" These commands create the option window.
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org>
-" Last Change: 2020 aug 30
+" Last Change: 2020 Sep 10
" If there already is an option window, jump to that one.
let buf = bufnr('option-window')
set cpo&vim
" function to be called when <CR> is hit in the option-window
-fun! <SID>CR()
+func <SID>CR()
" If on a continued comment line, go back to the first comment line
let lnum = search("^[^\t]", 'bWcn')
elseif match(line, '^ \=[0-9]') >= 0
exe "norm! /" . line . "\<CR>zt"
" function to be called when <Space> is hit in the option-window
-fun! <SID>Space()
+func <SID>Space()
let lnum = line(".")
let line = getline(lnum)
let s:local_to_window = gettext('(local to window)')
let s:local_to_buffer = gettext('(local to buffer)')
" find the window in which the option applies
" returns 0 for global option, 1 for local option, -1 for error
-fun! <SID>Find(lnum)
+func <SID>Find(lnum)
let line = getline(a:lnum - 1)
if line =~ s:local_to_window || line =~ s:local_to_buffer
let local = 1
let local = -1
return local
" Update a "set" line in the option window
-fun! <SID>Update(lnum, line, local, thiswin)
+func <SID>Update(lnum, line, local, thiswin)
" get the new value of the option and update the option window line
if match(a:line, "=") >= 0
let name = substitute(a:line, '^ \tset \([^=]*\)=.*', '\1', "")
set nomodified
" Reset 'title' and 'icon' to make it work faster.
" Reset 'undolevels' to avoid undo'ing until the buffer is empty.
" These functions are called often below. Keep them fast!
+" Add an option name and explanation. The text can contain "\n" characters
+" where a line break is to be inserted.
+func <SID>AddOption(name, text)
+ let lines = split(a:text, "\n")
+ call append("$", a:name .. "\t" .. lines[0])
+ for line in lines[1:]
+ call append("$", "\t" .. line)
+ endfor
" Init a local binary option
-fun! <SID>BinOptionL(name)
+func <SID>BinOptionL(name)
let val = getwinvar(winnr('#'), '&' . a:name)
call append("$", substitute(substitute(" \tset " . val . a:name . "\t" .
\!val . a:name, "0", "no", ""), "1", "", ""))
" Init a global binary option
-fun! <SID>BinOptionG(name, val)
+func <SID>BinOptionG(name, val)
call append("$", substitute(substitute(" \tset " . a:val . a:name . "\t" .
\!a:val . a:name, "0", "no", ""), "1", "", ""))
" Init a local string option
-fun! <SID>OptionL(name)
+func <SID>OptionL(name)
let val = escape(getwinvar(winnr('#'), '&' . a:name), " \t\\\"|")
call append("$", " \tset " . a:name . "=" . val)
" Init a global string option
-fun! <SID>OptionG(name, val)
+func <SID>OptionG(name, val)
call append("$", " \tset " . a:name . "=" . escape(a:val, " \t\\\"|"))
let s:idx = 1
let s:lnum = line("$")
call append("$", "")
-fun! <SID>Header(text)
+func <SID>Header(text)
let line = s:idx . " " . a:text
if s:idx < 10
let line = " " . line
call append(s:lnum, line)
let s:idx = s:idx + 1
let s:lnum = s:lnum + 1
" Get the value of 'pastetoggle'. It could be a special key.
-fun! <SID>PTvalue()
+func <SID>PTvalue()
redir @a
silent set pt
redir END
return substitute(@a, '[^=]*=\(.*\)', '\1', "")
" Restore the previous value of 'cpoptions' here, it's used below.
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
call <SID>Header("moving around, searching and patterns")
call append("$", "whichwrap\tlist of flags specifying which commands wrap to another line")
call <SID>OptionG("ww", &ww)
-call append("$", "startofline\tmany jump commands move the cursor to the first non-blank")
-call append("$", "\tcharacter of a line")
+call <SID>AddOption("startofline", gettext("many jump commands move the cursor to the first non-blank\ncharacter of a line"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("sol", &sol)
call append("$", "paragraphs\tnroff macro names that separate paragraphs")
call <SID>OptionG("para", ¶)
call <SID>Header("tags")
-call append("$", "tagbsearch\tuse binary searching in tags files")
+call <SID>AddOption("tagbsearch", gettext("use binary searching in tags files"))
call <SID>BinOptionG("tbs", &tbs)
call append("$", "taglength\tnumber of significant characters in a tag name or zero")
call append("$", " \tset tl=" . &tl)
call append("$", "tags\tlist of file names to search for tags")
call append("$", "\t(global or local to buffer)")
call <SID>OptionG("tag", &tag)
-call append("$", "tagcase\thow to handle case when searching in tags files:")
-call append("$", "\t\"followic\" to follow 'ignorecase', \"ignore\" or \"match\"")
+call <SID>AddOption("tagcase", gettext("how to handle case when searching in tags files:\n\"followic\" to follow 'ignorecase', \"ignore\" or \"match\""))
call append("$", "\t(global or local to buffer)")
call <SID>OptionG("tc", &tc)
call append("$", "tagrelative\tfile names in a tags file are relative to the tags file")
\ call <SID>unload() | delfun <SID>unload
augroup END
-fun! <SID>unload()
+func <SID>unload()
delfun <SID>CR
delfun <SID>Space
delfun <SID>Find
delfun <SID>BinOptionG
delfun <SID>Header
au! optwin
" Restore the previous value of 'title' and 'icon'.
let &title = s:old_title