. Fixed bug #71559 (Built-in HTTP server, we can download file in web by bug).
(Johannes, Anatol)
+- CURL:
+ . Fixed bug #71523 (Copied handle with new option CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER crashes
+ while curl_multi_exec). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed memory leak in curl_getinfo(). (Leigh)
- Date:
. Fixed bug #71525 (Calls to date_modify will mutate timelib_rel_time,
causing date_date_set issues). (Sean DuBois)
+- Fileinfo:
+ . Fixed bug #71434 (finfo throws notice for specific python file). (Laruence)
- FPM:
+ . Fixed bug #62172 (FPM not working with Apache httpd 2.4 balancer/fcgi
+ setup). (Matt Haught, Remi)
. Fixed bug #71269 (php-fpm dumped core). (Mickaƫl)
- Opcache:
. Fixed bug #71537 (PCRE segfault from Opcache). (Laruence)
-- CURL:
- . Fixed bug #71523 (Copied handle with new option CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER crashes
- while curl_multi_exec). (Laruence)
- . Fixed memory leak in curl_getinfo(). (Leigh)
-- Fileinfo:
- . Fixed bug #71434 (finfo throws notice for specific python file). (Laruence)
-- FPM:
- . Fixed bug #62172 (FPM not working with Apache httpd 2.4 balancer/fcgi
- setup). (Matt Haught, Remi)
- phpdbg:
. Fixed inherited functions from unspecified files being included in
phpdbg_get_executable(). (Bob)