<author><orgname>DocBook Project Development Team</orgname></author>
-<para>These are the release notes for the DocBook XSL Stylesheets
-distribution. This document provides an (incomplete) per-release list
-of enhancements and changes to the stylesheets’ public APIs
-(user-configurable parameters) and generally excludes descriptions of
-bug fixes. For a complete list of all changes (including all bug
-fixes) that have been made since the previous release, see the
-separate <link xlink:href="NEWS">NEWS</link> (plain text) or <link
-xlink:href="NEWS.html">NEWS.html</link> files.</para>
+<!-- * <para>These are the release notes for the DocBook XSL Stylesheets -->
+<!-- * distribution. This document provides an (incomplete) per-release list -->
+<!-- * of enhancements and changes to the stylesheets’ public APIs -->
+<!-- * (user-configurable parameters) and generally excludes descriptions of -->
+<!-- * bug fixes. For a complete list of all changes (including all bug -->
+<!-- * fixes) that have been made since the previous release, see the -->
+<!-- * separate <link xlink:href="NEWS">NEWS</link> (plain text) or <link -->
+<!-- * xlink:href="NEWS.html">NEWS.html</link> files.</para> -->
<!-- * -->
<!-- * <para>As with all DocBook Project <link linkend="dot0">dot-zero</link> -->
<!-- * releases, this is an experimental release. It will be followed shortly -->
<!-- * by a stable release.</para> -->
<!-- * -->
-<!-- * <para>This is a pre-release “snapshot” of the DocBook XSL -->
-<!-- * Stylesheets. The change information in the first section of this -->
-<!-- * file (for “<xi:include href="NEWS.xml" -->
-<!-- * xpointer="xpointer(/article/sect1/title/text())"/>”) is -->
-<!-- * auto-generated from change descriptions stored in the project -->
-<!-- * source-code repository.</para> -->
-<!-- * -->
-<!-- * <para>That means the first section contains descriptions both of bug -->
-<!-- * fixes and of feature changes. The remaning sections are manually -->
-<!-- * edited changelog subsets that exclude bug-fix descriptions – that -->
-<!-- * is, trimmed down to just those those descriptions that document -->
-<!-- * enhancements and changes to the public APIs (user-configurable -->
-<!-- * parameters).</para> -->
+<para>This is a pre-release “snapshot” of the DocBook XSL
+Stylesheets. The change information in the first section of this
+file (for “<xi:include href="NEWS.xml"
+xpointer="xpointer(/article/sect1/title/text())"/>”) is
+auto-generated from change descriptions stored in the project
+source-code repository.</para>
+<para>That means the first section contains descriptions both of bug
+fixes and of feature changes. The remaning sections are manually
+edited changelog subsets that exclude bug-fix descriptions – that
+is, trimmed down to just those those descriptions that document
+enhancements and changes to the public APIs (user-configurable
+<xi:include href="NEWS.xml" xpointer="xpointer(/article/sect1)"/>
<sect1 xml:id="V1.73.1">
<title>Release: 1.73.1</title>
<xsl:param name="Tag" select="concat('V',translate(string(document('')//fm:Version[1]),'.',''))"/>
<xsl:param name="DistroTitle" select="string(document('')//fm:Branch[1])"/>
<xsl:param name="DistroName">docbook-xsl</xsl:param>
-<xsl:param name="PreviousRelease">1.72.0</xsl:param>
-<xsl:param name="PreviousReleaseRevision">6553</xsl:param>
+<xsl:param name="PreviousRelease">1.73.1</xsl:param>
+<xsl:param name="PreviousReleaseRevision">7257</xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="Revision">$Revision$</xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="VersionFileURL">$URL$</xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="sf-relid" select="0"/>
<fm:Branch>XSL Stylesheets</fm:Branch>
- <fm:Version>1.73.1</fm:Version>
+ <fm:Version>1.73.2-pre</fm:Version>
<fm:License>MIT/X Consortium License</fm:License>
<xsl:template match="fm:project">
- <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
<xsl:text> </xsl:text>
<xsl:apply-templates select="fm:Changes" mode="text"/>