Test script to verify that magic methods should be called only once when accessing an unset property.
Marco Pivetta <ocramius@gmail.com>
-Bug 63462 is not yet fixed
class Test {
function __get($name) {
- echo '__get ' . $name . "\n";
+ echo '__get ' . $name;
return $this->$name;
__get nonExisting
-Notice: Undefined index: nonExisting in %__set__get_006.php on line %d
+Notice: Undefined property: Test::$nonExisting in %sbug63462.php on line %d
__get publicProperty
-Notice: Undefined index: publicProperty in %__set__get_006.php on line %d
+Notice: Undefined property: Test::$publicProperty in %sbug63462.php on line %d
__get protectedProperty
-Notice: Undefined index: protectedProperty in %__set__get_006.php on line %d
+Notice: Undefined property: Test::$protectedProperty in %sbug63462.php on line %d
__get privateProperty
-Notice: Undefined index: privateProperty in %__set__get_006.php on line %d
+Notice: Undefined property: Test::$privateProperty in %sbug63462.php on line %d
__isset nonExisting
__isset publicProperty
__isset protectedProperty