if (@replycheck) {
# we use this file instead to check the final output against
+ # get the mode attribute
+ my $filemode=$replycheckattr{'mode'};
+ if($filemode && ($filemode eq "text") && $has_textaware) {
+ # text mode when running on windows: fix line endings
+ map s/\r\n/\n/g, @replycheck;
+ map s/\n/\r\n/g, @replycheck;
+ }
if($replycheckattr{'nonewline'}) {
# Yes, we must cut off the final newline from the final line
# of the datacheck
- if($replycheckattr{'mode'}) {
- $replyattr{'mode'} = $replycheckattr{'mode'};
+ for my $partsuffix (('1', '2', '3', '4')) {
+ my @replycheckpart = getpart("reply", "datacheck".$partsuffix);
+ if(@replycheckpart || partexists("reply", "datacheck".$partsuffix) ) {
+ my %replycheckpartattr = getpartattr("reply", "datacheck".$partsuffix);
+ # get the mode attribute
+ my $filemode=$replycheckpartattr{'mode'};
+ if($filemode && ($filemode eq "text") && $has_textaware) {
+ # text mode when running on windows: fix line endings
+ map s/\r\n/\n/g, @replycheckpart;
+ map s/\n/\r\n/g, @replycheckpart;
+ }
+ if($replycheckpartattr{'nonewline'}) {
+ # Yes, we must cut off the final newline from the final line
+ # of the datacheck
+ chomp($replycheckpart[$#replycheckpart]);
+ }
+ push(@replycheck, @replycheckpart);
+ }
+ else {
+ # get the mode attribute
+ my $filemode=$replyattr{'mode'};
+ if($filemode && ($filemode eq "text") && $has_textaware) {
+ # text mode when running on windows: fix line endings
+ map s/\r\n/\n/g, @reply;
+ map s/\n/\r\n/g, @reply;
+ }
+ }
# this is the valid protocol blurb curl should generate
my @protocol= fixarray ( getpart("verify", "protocol") );
if(!$replyattr{'nocheck'} && (@reply || $replyattr{'sendzero'})) {
# verify the received data
my @out = loadarray($CURLOUT);
- # get the mode attribute
- my $filemode=$replyattr{'mode'};
- if($filemode && ($filemode eq "text") && $has_textaware) {
- # text mode when running on windows: fix line endings
- map s/\r\n/\n/g, @reply;
- map s/\n/\r\n/g, @reply;
- }
$res = compare($testnum, $testname, "data", \@out, \@reply);
if ($res) {
return 1;