- Fixed bug #39354 (Allow building of curl extension against libcurl 7.16.0)
+- Fixed bug #39344 (Unnecessary calls to OnModify callback routine for
+ an extension INI directive). (wharmby at uk dot ibm dot com, Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #39320 (ZEND_HASH_APPLY_STOP causes deletion). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #39313 (spl_autoload triggers Fatal error). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #39265 (Fixed path handling inside mod_files.sh).
static void zend_new_thread_end_handler(THREAD_T thread_id TSRMLS_DC)
- zend_copy_ini_directives(TSRMLS_C);
- zend_ini_refresh_caches(ZEND_INI_STAGE_STARTUP TSRMLS_CC);
+ if (zend_copy_ini_directives(TSRMLS_C) == SUCCESS) {
+ zend_ini_refresh_caches(ZEND_INI_STAGE_STARTUP TSRMLS_CC);
+ }
executor_globals_ctor(executor_globals, tsrm_ls);
global_persistent_list = &EG(persistent_list);
- zend_new_thread_end_handler(tsrm_thread_id() TSRMLS_CC);
+ zend_copy_ini_directives(TSRMLS_C);
return FAILURE;
zend_hash_copy(EG(ini_directives), registered_zend_ini_directives, NULL, &ini_entry, sizeof(zend_ini_entry));
- zend_ini_refresh_caches(ZEND_INI_STAGE_STARTUP TSRMLS_CC);
return SUCCESS;
+#ifdef ZTS
static int zend_ini_refresh_cache(zend_ini_entry *p, int stage TSRMLS_DC)
if (p->on_modify) {
zend_hash_apply_with_argument(EG(ini_directives), (apply_func_arg_t) zend_ini_refresh_cache, (void *)(long) stage TSRMLS_CC);
ZEND_API int zend_alter_ini_entry(char *name, uint name_length, char *new_value, uint new_value_length, int modify_type, int stage)