int pi;
int bcol = (int)(ptr - line);
+ if (n_extra > 0)
+ --bcol; // still working on the previous char, e.g. Tab
// Check if any active property ends.
for (pi = 0; pi < text_props_active; ++pi)
--- /dev/null
+| +0&#ffffff0@6> |x+0&#ffff4012@2| +0&#ffffff0@63
+|x| @6|x+0&#ffff4012@2| +0&#ffffff0@63
+|~+0#4040ff13&| @73
+|~| @73
+|~| @73
+| +0#0000000&@56|1|,|1|-|8| @8|A|l@1|
call RunTestVisualBlock(4, '02')
+func Test_textprop_after_tab()
+ let lines =<< trim END
+ call setline(1, [
+ \ "\txxx",
+ \ "x\txxx",
+ \ ])
+ hi SearchProp ctermbg=yellow
+ call prop_type_add('search', {'highlight': 'SearchProp'})
+ call prop_add(1, 2, {'length': 3, 'type': 'search'})
+ call prop_add(2, 3, {'length': 3, 'type': 'search'})
+ call writefile(lines, 'XtestPropTab')
+ let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XtestPropTab', {'rows': 6})
+ call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_textprop_tab', {})
+ " clean up
+ call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
+ call delete('XtestPropTab')
" Adding a text property to a new buffer should not fail
func Test_textprop_empty_buffer()
call prop_type_add('comment', {'highlight': 'Search'})