for the current tab page.
Examples: >
:call setwinvar(1, "&list", 0)
:call setwinvar(2, "myvar", "foobar")
+< Can also be used as a |method|, the base is used as the value: >
+ GetValue()->setwinvar(winnr, name)
sha256({string}) *sha256()*
Returns a String with 64 hex characters, which is the SHA256
checksum of {string}.
- {only available when compiled with the |+cryptv| feature}
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetText()->sha256()
+< {only available when compiled with the |+cryptv| feature}
shellescape({string} [, {special}]) *shellescape()*
Escape {string} for use as a shell command argument.
:call system("chmod +w -- " . shellescape(expand("%")))
< See also |::S|.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetCommand()->shellescape()
shiftwidth([{col}]) *shiftwidth()*
Returns the effective value of 'shiftwidth'. This is the
'vartabstop' feature. If the 'vartabstop' setting is enabled and
no {col} argument is given, column 1 will be assumed.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetColumn()->shiftwidth()
sign_ functions are documented here: |sign-functions-details|
#define FEARG_1 1 // base is the first argument
#define FEARG_2 2 // base is the second argument
#define FEARG_3 3 // base is the third argument
+#define FEARG_4 4 // base is the fourth argument
#define FEARG_LAST 9 // base is the last argument
static funcentry_T global_functions[] =
{"setenv", 2, 2, FEARG_2, f_setenv},
{"setfperm", 2, 2, FEARG_1, f_setfperm},
{"setline", 2, 2, FEARG_2, f_setline},
- {"setloclist", 2, 4, 0, f_setloclist},
- {"setmatches", 1, 2, 0, f_setmatches},
- {"setpos", 2, 2, 0, f_setpos},
- {"setqflist", 1, 3, 0, f_setqflist},
- {"setreg", 2, 3, 0, f_setreg},
- {"settabvar", 3, 3, 0, f_settabvar},
- {"settabwinvar", 4, 4, 0, f_settabwinvar},
- {"settagstack", 2, 3, 0, f_settagstack},
- {"setwinvar", 3, 3, 0, f_setwinvar},
+ {"setloclist", 2, 4, FEARG_2, f_setloclist},
+ {"setmatches", 1, 2, FEARG_1, f_setmatches},
+ {"setpos", 2, 2, FEARG_2, f_setpos},
+ {"setqflist", 1, 3, FEARG_1, f_setqflist},
+ {"setreg", 2, 3, FEARG_2, f_setreg},
+ {"settabvar", 3, 3, FEARG_3, f_settabvar},
+ {"settabwinvar", 4, 4, FEARG_4, f_settabwinvar},
+ {"settagstack", 2, 3, FEARG_2, f_settagstack},
+ {"setwinvar", 3, 3, FEARG_3, f_setwinvar},
- {"sha256", 1, 1, 0, f_sha256},
+ {"sha256", 1, 1, FEARG_1, f_sha256},
- {"shellescape", 1, 2, 0, f_shellescape},
- {"shiftwidth", 0, 1, 0, f_shiftwidth},
+ {"shellescape", 1, 2, FEARG_1, f_shellescape},
+ {"shiftwidth", 0, 1, FEARG_1, f_shiftwidth},
{"sign_define", 1, 2, FEARG_1, f_sign_define},
{"sign_getdefined", 0, 1, FEARG_1, f_sign_getdefined},
for (i = 2; i < argcount; ++i)
argv[i + 1] = argvars[i];
+ else if (global_functions[fi].f_argtype == FEARG_4)
+ {
+ // base value goes fourth
+ argv[0] = argvars[0];
+ argv[1] = argvars[1];
+ argv[2] = argvars[2];
+ argv[3] = *basetv;
+ for (i = 3; i < argcount; ++i)
+ argv[i + 1] = argvars[i];
+ }
// FEARG_1: base value goes first
tabnew | let w3_id = win_getid()
new | let w4_id = win_getid()
vert new | let w5_id = win_getid()
- call setwinvar(0, 'signal', 'green')
+ eval 'green'->setwinvar(0, 'signal')
let winlist = getwininfo()
call assert_equal(5, len(winlist))
" Very short version of what matchparen does.
function s:Highlight_Matching_Pair()
let save_cursor = getcurpos()
- call setpos('.', save_cursor)
+ eval save_cursor->setpos('.')
func Test_curswant_with_autocommand()
let set[0]['conceal'] = 5
let exp[0]['conceal'] = '5'
- call setmatches(set)
+ eval set->setmatches()
call assert_equal(exp, getmatches())
let save_shell = &shell
set shell=bash
call assert_equal("'text'", shellescape('text'))
- call assert_equal("'te\"xt'", shellescape('te"xt'))
+ call assert_equal("'te\"xt'", 'te"xt'->shellescape())
call assert_equal("'te'\\''xt'", shellescape("te'xt"))
call assert_equal("'te%xt'", shellescape("te%xt"))
call assert_equal(['Line 3', '', 'Line 1', 'Line2'], getline(1,'$'))
" clean up
- call setreg('a', a[0], a[1])
+ eval a[0]->setreg('a', a[1])
func Test_put_expr()
" NOTE: problem 1:
" intentionally not setting 'lnum' so that the quickfix entries are not
" valid
- call setloclist(0, qflist, ' ')
+ eval qflist->setloclist(0, ' ')
" Test A
func Test_setqflist_invalid_nr()
" The following command used to crash Vim
- call setqflist([], ' ', {'nr' : $XXX_DOES_NOT_EXIST})
+ eval []->setqflist(' ', {'nr' : $XXX_DOES_NOT_EXIST})
func Test_quickfix_set_list_with_act()
function Test_sha256()
" test for empty string:
- call assert_equal(sha256(""), 'e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855')
+ call assert_equal('e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855', sha256(""))
"'test for 1 char:
- call assert_equal(sha256("a"), 'ca978112ca1bbdcafac231b39a23dc4da786eff8147c4e72b9807785afee48bb')
+ call assert_equal('ca978112ca1bbdcafac231b39a23dc4da786eff8147c4e72b9807785afee48bb', sha256("a"))
"test for 3 chars:
- call assert_equal(sha256("abc"), 'ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad')
+ call assert_equal('ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad', "abc"->sha256())
" test for contains meta char:
- call assert_equal(sha256("foo\nbar"), '807eff6267f3f926a21d234f7b0cf867a86f47e07a532f15e8cc39ed110ca776')
+ call assert_equal('807eff6267f3f926a21d234f7b0cf867a86f47e07a532f15e8cc39ed110ca776', sha256("foo\nbar"))
" test for contains non-ascii char:
- call assert_equal(sha256("\xde\xad\xbe\xef"), '5f78c33274e43fa9de5659265c1d917e25c03722dcb0b8d27db8d5feaa813953')
+ call assert_equal('5f78c33274e43fa9de5659265c1d917e25c03722dcb0b8d27db8d5feaa813953', sha256("\xde\xad\xbe\xef"))
call settabvar(2, 'val_num', 100)
- call settabvar(2, 'val_str', 'SetTabVar test')
+ eval 'SetTabVar test'->settabvar(2, 'val_str')
call settabvar(2, 'val_list', ['red', 'blue', 'green'])
call assert_true(gettabvar(2, 'val_num') == 100 && gettabvar(2, 'val_str') == 'SetTabVar test' && gettabvar(2, 'val_list') == ['red', 'blue', 'green'])
let s:li = split(join(map(copy(winr), 'gettabwinvar('.tabn.', v:val, "a")')), '\s\+')
call assert_equal(['a', 'a'], s:li)
let s:li = []
- C call map(copy(winr), 'settabwinvar('.tabn.', v:val, ''a'', v:val*2)')
+ C call map(copy(winr), '(v:val*2)->settabwinvar(' .. tabn .. ', v:val, ''a'')')
let s:li = split(join(map(copy(winr), 'gettabwinvar('.tabn.', v:val, "a")')), '\s\+')
call assert_equal(['2', '4'], s:li)
" Try to set current index to invalid values
call settagstack(1, {'curidx' : -1})
call assert_equal(1, gettagstack().curidx)
- call settagstack(1, {'curidx' : 50})
+ eval {'curidx' : 50}->settagstack(1)
call assert_equal(4, gettagstack().curidx)
" Try pushing invalid items onto the stack
let lines = ScreenLines([1, 2], winwidth(0))
call s:compare_lines(expect2, lines)
call assert_equal(20, shiftwidth(virtcol('.')-2))
- call assert_equal(30, shiftwidth(virtcol('.')))
+ call assert_equal(30, virtcol('.')->shiftwidth())
norm! $>>
let expect3 = [' ', ' x ', '~ ']
let lines = ScreenLines([1, 3], winwidth(0))
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1996,