raise SystemError, "msisupport.dll for incorrect architecture"
if msilib.Win64:
upgrade_code = upgrade_code_64
+ # Bump the last digit of the code by one, so that 32-bit and 64-bit
+ # releases get separate product codes
+ digit = hex((int(product_code[-2],16)+1)%16)[-1]
+ product_code = product_code[:-2] + digit + '}'
if testpackage:
ext = 'px'
uc = upgrade_code_snapshot
uc = upgrade_code
+ if msilib.Win64:
+ productsuffix = " (64-bit)"
+ else:
+ productsuffix = ""
# schema represents the installer 2.0 database schema.
# sequence is the set of standard sequences
# (ui/execute, admin/advt/install)
db = msilib.init_database("python-%s%s.msi" % (full_current_version, msilib.arch_ext),
- schema, ProductName="Python "+full_current_version,
+ schema, ProductName="Python "+full_current_version+productsuffix,
Manufacturer=u"Python Software Foundation")