Changes with Apache 2.3.0
[Remove entries to the current 2.0 and 2.2 section below, when backported]
- *) mod_authnz_ldap: Fix a problem with invalid auth error detection for
- LDAP client SDKs that don't support LDAP_SECURITY_ERROR macro. PR#39529
- [Ray Price <dohrayme>], [Josh Fenlason <jfenlason>]
+ *) mod_cache: Convert age of cached object to seconds before comparing it to
+ age supplied by the request when checking whether to send a Warning
+ header for a stale response. PR 39713. [Owen Taylor <otaylor>]
+ *) mod_authnz_ldap: Fix a problem with invalid auth error detection for
+ LDAP client SDKs that don't support LDAP_SECURITY_ERROR macro. PR 39529.
+ [Ray Price <dohrayme>, Josh Fenlason <jfenlason>]
*) mod_cache: Do not overwrite the Content-Type in the cache, for
successfully revalidated cached objects. PR 39647. [Ruediger Pluem]
if (!(((smaxage != -1) && age < smaxage) ||
((maxage != -1) && age < maxage) ||
(info->expire != APR_DATE_BAD &&
- (info->expire - info->date) > age))) {
+ (apr_time_sec(info->expire - info->date)) > age))) {
/* make sure we don't stomp on a previous warning */
if ((warn_head == NULL) ||
((warn_head != NULL) && (ap_strstr_c(warn_head, "110") == NULL))) {