>>> import string
>>> t = string.Template('$page: $title')
->>> t % {'page':2, 'title': 'The Best of Times'}
+>>> t.substitute({'page':2, 'title': 'The Best of Times'})
u'2: The Best of Times'
->>> t2 % {'cost':42.50, 'action':'polish'}
-u'$ 42.5: polishing'
% $ Terminate $-mode for Emacs
-If a key is missing from the dictionary, the \class{Template} class
-will raise a \exception{KeyError}. There's also a \class{SafeTemplate}
-class that ignores missing keys:
+If a key is missing from the dictionary, the \method{substitute} method
+will raise a \exception{KeyError}. There's also a \method{safe_substitute}
+method that ignores missing keys:
>>> t = string.SafeTemplate('$page: $title')
->>> t % {'page':3}
+>>> t.safe_substitute({'page':3})
u'3: $title'
-Because templates are Unicode strings, you can use a template with the
-\module{gettext} module to look up translated versions of a message.
\seepep{292}{Simpler String Substitutions}{Written and implemented
by Barry Warsaw.}