'\d PUSHS "error"\_s*' ..
'\d ECHOERR 1\_s*' ..
'\d CMDMOD_REV\_s*' ..
- '\d RETURN 0',
+ '\d\+ RETURN 0',
+ res)
+def s:SilentIf()
+ silent if 4 == g:five
+ silent elseif 4 == g:five
+ silent endif
+def Test_silent_if()
+ var res = execute('disass s:SilentIf')
+ assert_match('<SNR>\d*_SilentIf\_s*' ..
+ 'silent if 4 == g:five\_s*' ..
+ '\d\+ CMDMOD silent\_s*' ..
+ '\d\+ PUSHNR 4\_s*' ..
+ '\d\+ LOADG g:five\_s*' ..
+ '\d\+ COMPAREANY ==\_s*' ..
+ '\d\+ CMDMOD_REV\_s*' ..
+ '\d\+ JUMP_IF_FALSE -> \d\+\_s*' ..
+ 'silent elseif 4 == g:five\_s*' ..
+ '\d\+ JUMP -> \d\+\_s*' ..
+ '\d\+ CMDMOD silent\_s*' ..
+ '\d\+ PUSHNR 4\_s*' ..
+ '\d\+ LOADG g:five\_s*' ..
+ '\d\+ COMPAREANY ==\_s*' ..
+ '\d\+ CMDMOD_REV\_s*' ..
+ '\d\+ JUMP_IF_FALSE -> \d\+\_s*' ..
+ 'silent endif\_s*' ..
+ '\d\+ RETURN 0',
+ res)
+def s:SilentFor()
+ silent for i in [0]
+ silent endfor
+def Test_silent_for()
+ var res = execute('disass s:SilentFor')
+ assert_match('<SNR>\d*_SilentFor\_s*' ..
+ 'silent for i in \[0\]\_s*' ..
+ '\d CMDMOD silent\_s*' ..
+ '\d STORE -1 in $0\_s*' ..
+ '\d PUSHNR 0\_s*' ..
+ '\d NEWLIST size 1\_s*' ..
+ '\d CMDMOD_REV\_s*' ..
+ '5 FOR $0 -> 8\_s*' ..
+ '\d STORE $1\_s*' ..
+ 'silent endfor\_s*' ..
+ '\d JUMP -> 5\_s*' ..
+ '8 DROP\_s*' ..
+ '\d RETURN 0\_s*',
+ res)
+def s:SilentWhile()
+ silent while g:not
+ silent endwhile
+def Test_silent_while()
+ var res = execute('disass s:SilentWhile')
+ assert_match('<SNR>\d*_SilentWhile\_s*' ..
+ 'silent while g:not\_s*' ..
+ '0 CMDMOD silent\_s*' ..
+ '\d LOADG g:not\_s*' ..
+ '\d COND2BOOL\_s*' ..
+ '\d CMDMOD_REV\_s*' ..
+ '\d JUMP_IF_FALSE -> 6\_s*' ..
+ 'silent endwhile\_s*' ..
+ '\d JUMP -> 0\_s*' ..
+ '6 RETURN 0\_s*',
+ res)
+def s:SilentReturn(): string
+ silent return "done"
+def Test_silent_return()
+ var res = execute('disass s:SilentReturn')
+ assert_match('<SNR>\d*_SilentReturn\_s*' ..
+ 'silent return "done"\_s*' ..
+ '\d CMDMOD silent\_s*' ..
+ '\d PUSHS "done"\_s*' ..
+ '\d CMDMOD_REV\_s*' ..
+ '\d RETURN',
-def s:SilentReturn(): string
- silent return "done"
-def Test_silent_return()
- var res = execute('disass s:SilentReturn')
- assert_match('<SNR>\d*_SilentReturn\_s*' ..
- 'silent return "done"\_s*' ..
- '\d CMDMOD silent\_s*' ..
- '\d PUSHS "done"\_s*' ..
- '\d CMDMOD_REV\_s*' ..
- '\d RETURN',
- res)
" vim: ts=8 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab tw=80 fdm=marker
return OK;
+ * If an ISN_CMDMOD was just generated drop it.
+ */
+ static void
+drop_cmdmod(cctx_T *cctx)
+ garray_T *instr = &cctx->ctx_instr;
+ // Drop any CMDMOD instruction
+ if (cctx->ctx_has_cmdmod
+ && ((isn_T *)instr->ga_data)[instr->ga_len - 1].isn_type
+ {
+ --instr->ga_len;
+ cctx->ctx_has_cmdmod = FALSE;
+ }
+ * Get the index of the current instruction.
+ * This compenstates for a preceding ISN_CMDMOD and ISN_PROF_START.
+ */
+ static int
+current_instr_idx(cctx_T *cctx)
+ garray_T *instr = &cctx->ctx_instr;
+ int idx = instr->ga_len;
+ if (cctx->ctx_has_cmdmod && ((isn_T *)instr->ga_data)[idx - 1]
+ .isn_type == ISN_CMDMOD)
+ --idx;
+ if (cctx->ctx_profiling && ((isn_T *)instr->ga_data)[idx - 1]
+ .isn_type == ISN_PROF_START)
+ --idx;
+ return idx;
static void
may_generate_prof_end(cctx_T *cctx, int prof_lnum)
return NULL;
+ // CMDMOD_REV must come before the jump
+ generate_undo_cmdmods(cctx);
scope = new_scope(cctx, IF_SCOPE);
if (scope == NULL)
return NULL;
if (scope->se_u.se_if.is_seen_skip_not)
// A previous block was executed, skip over expression and bail out.
- // Do not count the "elseif" for profiling.
- if (cctx->ctx_profiling && ((isn_T *)instr->ga_data)[instr->ga_len - 1]
- .isn_type == ISN_PROF_START)
- --instr->ga_len;
+ // Do not count the "elseif" for profiling and cmdmod
+ instr->ga_len = current_instr_idx(cctx);
skip_expr_cctx(&p, cctx);
return p;
if (cctx->ctx_skip == SKIP_UNKNOWN)
+ int moved_cmdmod = FALSE;
+ // Move any CMDMOD instruction to after the jump
+ if (((isn_T *)instr->ga_data)[instr->ga_len - 1].isn_type == ISN_CMDMOD)
+ {
+ if (ga_grow(instr, 1) == FAIL)
+ return NULL;
+ ((isn_T *)instr->ga_data)[instr->ga_len] =
+ ((isn_T *)instr->ga_data)[instr->ga_len - 1];
+ --instr->ga_len;
+ moved_cmdmod = TRUE;
+ }
if (compile_jump_to_end(&scope->se_u.se_if.is_end_label,
return NULL;
// previous "if" or "elseif" jumps here
isn = ((isn_T *)instr->ga_data) + scope->se_u.se_if.is_if_label;
isn->isn_arg.jump.jump_where = instr->ga_len;
+ if (moved_cmdmod)
+ ++instr->ga_len;
// compile "expr"; if we know it evaluates to FALSE skip the block
if (bool_on_stack(cctx) == FAIL)
return NULL;
+ // CMDMOD_REV must come before the jump
+ generate_undo_cmdmods(cctx);
// "where" is set when ":elseif", "else" or ":endif" is found
scope->se_u.se_if.is_if_label = instr->ga_len;
generate_JUMP(cctx, JUMP_IF_FALSE, 0);
garray_T *instr = &cctx->ctx_instr;
isn_T *isn;
+ drop_cmdmod(cctx);
if (scope == NULL || scope->se_type != IF_SCOPE)
int var_count = 0;
int semicolon = FALSE;
size_t varlen;
- garray_T *instr = &cctx->ctx_instr;
garray_T *stack = &cctx->ctx_type_stack;
scope_T *scope;
lvar_T *loop_lvar; // loop iteration variable
item_type = vartype->tt_member->tt_member;
+ // CMDMOD_REV must come before the FOR instruction
+ generate_undo_cmdmods(cctx);
// "for_end" is set when ":endfor" is found
- scope->se_u.se_for.fs_top_label = instr->ga_len;
+ scope->se_u.se_for.fs_top_label = current_instr_idx(cctx);
generate_FOR(cctx, loop_lvar->lv_idx);
arg = arg_start;
forscope_T *forscope;
isn_T *isn;
+ drop_cmdmod(cctx);
if (scope == NULL || scope->se_type != FOR_SCOPE)
compile_while(char_u *arg, cctx_T *cctx)
char_u *p = arg;
- garray_T *instr = &cctx->ctx_instr;
scope_T *scope;
scope = new_scope(cctx, WHILE_SCOPE);
if (scope == NULL)
return NULL;
- // "endwhile" jumps back here, one before when profiling
- scope->se_u.se_while.ws_top_label = instr->ga_len;
- if (cctx->ctx_profiling && ((isn_T *)instr->ga_data)[instr->ga_len - 1]
- .isn_type == ISN_PROF_START)
- --scope->se_u.se_while.ws_top_label;
+ // "endwhile" jumps back here, one before when profiling or using cmdmods
+ scope->se_u.se_while.ws_top_label = current_instr_idx(cctx);
// compile "expr"
if (compile_expr0(&p, cctx) == FAIL)
if (bool_on_stack(cctx) == FAIL)
return FAIL;
+ // CMDMOD_REV must come before the jump
+ generate_undo_cmdmods(cctx);
// "while_end" is set when ":endwhile" is found
if (compile_jump_to_end(&scope->se_u.se_while.ws_end_label,
scope_T *scope = cctx->ctx_scope;
garray_T *instr = &cctx->ctx_instr;
+ drop_cmdmod(cctx);
if (scope == NULL || scope->se_type != WHILE_SCOPE)
return OK;
+ * If command modifiers were applied restore them.
+ */
+ static void
+may_restore_cmdmod(funclocal_T *funclocal)
+ if (funclocal->floc_restore_cmdmod)
+ {
+ cmdmod.cmod_filter_regmatch.regprog = NULL;
+ undo_cmdmod(&cmdmod);
+ cmdmod = funclocal->floc_save_cmdmod;
+ funclocal->floc_restore_cmdmod = FALSE;
+ }
* Return TRUE if an error was given or CTRL-C was pressed.
goto failed;
if (list == NULL || idxtv->vval.v_number >= list->lv_len)
+ {
// past the end of the list, jump to "endfor"
ectx.ec_iidx = iptr->isn_arg.forloop.for_end;
+ may_restore_cmdmod(&funclocal);
+ }
else if (list->lv_first == &range_list_item)
// non-materialized range() list
trycmd->tcd_frame_idx = ectx.ec_frame_idx;
trycmd->tcd_stack_len = ectx.ec_stack.ga_len;
- trycmd->tcd_catch_idx = iptr->isn_arg.try.try_ref->try_catch;
- trycmd->tcd_finally_idx = iptr->isn_arg.try.try_ref->try_finally;
- trycmd->tcd_endtry_idx = iptr->isn_arg.try.try_ref->try_endtry;
+ trycmd->tcd_catch_idx =
+ iptr->isn_arg.try.try_ref->try_catch;
+ trycmd->tcd_finally_idx =
+ iptr->isn_arg.try.try_ref->try_finally;
+ trycmd->tcd_endtry_idx =
+ iptr->isn_arg.try.try_ref->try_endtry;
garray_T *trystack = &ectx.ec_trystack;
- if (funclocal.floc_restore_cmdmod)
- {
- cmdmod.cmod_filter_regmatch.regprog = NULL;
- undo_cmdmod(&cmdmod);
- cmdmod = funclocal.floc_save_cmdmod;
- funclocal.floc_restore_cmdmod = FALSE;
- }
+ may_restore_cmdmod(&funclocal);
if (trystack->ga_len > 0)
trycmd_T *trycmd = ((trycmd_T *)trystack->ga_data)