"page.%dx"; this works around an acroread bug that causes targets not to be
recognized if their name is a prefix of another target in the file.
- \gdef\@foo{\if@doing@page@targets\pdfdest name{page.\thepage} fit\fi}%
+ \gdef\@foo{\if@doing@page@targets\pdfdest name{page.\thepage x} fit\fi}%
def write_toc_entry(entry, fp, layer):
stype, snum, title, pageno, toc = entry
- s = "\\pdfoutline goto name{page.%d}" % pageno
+ s = "\\pdfoutline goto name{page.%dx}" % pageno
if toc:
s = "%s count -%d" % (s, len(toc))
if snum: