# $Id$
-# release-announce VERSION RECIPIENTS
-# e.g., release-announce 1.73.0 docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
-rm -f /tmp/HEADER.txt
-rm -f /tmp/HEADER-NS.txt
-rm -f /tmp/BODY-DOCS.txt
-cat <<- EOF > /tmp/HEADER.txt
-From: DocBook Project <docbook-dev@xml-doc.org>
+# release-announce - send DocBook Project release announcements
+# Usage:
+# release-announce TITLE VERSION RECIPIENTS < messageBodyFile
+# or
+# cat messageBodyFile | release-announce TITLE VERSION RECIPIENTS
+# e.g.,
+# release-announce XSL Stylesheets 1.73.0 docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org < .announcement-text
+rm -f $tempfile
+cat <<- EOF > $tempfile
+From: DocBook Project <$sender>
To: $recipients
-Subject: ANNOUNCE: DocBook XSL $version released
-The DocBook Project wishes to announce that version $version of the
-DocBook XSL Stylesheets is now available for download from the
-project website:
- http://docbook.sf.net/files/xsl/latest
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/docbook
-The DocBook XSL Stylesheets are designed for processing
-non-namespaced (DocBook 4 or earlier) documents.
+Subject: ANNOUNCE: DocBook $title $version released
-cat <<- EOF > /tmp/HEADER-NS.txt
-From: DocBook Project <docbook-dev@xml-doc.org>
-To: $recipients
-Subject: ANNOUNCE: DocBook XSL-NS $version released
-The DocBook Project wishes to announce that version $version of the
-DocBook XSL-NS Stylesheets is now available for download from the
-project website:
- http://docbook.sf.net/files/xsl-ns/latest
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/docbook
-The DocBook XSL-NS Stylesheets are designed for processing
-namespaced (DocBook 5) documents.
+# read in annoucement text
+while read line
+ # substitute actual version no. where needed, append to message body
+ echo $line | sed "s/@@version@@/$version/" >> $tempfile
-cat <<- EOF > /tmp/BODY-DOCS.txt
-The reference docs are packaged separately and downloadable from:
- http://docbook.sf.net/files/xsl-doc/latest
-The docs are also available online:
- http://docbook.sf.net/release/xsl/current/doc/reference.html
- http://docbook.sf.net/release/xsl/current/doc/reference.pdf
- http://docbook.sf.net/release/xsl/current/doc/reference.txt
-The release notes are included below. HTML and PDF versions of the
-release notes are also available:
- http://docbook.sf.net/release/xsl/current/RELEASE-NOTES.html
- http://docbook.sf.net/release/xsl/current/RELEASE-NOTES.pdf
+# add a blank line to separate announcement header and text from
+# appended release-notes content
+echo >> $tempfile
-cat /tmp/HEADER.txt /tmp/BODY-DOCS.txt RELEASE-NOTES-PARTIAL.txt \
- | sendmail -v -f docbook-dev@xml-doc.org $recipients
-cat /tmp/HEADER-NS.txt /tmp/BODY-DOCS.txt RELEASE-NOTES-PARTIAL.txt \
- | sendmail -v -f docbook-dev@xml-doc.org $recipients
+cat $tempfile $releasenotesfilename | sendmail -v -f $sender $recipients