with strip_tags() function. (Ilia)
- Fixed bugs #17570 and #17957 (Regexps related). (Andrei, Ilia)
- Fixed bugs #18167 and #16859 (SEGV with session_decode). (Ilia)
-- Fixed bugs #19573 and #13472 (Session, XHTML compliance and
- trans_sid). (Sascha)
-- Fix #19570 (last character was missing in get_html_translation_table). (Wez)
+- Fixed bugs #19573 and #13472 (Session, XHTML compliance and trans_sid).
+ (Sascha)
+- Fixed bug #19570 (last character was missing in get_html_translation_table).
+ (Wez)
- Upgraded PCRE to version 3.9. (Wez)
- Fixed bug in OCIResult() which returned garbage when called on
empty result-sets. (Thies)