monsters can use ranged attacks over/around boulders, same as hero
can't drop part of a stack of N weapons welded to hero's hand
pickup still accepts m as command prefix, but now rejects F,g,G,M,numpad 5
+scatter piles of kicked gold rather than move the entire pile at once
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
* player, so range == 2 means the object may move up to one square
* from its current position
- if(range < 2 || (isgold && kickobj->quan > 300L)) {
+ if(range < 2) {
if(!Is_box(kickobj)) pline("Thump!");
return(!rn2(3) || martial());
- if (kickobj->quan > 1L && !isgold) kickobj = splitobj(kickobj, 1L);
+ if (kickobj->quan > 1L) {
+ if (!isgold) {
+ kickobj = splitobj(kickobj, 1L);
+ } else {
+ if (rn2(20)) {
+ const char *flyingcoinmsg[] = {
+ "scatter the coins",
+ "knock coins all over the place",
+ "send coins flying in all directions",
+ };
+ pline("Thwwpingg!");
+ You("%s!", flyingcoinmsg[rn2(SIZE(flyingcoinmsg))]);
+ (void) scatter(x, y, rn2(3)+1, VIS_EFFECTS|MAY_HIT, kickobj);
+ newsym(x, y);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (kickobj->quan > 300L) {
+ pline("Thump!");
+ return(!rn2(3) || martial());
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (slide && !Blind)
pline("Whee! %s %s across the %s.", Doname2(kickobj),