# [-] Functions should return NT error codes
-# [-] Handling errors in all situations, right now it's just raising exceptions.
+# [-] Handling errors in all situations, right now it's just raising exceptions.
# [*] Standard authentication support
# [ ] Organize the connectionData stuff
# [*] Add capability to send a bad user ID if the user is not authenticated,
import sys
import random
import shutil
-import string
-from binascii import unhexlify, hexlify
+from binascii import hexlify
# For signing
from impacket import smb, nmb, ntlm, uuid, LOG
STATUS_SMB_BAD_TID = 0x00050002
# Utility functions
-# and general functions.
-# There are some common functions that can be accessed from more than one SMB
+# and general functions.
+# There are some common functions that can be accessed from more than one SMB
# command (or either TRANSACTION). That's why I'm putting them here
# TODO: Return NT ERROR Codes
with open(output_filename,"a") as f:
- f.write('\n')
+ f.write('\n')
def decodeSMBString( flags, text ):
return (text).encode('utf-16le')
return text
def getFileTime(t):
t *= 10000000
t += 116444736000000000
def getSMBTime(t):
# TODO: Fix this :P
d = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t)
- return (d.hour << 8) + (d.minute << 4) + d.second
+ return (d.hour << 8) + (d.minute << 4) + d.second
def getShares(connId, smbServer):
config = smbServer.getServerConfig()
data = smb.SMBQueryFsVolumeInfo()
data['VolumeLabel'] = ''
data['VolumeCreationTime'] = getFileTime(ctime)
- return data.getData()
+ return data.getData()
elif level == smb.SMB_QUERY_FS_SIZE_INFO:
data = smb.SMBQueryFsSizeInfo()
return data.getData()
fileAttributes = attribs
return fileSize, lastWriteTime, fileAttributes
-def findFirst2(path, fileName, level, searchAttributes, isSMB2 = False):
+def findFirst2(path, fileName, level, searchAttributes, isSMB2 = False):
# TODO: Depending on the level, this could be done much simpler
#print "FindFirs2 path:%s, filename:%s" % (path, fileName)
fileName = os.path.normpath(fileName.replace('\\','/'))
# Let's choose the right encoding depending on the request
pattern = os.path.basename(pathName)
dirName = os.path.dirname(pathName)
- # Always add . and .. Not that important for Windows, but Samba whines if
+ # Always add . and .. Not that important for Windows, but Samba whines if
# not present (for * search only)
if pattern == '*':
LOG.error("Wrong level %d!" % level)
return searchResult, searchCount, STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED
(mode, ino, dev, nlink, uid, gid, size, atime, mtime, ctime) = os.stat(i)
if os.path.isdir(i):
item['ExtFileAttributes'] = smb.ATTR_DIRECTORY
infoRecord['FileAttributes'] = smb.ATTR_DIRECTORY
infoRecord['FileAttributes'] = smb.ATTR_NORMAL | smb.ATTR_ARCHIVE
- elif level == smb.SMB_QUERY_FILE_EA_INFO or level == smb2.SMB2_FILE_EA_INFO:
+ elif level == smb.SMB_QUERY_FILE_EA_INFO or level == smb2.SMB2_FILE_EA_INFO:
infoRecord = smb.SMBQueryFileEaInfo()
elif level == smb2.SMB2_FILE_STREAM_INFO:
infoRecord = smb.SMBFileStreamInformation()
respParameters = smb.SMBNetShareGetInfoResponse()
shares = getShares(connId, smbServer)
share = shares[request['ShareName'].upper()]
- shareInfo = smb.NetShareInfo1()
+ shareInfo = smb.NetShareInfo1()
shareInfo['NetworkName'] = request['ShareName'].upper() + '\x00'
shareInfo['Type'] = int(share['share type'])
respData = shareInfo.getData()
shareInfo['RemarkOffsetLow'] = len(respData)
respData += share['comment'] + '\x00'
respParameters['TotalBytesAvailable'] = len(respData)
# We don't know how to handle anything else
respData = infoRecord
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return respSetup, respParameters, respData, errorCode
searchCount +=1
respData += data
totalData += lenData
# Have we reached the end of the search or still stuff to send?
if endOfSearch > 0:
# Let's remove the SID from our ConnData
respParameters['EndOfSearch'] = endOfSearch
respParameters['SearchCount'] = searchCount
- else:
+ else:
- errorCode = STATUS_SMB_BAD_TID
+ errorCode = STATUS_SMB_BAD_TID
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
if connData['ConnectedShares'].has_key(recvPacket['Tid']):
path = connData['ConnectedShares'][recvPacket['Tid']]['path']
- searchResult, searchCount, errorCode = findFirst2(path,
- decodeSMBString( recvPacket['Flags2'], findFirst2Parameters['FileName'] ),
- findFirst2Parameters['InformationLevel'],
+ searchResult, searchCount, errorCode = findFirst2(path,
+ decodeSMBString( recvPacket['Flags2'], findFirst2Parameters['FileName'] ),
+ findFirst2Parameters['InformationLevel'],
findFirst2Parameters['SearchAttributes'] )
respParameters = smb.SMBFindFirst2Response_Parameters()
respParameters['EndOfSearch'] = endOfSearch
respParameters['SearchCount'] = searchCount
- errorCode = STATUS_SMB_BAD_TID
+ errorCode = STATUS_SMB_BAD_TID
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
# Do the stuff
if transParameters['ParameterCount'] != transParameters['TotalParameterCount']:
- # TODO: Handle partial parameters
+ # TODO: Handle partial parameters
raise Exception("Unsupported partial parameters in TRANSACT2!")
transData = smb.SMBTransaction_SData(flags = recvPacket['Flags2'])
- # Standard says servers shouldn't trust Parameters and Data comes
- # in order, so we have to parse the offsets, ugly
+ # Standard says servers shouldn't trust Parameters and Data comes
+ # in order, so we have to parse the offsets, ugly
paramCount = transParameters['ParameterCount']
transData['Trans_ParametersLength'] = paramCount
if transParameters['DataOffset'] > 0:
dataOffset = transParameters['DataOffset'] - 63 - transParameters['SetupLength']
transData['Trans_Data'] = SMBCommand['Data'][dataOffset:dataOffset + dataCount]
- else:
+ else:
transData['Trans_Data'] = ''
# Call the handler for this TRANSACTION
if transParameters['SetupCount'] == 0:
# No subcommand, let's play with the Name
command = decodeSMBString(recvPacket['Flags2'],transData['Name'])
command = struct.unpack('<H', transParameters['Setup'][:2])[0]
if transCommands.has_key(command):
# Call the TRANS subcommand
setup = ''
parameters = ''
data = ''
- try:
+ try:
setup, parameters, data, errorCode = transCommands[command](connId,
- smbServer,
- recvPacket,
- transData['Trans_Parameters'],
+ smbServer,
+ recvPacket,
+ transData['Trans_Parameters'],
except Exception, e:
remainingParameters = len(parameters)
commands = []
dataDisplacement = 0
- while remainingData > 0 or remainingParameters > 0:
+ while remainingData > 0 or remainingParameters > 0:
respSMBCommand = smb.SMBCommand(recvPacket['Command'])
respParameters = smb.SMBTransactionResponse_Parameters()
respData = smb.SMBTransaction2Response_Data()
respParameters['Setup'] = setup
# TODO: Make sure we're calculating the pad right
if len(parameters) > 0:
- #padLen = 4 - (55 + len(setup)) % 4
+ #padLen = 4 - (55 + len(setup)) % 4
padLen = (4 - (55 + len(setup)) % 4 ) % 4
padBytes = '\xFF' * padLen
respData['Pad1'] = padBytes
- respParameters['ParameterOffset'] = 55 + len(setup) + padLen
+ respParameters['ParameterOffset'] = 55 + len(setup) + padLen
padLen = 0
respParameters['ParameterOffset'] = 0
respData['Pad2'] = ''
respData['Trans_Parameters'] = parameters[:respParameters['ParameterCount']]
- respData['Trans_Data'] = data[:respParameters['DataCount']]
+ respData['Trans_Data'] = data[:respParameters['DataCount']]
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
data = data[respParameters['DataCount']:]
remainingData -= respParameters['DataCount']
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode
NTTransParameters= smb.SMBNTTransaction_Parameters(SMBCommand['Parameters'])
# Do the stuff
if NTTransParameters['ParameterCount'] != NTTransParameters['TotalParameterCount']:
- # TODO: Handle partial parameters
+ # TODO: Handle partial parameters
raise Exception("Unsupported partial parameters in NTTrans!")
NTTransData = smb.SMBNTTransaction_Data()
- # Standard says servers shouldn't trust Parameters and Data comes
- # in order, so we have to parse the offsets, ugly
+ # Standard says servers shouldn't trust Parameters and Data comes
+ # in order, so we have to parse the offsets, ugly
paramCount = NTTransParameters['ParameterCount']
NTTransData['NT_Trans_ParametersLength'] = paramCount
if NTTransParameters['DataOffset'] > 0:
dataOffset = NTTransParameters['DataOffset'] - 73 - NTTransParameters['SetupLength']
NTTransData['NT_Trans_Data'] = SMBCommand['Data'][dataOffset:dataOffset + dataCount]
- else:
+ else:
NTTransData['NT_Trans_Data'] = ''
# Call the handler for this TRANSACTION
setup = ''
parameters = ''
data = ''
- try:
+ try:
setup, parameters, data, errorCode = transCommands[command](connId,
- smbServer,
- recvPacket,
- NTTransData['NT_Trans_Parameters'],
+ smbServer,
+ recvPacket,
+ NTTransData['NT_Trans_Parameters'],
except Exception, e:
respParameters = ''
respData = ''
if errorCode == STATUS_SUCCESS:
# Build the answer
data = str(data)
remainingParameters = len(parameters)
commands = []
dataDisplacement = 0
- while remainingData > 0 or remainingParameters > 0:
+ while remainingData > 0 or remainingParameters > 0:
respSMBCommand = smb.SMBCommand(recvPacket['Command'])
respParameters = smb.SMBNTTransactionResponse_Parameters()
respData = smb.SMBNTTransactionResponse_Data()
respParameters['Setup'] = setup
# TODO: Make sure we're calculating the pad right
if len(parameters) > 0:
- #padLen = 4 - (71 + len(setup)) % 4
+ #padLen = 4 - (71 + len(setup)) % 4
padLen = (4 - (73 + len(setup)) % 4 ) % 4
padBytes = '\xFF' * padLen
respData['Pad1'] = padBytes
- respParameters['ParameterOffset'] = 73 + len(setup) + padLen
+ respParameters['ParameterOffset'] = 73 + len(setup) + padLen
padLen = 0
respParameters['ParameterOffset'] = 0
respData['Pad2'] = ''
respData['NT_Trans_Parameters'] = parameters[:respParameters['ParameterCount']]
- respData['NT_Trans_Data'] = data[:respParameters['DataCount']]
+ respData['NT_Trans_Data'] = data[:respParameters['DataCount']]
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
data = data[respParameters['DataCount']:]
remainingData -= respParameters['DataCount']
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode
# Do the stuff
if trans2Parameters['ParameterCount'] != trans2Parameters['TotalParameterCount']:
- # TODO: Handle partial parameters
+ # TODO: Handle partial parameters
#print "Unsupported partial parameters in TRANSACT2!"
raise Exception("Unsupported partial parameters in TRANSACT2!")
trans2Data = smb.SMBTransaction2_Data()
- # Standard says servers shouldn't trust Parameters and Data comes
- # in order, so we have to parse the offsets, ugly
+ # Standard says servers shouldn't trust Parameters and Data comes
+ # in order, so we have to parse the offsets, ugly
paramCount = trans2Parameters['ParameterCount']
trans2Data['Trans_ParametersLength'] = paramCount
if trans2Parameters['DataOffset'] > 0:
dataOffset = trans2Parameters['DataOffset'] - 63 - trans2Parameters['SetupLength']
trans2Data['Trans_Data'] = SMBCommand['Data'][dataOffset:dataOffset + dataCount]
- else:
+ else:
trans2Data['Trans_Data'] = ''
# Call the handler for this TRANSACTION
# Call the TRANS2 subcommand
setup, parameters, data, errorCode = transCommands[command](connId,
- smbServer,
- recvPacket,
- trans2Data['Trans_Parameters'],
+ smbServer,
+ recvPacket,
+ trans2Data['Trans_Parameters'],
except Exception, e:
remainingParameters = len(parameters)
commands = []
dataDisplacement = 0
- while remainingData > 0 or remainingParameters > 0:
+ while remainingData > 0 or remainingParameters > 0:
respSMBCommand = smb.SMBCommand(recvPacket['Command'])
respParameters = smb.SMBTransaction2Response_Parameters()
respData = smb.SMBTransaction2Response_Data()
respParameters['Setup'] = setup
# TODO: Make sure we're calculating the pad right
if len(parameters) > 0:
- #padLen = 4 - (55 + len(setup)) % 4
+ #padLen = 4 - (55 + len(setup)) % 4
padLen = (4 - (55 + len(setup)) % 4 ) % 4
padBytes = '\xFF' * padLen
respData['Pad1'] = padBytes
- respParameters['ParameterOffset'] = 55 + len(setup) + padLen
+ respParameters['ParameterOffset'] = 55 + len(setup) + padLen
padLen = 0
respParameters['ParameterOffset'] = 0
respData['Pad2'] = ''
respData['Trans_Parameters'] = parameters[:respParameters['ParameterCount']]
- respData['Trans_Data'] = data[:respParameters['DataCount']]
+ respData['Trans_Data'] = data[:respParameters['DataCount']]
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
data = data[respParameters['DataCount']:]
remainingData -= respParameters['DataCount']
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode
respData = ''
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode
if fileHandle != PIPE_FILE_DESCRIPTOR:
# TODO: Handle big size files
# If we're trying to write past the file end we just skip the write call (Vista does this)
- if os.lseek(fileHandle, 0, 2) >= comWriteParameters['Offset']:
+ if os.lseek(fileHandle, 0, 2) >= comWriteParameters['Offset']:
respData = ''
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode
respData = ''
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode
respData = ''
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode
respData = ''
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode
respData = ''
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode
respData = ''
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode
writeAndXData['DataLength'] = writeAndX['DataLength']
writeAndXData['DataOffset'] = writeAndX['DataOffset']
if connData['OpenedFiles'].has_key(writeAndX['Fid']):
fileHandle = connData['OpenedFiles'][writeAndX['Fid']]['FileHandle']
respData = ''
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode
respData = ''
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode
respData = ''
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode
# Get the Tid associated
if connData['ConnectedShares'].has_key(recvPacket['Tid']):
fileSize, lastWriteTime, fileAttributes = queryFsInformation(
- connData['ConnectedShares'][recvPacket['Tid']]['path'],
+ connData['ConnectedShares'][recvPacket['Tid']]['path'],
respParameters['FileSize'] = fileSize
respData = ''
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode
respData['Data'] = echoData['Data']
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
connData['Uid'] = 0
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
respData = ''
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode
mode |= os.O_TRUNC | os.O_CREAT
elif createDisposition & smb.FILE_OVERWRITE == smb.FILE_OVERWRITE:
if os.path.exists(pathName) is True:
- mode |= os.O_TRUNC
+ mode |= os.O_TRUNC
elif createDisposition & smb.FILE_OPEN_IF == smb.FILE_OPEN_IF:
if os.path.exists(pathName) is True:
- mode |= os.O_TRUNC
+ mode |= os.O_TRUNC
mode |= os.O_TRUNC | os.O_CREAT
elif createDisposition & smb.FILE_CREATE == smb.FILE_CREATE:
if (desiredAccess & smb.FILE_WRITE_DATA) or (desiredAccess & smb.GENERIC_WRITE):
if (desiredAccess & smb.FILE_READ_DATA) or (desiredAccess & smb.GENERIC_READ):
mode |= os.O_RDWR #| os.O_APPEND
- else:
+ else:
mode |= os.O_WRONLY #| os.O_APPEND
if desiredAccess & smb.GENERIC_ALL:
mode |= os.O_RDWR #| os.O_APPEND
createOptions = ntCreateAndXParameters['CreateOptions']
if mode & os.O_CREAT == os.O_CREAT:
- if createOptions & smb.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE == smb.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE:
+ if createOptions & smb.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE == smb.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE:
# Let's create the directory
if createOptions & smb.FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE == smb.FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE:
deleteOnClose = True
if errorCode == STATUS_SUCCESS:
if os.path.isdir(pathName) and sys.platform == 'win32':
respParameters = ''
respData = ''
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode
if connData['ConnectedShares'].has_key(recvPacket['Tid']):
path = connData['ConnectedShares'][recvPacket['Tid']]['path']
openedFile, mode, pathName, errorCode = openFile(path,
- decodeSMBString(recvPacket['Flags2'],openAndXData['FileName']),
- openAndXParameters['DesiredAccess'],
- openAndXParameters['FileAttributes'],
+ decodeSMBString(recvPacket['Flags2'],openAndXData['FileName']),
+ openAndXParameters['DesiredAccess'],
+ openAndXParameters['FileAttributes'],
if errorCode == STATUS_SUCCESS:
# Simple way to generate a fid
- fid = len(connData['OpenedFiles']) + 1
+ fid = len(connData['OpenedFiles']) + 1
if len(connData['OpenedFiles']) == 0:
fid = 1
# File existed and was truncated
respParameters['Action'] = 0x3
# Let's store the fid for the connection
#smbServer.log('Opening file %s' % pathName)
connData['OpenedFiles'][fid] = {}
respParameters = ''
respData = ''
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return [respSMBCommand], None, errorCode
path = ntpath.basename(UNCOrShare)
- share = searchShare(connId, path, smbServer)
+ share = searchShare(connId, path, smbServer)
if share is not None:
# Simple way to generate a Tid
if len(connData['ConnectedShares']) == 0:
respData['NativeFileSystem'] = encodeSMBString(recvPacket['Flags2'], 'NTFS' )
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
resp['Uid'] = connData['Uid']
respSMBCommand = smb.SMBCommand(smb.SMB.SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX)
# From [MS-SMB]
- # When extended security is being used (see section, the
+ # When extended security is being used (see section, the
# request MUST take the following form
# [..]
# WordCount (1 byte): The value of this field MUST be 0x0C.
mechStr = hexlify(mechType)
smbServer.log("Unsupported MechType '%s'" % mechStr, logging.CRITICAL)
- # We don't know the token, we answer back again saying
+ # We don't know the token, we answer back again saying
# we just support NTLM.
# ToDo: Build this into a SPNEGO_NegTokenResp()
respToken = '\xa1\x15\x30\x13\xa0\x03\x0a\x01\x03\xa1\x0c\x06\x0a\x2b\x06\x01\x04\x01\x82\x37\x02\x02\x0a'
respParameters['SecurityBlobLength'] = len(respToken)
- respData['SecurityBlobLength'] = respParameters['SecurityBlobLength']
+ respData['SecurityBlobLength'] = respParameters['SecurityBlobLength']
respData['SecurityBlob'] = respToken
respData['NativeOS'] = encodeSMBString(recvPacket['Flags2'], smbServer.getServerOS())
respData['NativeLanMan'] = encodeSMBString(recvPacket['Flags2'], smbServer.getServerOS())
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
elif struct.unpack('B',sessionSetupData['SecurityBlob'][0])[0] == ASN1_SUPPORTED_MECH:
rawNTLM = True
token = sessionSetupData['SecurityBlob']
- # Here we only handle NTLMSSP, depending on what stage of the
+ # Here we only handle NTLMSSP, depending on what stage of the
# authentication we are, we act on it
messageType = struct.unpack('<L',token[len('NTLMSSP\x00'):len('NTLMSSP\x00')+4])[0]
# Let's store it in the connection data
connData['NEGOTIATE_MESSAGE'] = negotiateMessage
# Let's build the answer flags
- # TODO: Parse all the flags. With this we're leaving some clients out
+ # TODO: Parse all the flags. With this we're leaving some clients out
ansFlags = 0
if rawNTLM is False:
respToken = SPNEGO_NegTokenResp()
# accept-incomplete. We want more data
- respToken['NegResult'] = '\x01'
+ respToken['NegResult'] = '\x01'
respToken['SupportedMech'] = TypesMech['NTLMSSP - Microsoft NTLM Security Support Provider']
respToken['ResponseToken'] = challengeMessage.getData()
# Setting the packet to STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING
- # Let's set up an UID for this connection and store it
+ # Let's set up an UID for this connection and store it
# in the connection's data
# Picking a fixed value
# TODO: Manage more UIDs for the same session
raise Exception("Unknown NTLMSSP MessageType %d" % messageType)
respParameters['SecurityBlobLength'] = len(respToken)
- respData['SecurityBlobLength'] = respParameters['SecurityBlobLength']
+ respData['SecurityBlobLength'] = respParameters['SecurityBlobLength']
respData['SecurityBlob'] = respToken.getData()
respData['NativeOS'] = encodeSMBString(recvPacket['Flags2'], smbServer.getServerOS())
respData['NativeLanMan'] = encodeSMBString(recvPacket['Flags2'], smbServer.getServerOS())
respSMBCommand['Parameters'] = respParameters
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = respData
# From now on, the client can ask for other commands
connData['Authenticated'] = True
SMBCommand = smb.SMBCommand(recvPacket['Data'][0])
respSMBCommand = smb.SMBCommand(smb.SMB.SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE)
resp = smb.NewSMBPacket()
resp['Flags1'] = smb.SMB.FLAGS1_REPLY
resp['Pid'] = connData['Pid']
# TODO: We support more dialects, and parse them accordingly
dialects = SMBCommand['Data'].split('\x02')
- try:
+ try:
index = dialects.index('NT LM 0.12\x00') - 1
# Let's fill the data for NTLM
if recvPacket['Flags2'] & smb.SMB.FLAGS2_EXTENDED_SECURITY:
_dialects_data = smb.SMBExtended_Security_Data()
_dialects_data['ServerGUID'] = 'A'*16
blob = SPNEGO_NegTokenInit()
blob['MechTypes'] = [TypesMech['NTLMSSP - Microsoft NTLM Security Support Provider']]
_dialects_data['SecurityBlob'] = blob.getData()
_dialects_parameters = smb.SMBExtended_Security_Parameters()
- _dialects_parameters['Capabilities'] = smb.SMB.CAP_EXTENDED_SECURITY | smb.SMB.CAP_USE_NT_ERRORS | smb.SMB.CAP_NT_SMBS | smb.SMB.CAP_UNICODE
+ _dialects_parameters['Capabilities'] = smb.SMB.CAP_EXTENDED_SECURITY | smb.SMB.CAP_USE_NT_ERRORS | smb.SMB.CAP_NT_SMBS | smb.SMB.CAP_UNICODE
_dialects_parameters['ChallengeLength'] = 0
# TODO: Handle random challenges, now one that can be used with rainbow tables
_dialects_data['Challenge'] = '\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55\x66\x77\x88'
_dialects_parameters['ChallengeLength'] = 8
- _dialects_parameters['Capabilities'] = smb.SMB.CAP_USE_NT_ERRORS | smb.SMB.CAP_NT_SMBS
+ _dialects_parameters['Capabilities'] = smb.SMB.CAP_USE_NT_ERRORS | smb.SMB.CAP_NT_SMBS
# Let's see if we need to support RPC_REMOTE_APIS
config = smbServer.getServerConfig()
_dialects_parameters['SessionKey'] = 0
_dialects_parameters['LowDateTime'] = 0
_dialects_parameters['HighDateTime'] = 0
- _dialects_parameters['ServerTimeZone'] = 0
+ _dialects_parameters['ServerTimeZone'] = 0
respSMBCommand['Data'] = _dialects_data
except Exception, e:
# No NTLM throw an error
smbServer.log('smbComNegotiate: %s' % e, logging.ERROR)
- respSMBCommand['Data'] = struct.pack('<H',0xffff)
+ respSMBCommand['Data'] = struct.pack('<H',0xffff)
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
return None, [resp], STATUS_SUCCESS
smbServer.log("Not implemented command: 0x%x" % recvPacket['Command'],logging.DEBUG)
packet = smb.NewSMBPacket()
packet['Flags1'] = smb.SMB.FLAGS1_REPLY
- packet['Flags2'] = smb.SMB.FLAGS2_NT_STATUS
+ packet['Flags2'] = smb.SMB.FLAGS2_NT_STATUS
packet['Command'] = recvPacket['Command']
packet['Pid'] = recvPacket['Pid']
packet['Tid'] = recvPacket['Tid']
if isSMB1 is True:
# Let's first parse the packet to see if the client supports SMB2
SMBCommand = smb.SMBCommand(recvPacket['Data'][0])
dialects = SMBCommand['Data'].split('\x02')
if 'SMB 2.002\x00' in dialects or 'SMB 2.???\x00' in dialects:
respSMBCommand['DialectRevision'] = smb2.SMB2_DIALECT_002
mechStr = hexlify(mechType)
smbServer.log("Unsupported MechType '%s'" % mechStr, logging.CRITICAL)
- # We don't know the token, we answer back again saying
+ # We don't know the token, we answer back again saying
# we just support NTLM.
# ToDo: Build this into a SPNEGO_NegTokenResp()
respToken = '\xa1\x15\x30\x13\xa0\x03\x0a\x01\x03\xa1\x0c\x06\x0a\x2b\x06\x01\x04\x01\x82\x37\x02\x02\x0a'
rawNTLM = True
token = securityBlob
- # Here we only handle NTLMSSP, depending on what stage of the
+ # Here we only handle NTLMSSP, depending on what stage of the
# authentication we are, we act on it
messageType = struct.unpack('<L',token[len('NTLMSSP\x00'):len('NTLMSSP\x00')+4])[0]
# Let's store it in the connection data
connData['NEGOTIATE_MESSAGE'] = negotiateMessage
# Let's build the answer flags
- # TODO: Parse all the flags. With this we're leaving some clients out
+ # TODO: Parse all the flags. With this we're leaving some clients out
ansFlags = 0
if rawNTLM is False:
respToken = SPNEGO_NegTokenResp()
# accept-incomplete. We want more data
- respToken['NegResult'] = '\x01'
+ respToken['NegResult'] = '\x01'
respToken['SupportedMech'] = TypesMech['NTLMSSP - Microsoft NTLM Security Support Provider']
respToken['ResponseToken'] = challengeMessage.getData()
# Setting the packet to STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING
- # Let's set up an UID for this connection and store it
+ # Let's set up an UID for this connection and store it
# in the connection's data
# Picking a fixed value
# TODO: Manage more UIDs for the same session
mode |= os.O_TRUNC | os.O_CREAT
elif createDisposition & smb2.FILE_OVERWRITE == smb2.FILE_OVERWRITE:
if os.path.exists(pathName) is True:
- mode |= os.O_TRUNC
+ mode |= os.O_TRUNC
elif createDisposition & smb2.FILE_OPEN_IF == smb2.FILE_OPEN_IF:
if os.path.exists(pathName) is True:
- mode |= os.O_TRUNC
+ mode |= os.O_TRUNC
mode |= os.O_TRUNC | os.O_CREAT
elif createDisposition & smb2.FILE_CREATE == smb2.FILE_CREATE:
if (desiredAccess & smb2.FILE_WRITE_DATA) or (desiredAccess & smb2.GENERIC_WRITE):
if (desiredAccess & smb2.FILE_READ_DATA) or (desiredAccess & smb2.GENERIC_READ):
mode |= os.O_RDWR #| os.O_APPEND
- else:
+ else:
mode |= os.O_WRONLY #| os.O_APPEND
if desiredAccess & smb2.GENERIC_ALL:
mode |= os.O_RDWR #| os.O_APPEND
createOptions = ntCreateRequest['CreateOptions']
if mode & os.O_CREAT == os.O_CREAT:
- if createOptions & smb2.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE == smb2.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE:
+ if createOptions & smb2.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE == smb2.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE:
# Let's create the directory
if createOptions & smb2.FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE == smb2.FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE:
deleteOnClose = True
if errorCode == STATUS_SUCCESS:
if os.path.isdir(pathName) and sys.platform == 'win32':
connData['OpenedFiles'][fakefid]['Socket'] = sock
respSMBCommand = smb2.SMB2Error()
if errorCode == STATUS_SUCCESS:
connData['LastRequest']['SMB2_CREATE'] = respSMBCommand
smbServer.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
except Exception, e:
smbServer.log("SMB2_CLOSE %s" % e, logging.ERROR)
# Now fill out the response
if infoRecord is not None:
respSMBCommand['CreationTime'] = infoRecord['CreationTime']
respSMBCommand = smb2.SMB2QueryInfo_Response()
queryInfo = smb2.SMB2QueryInfo(recvPacket['Data'])
- errorCode = STATUS_SUCCESS
+ errorCode = STATUS_SUCCESS
respSMBCommand['OutputBufferOffset'] = 0x48
respSMBCommand['Buffer'] = '\x00'
respSMBCommand = smb2.SMB2SetInfo_Response()
setInfo = smb2.SMB2SetInfo(recvPacket['Data'])
- errorCode = STATUS_SUCCESS
+ errorCode = STATUS_SUCCESS
if str(setInfo['FileID']) == '\xff'*16:
# Let's take the data from the lastRequest
os.write(fileHandle, '\x00')
elif informationLevel == smb2.SMB2_FILE_RENAME_INFO:
renameInfo = smb2.FILE_RENAME_INFORMATION_TYPE_2(setInfo['Buffer'])
- newPathName = os.path.join(path,renameInfo['FileName'].decode('utf-16le').replace('\\', '/'))
+ newPathName = os.path.join(path,renameInfo['FileName'].decode('utf-16le').replace('\\', '/'))
if renameInfo['ReplaceIfExists'] == 0 and os.path.exists(newPathName):
return [smb2.SMB2Error()], None, STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION
# The server MUST locate the tree connection, as specified in section
if connData['ConnectedShares'].has_key(recvPacket['TreeID']) is False:
return [smb2.SMB2Error()], None, STATUS_NETWORK_NAME_DELETED
- # Next, the server MUST locate the open for the directory to be queried
+ # Next, the server MUST locate the open for the directory to be queried
# If no open is found, the server MUST fail the request with STATUS_FILE_CLOSED
if str(queryDirectoryRequest['FileID']) == '\xff'*16:
# Let's take the data from the lastRequest
if connData['OpenedFiles'].has_key(fileID) is False:
return [smb2.SMB2Error()], None, STATUS_FILE_CLOSED
- # If the open is not an open to a directory, the request MUST be failed
+ # If the open is not an open to a directory, the request MUST be failed
if os.path.isdir(connData['OpenedFiles'][fileID]['FileName']) is False:
return [smb2.SMB2Error()], None, STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER
- # If any other information class is specified in the FileInformationClass
- # field of the SMB2 QUERY_DIRECTORY Request, the server MUST fail the
- # operation with STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS.
+ # If any other information class is specified in the FileInformationClass
+ # field of the SMB2 QUERY_DIRECTORY Request, the server MUST fail the
+ # operation with STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS.
if queryDirectoryRequest['FileInformationClass'] not in (
return [smb2.SMB2Error()], None, STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS
- # If SMB2_REOPEN is set in the Flags field of the SMB2 QUERY_DIRECTORY
- # Request, the server SHOULD<326> set Open.EnumerationLocation to 0
+ # If SMB2_REOPEN is set in the Flags field of the SMB2 QUERY_DIRECTORY
+ # Request, the server SHOULD<326> set Open.EnumerationLocation to 0
# and Open.EnumerationSearchPattern to an empty string.
if queryDirectoryRequest['Flags'] & smb2.SMB2_REOPEN:
connData['OpenedFiles'][fileID]['Open']['EnumerationLocation'] = 0
connData['OpenedFiles'][fileID]['Open']['EnumerationSearchPattern'] = ''
- # If SMB2_RESTART_SCANS is set in the Flags field of the SMB2
- # QUERY_DIRECTORY Request, the server MUST set
+ # If SMB2_RESTART_SCANS is set in the Flags field of the SMB2
+ # QUERY_DIRECTORY Request, the server MUST set
# Open.EnumerationLocation to 0.
if queryDirectoryRequest['Flags'] & smb2.SMB2_RESTART_SCANS:
connData['OpenedFiles'][fileID]['Open']['EnumerationLocation'] = 0
- # If Open.EnumerationLocation is 0 and Open.EnumerationSearchPattern
- # is an empty string, then Open.EnumerationSearchPattern MUST be set
- # to the search pattern specified in the SMB2 QUERY_DIRECTORY by
- # FileNameOffset and FileNameLength. If FileNameLength is 0, the server
+ # If Open.EnumerationLocation is 0 and Open.EnumerationSearchPattern
+ # is an empty string, then Open.EnumerationSearchPattern MUST be set
+ # to the search pattern specified in the SMB2 QUERY_DIRECTORY by
+ # FileNameOffset and FileNameLength. If FileNameLength is 0, the server
# SHOULD<327> set Open.EnumerationSearchPattern as "*" to search all entries.
pattern = queryDirectoryRequest['Buffer'].decode('utf-16le')
pattern = '*'
connData['OpenedFiles'][fileID]['Open']['EnumerationSearchPattern'] = pattern
- # If SMB2_INDEX_SPECIFIED is set and FileNameLength is not zero,
- # the server MUST set Open.EnumerationSearchPattern to the search pattern
+ # If SMB2_INDEX_SPECIFIED is set and FileNameLength is not zero,
+ # the server MUST set Open.EnumerationSearchPattern to the search pattern
# specified in the request by FileNameOffset and FileNameLength.
if queryDirectoryRequest['Flags'] & smb2.SMB2_INDEX_SPECIFIED and \
queryDirectoryRequest['FileNameLength'] > 0:
pathName = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(connData['OpenedFiles'][fileID]['FileName']),pattern)
searchResult, searchCount, errorCode = findFirst2(os.path.dirname(pathName),
- queryDirectoryRequest['FileInformationClass'],
+ queryDirectoryRequest['FileInformationClass'],
smb.ATTR_DIRECTORY, isSMB2 = True )
if errorCode != STATUS_SUCCESS:
data = searchResult[nItem].getData()
lenData = len(data)
padLen = (8-(lenData % 8)) %8
if (totalData+lenData) >= queryDirectoryRequest['OutputBufferLength']:
connData['OpenedFiles'][fileID]['Open']['EnumerationLocation'] -= 1
def fsctlPipeTransceive(connId, smbServer, ioctlRequest):
connData = smbServer.getConnectionData(connId)
ioctlResponse = ''
if connData['OpenedFiles'].has_key(str(ioctlRequest['FileID'])):
def fsctlValidateNegotiateInfo(connId, smbServer, ioctlRequest):
connData = smbServer.getConnectionData(connId)
validateNegotiateInfo = smb2.VALIDATE_NEGOTIATE_INFO(ioctlRequest['Buffer'])
except nmb.NetBIOSTimeout:
except nmb.NetBIOSError:
- break
+ break
if p.get_type() == nmb.NETBIOS_SESSION_REQUEST:
# Someone is requesting a session, we're gonna accept them all :)
_, rn, my = p.get_trailer().split(' ')
remote_name = nmb.decode_name('\x20'+rn)
- myname = nmb.decode_name('\x20'+my)
- self.__SMB.log("NetBIOS Session request (%s,%s,%s)" % (self.__ip, remote_name[1].strip(), myname[1]))
+ myname = nmb.decode_name('\x20'+my)
+ self.__SMB.log("NetBIOS Session request (%s,%s,%s)" % (self.__ip, remote_name[1].strip(), myname[1]))
r = nmb.NetBIOSSessionPacket()
# SMB2 Support flag = default not active
self.__SMB2Support = False
# Our list of commands we will answer, by default the NOT IMPLEMENTED one
self.__smbCommandsHandler = SMBCommands()
self.__smbTrans2Handler = TRANS2Commands()
smb.SMB.TRANS2_SET_PATH_INFORMATION :self.__smbTrans2Handler.setPathInformation
- self.__smbCommands = {
- #smb.SMB.SMB_COM_FLUSH: self.__smbCommandsHandler.smbComFlush,
- smb.SMB.SMB_COM_CREATE_DIRECTORY: self.__smbCommandsHandler.smbComCreateDirectory,
- smb.SMB.SMB_COM_DELETE_DIRECTORY: self.__smbCommandsHandler.smbComDeleteDirectory,
- smb.SMB.SMB_COM_RENAME: self.__smbCommandsHandler.smbComRename,
- smb.SMB.SMB_COM_DELETE: self.__smbCommandsHandler.smbComDelete,
- smb.SMB.SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE: self.__smbCommandsHandler.smbComNegotiate,
+ self.__smbCommands = {
+ #smb.SMB.SMB_COM_FLUSH: self.__smbCommandsHandler.smbComFlush,
+ smb.SMB.SMB_COM_CREATE_DIRECTORY: self.__smbCommandsHandler.smbComCreateDirectory,
+ smb.SMB.SMB_COM_DELETE_DIRECTORY: self.__smbCommandsHandler.smbComDeleteDirectory,
+ smb.SMB.SMB_COM_RENAME: self.__smbCommandsHandler.smbComRename,
+ smb.SMB.SMB_COM_DELETE: self.__smbCommandsHandler.smbComDelete,
+ smb.SMB.SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE: self.__smbCommandsHandler.smbComNegotiate,
smb.SMB.SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX: self.__smbCommandsHandler.smbComSessionSetupAndX,
smb.SMB.SMB_COM_LOGOFF_ANDX: self.__smbCommandsHandler.smbComLogOffAndX,
smb.SMB.SMB_COM_TREE_CONNECT_ANDX: self.__smbCommandsHandler.smbComTreeConnectAndX,
0xFF: self.__smbCommandsHandler.default
- self.__smb2Ioctls = {
- smb2.FSCTL_DFS_GET_REFERRALS: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlDfsGetReferrals,
-# smb2.FSCTL_PIPE_PEEK: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlPipePeek,
-# smb2.FSCTL_PIPE_WAIT: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlPipeWait,
- smb2.FSCTL_PIPE_TRANSCEIVE: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlPipeTransceive,
-# smb2.FSCTL_SRV_COPYCHUNK: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlSrvCopyChunk,
-# smb2.FSCTL_SRV_ENUMERATE_SNAPSHOTS: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlSrvEnumerateSnapshots,
-# smb2.FSCTL_SRV_REQUEST_RESUME_KEY: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlSrvRequestResumeKey,
-# smb2.FSCTL_SRV_READ_HASH: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlSrvReadHash,
-# smb2.FSCTL_SRV_COPYCHUNK_WRITE: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlSrvCopyChunkWrite,
-# smb2.FSCTL_LMR_REQUEST_RESILIENCY: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlLmrRequestResiliency,
-# smb2.FSCTL_QUERY_NETWORK_INTERFACE_INFO: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlQueryNetworkInterfaceInfo,
-# smb2.FSCTL_SET_REPARSE_POINT: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlSetReparsePoint,
-# smb2.FSCTL_DFS_GET_REFERRALS_EX: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlDfsGetReferralsEx,
-# smb2.FSCTL_FILE_LEVEL_TRIM: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlFileLevelTrim,
- smb2.FSCTL_VALIDATE_NEGOTIATE_INFO: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlValidateNegotiateInfo,
+ self.__smb2Ioctls = {
+ smb2.FSCTL_DFS_GET_REFERRALS: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlDfsGetReferrals,
+# smb2.FSCTL_PIPE_PEEK: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlPipePeek,
+# smb2.FSCTL_PIPE_WAIT: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlPipeWait,
+ smb2.FSCTL_PIPE_TRANSCEIVE: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlPipeTransceive,
+# smb2.FSCTL_SRV_COPYCHUNK: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlSrvCopyChunk,
+# smb2.FSCTL_SRV_ENUMERATE_SNAPSHOTS: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlSrvEnumerateSnapshots,
+# smb2.FSCTL_SRV_REQUEST_RESUME_KEY: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlSrvRequestResumeKey,
+# smb2.FSCTL_SRV_READ_HASH: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlSrvReadHash,
+# smb2.FSCTL_SRV_COPYCHUNK_WRITE: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlSrvCopyChunkWrite,
+# smb2.FSCTL_LMR_REQUEST_RESILIENCY: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlLmrRequestResiliency,
+# smb2.FSCTL_QUERY_NETWORK_INTERFACE_INFO: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlQueryNetworkInterfaceInfo,
+# smb2.FSCTL_SET_REPARSE_POINT: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlSetReparsePoint,
+# smb2.FSCTL_DFS_GET_REFERRALS_EX: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlDfsGetReferralsEx,
+# smb2.FSCTL_FILE_LEVEL_TRIM: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlFileLevelTrim,
+ smb2.FSCTL_VALIDATE_NEGOTIATE_INFO: self.__IoctlHandler.fsctlValidateNegotiateInfo,
- self.__smb2Commands = {
- smb2.SMB2_NEGOTIATE: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Negotiate,
- smb2.SMB2_SESSION_SETUP: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2SessionSetup,
- smb2.SMB2_LOGOFF: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Logoff,
- smb2.SMB2_TREE_CONNECT: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2TreeConnect,
- smb2.SMB2_TREE_DISCONNECT: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2TreeDisconnect,
- smb2.SMB2_CREATE: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Create,
- smb2.SMB2_CLOSE: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Close,
- smb2.SMB2_FLUSH: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Flush,
- smb2.SMB2_READ: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Read,
- smb2.SMB2_WRITE: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Write,
- smb2.SMB2_LOCK: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Lock,
- smb2.SMB2_IOCTL: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Ioctl,
- smb2.SMB2_CANCEL: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Cancel,
- smb2.SMB2_ECHO: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Echo,
- smb2.SMB2_QUERY_DIRECTORY: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2QueryDirectory,
- smb2.SMB2_CHANGE_NOTIFY: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2ChangeNotify,
- smb2.SMB2_QUERY_INFO: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2QueryInfo,
- smb2.SMB2_SET_INFO: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2SetInfo,
-# smb2.SMB2_OPLOCK_BREAK: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2SessionSetup,
+ self.__smb2Commands = {
+ smb2.SMB2_NEGOTIATE: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Negotiate,
+ smb2.SMB2_SESSION_SETUP: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2SessionSetup,
+ smb2.SMB2_LOGOFF: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Logoff,
+ smb2.SMB2_TREE_CONNECT: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2TreeConnect,
+ smb2.SMB2_TREE_DISCONNECT: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2TreeDisconnect,
+ smb2.SMB2_CREATE: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Create,
+ smb2.SMB2_CLOSE: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Close,
+ smb2.SMB2_FLUSH: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Flush,
+ smb2.SMB2_READ: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Read,
+ smb2.SMB2_WRITE: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Write,
+ smb2.SMB2_LOCK: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Lock,
+ smb2.SMB2_IOCTL: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Ioctl,
+ smb2.SMB2_CANCEL: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Cancel,
+ smb2.SMB2_ECHO: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2Echo,
+ smb2.SMB2_QUERY_DIRECTORY: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2QueryDirectory,
+ smb2.SMB2_CHANGE_NOTIFY: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2ChangeNotify,
+ smb2.SMB2_QUERY_INFO: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2QueryInfo,
+ smb2.SMB2_SET_INFO: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2SetInfo,
+# smb2.SMB2_OPLOCK_BREAK: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.smb2SessionSetup,
0xFF: self.__smb2CommandsHandler.default
# List of active connections
self.__activeConnections = {}
def getIoctls(self):
return self.__smb2Ioctls
def setConnectionData(self, connId, data):
self.__activeConnections[connId] = data
- #print "setConnectionData"
+ #print "setConnectionData"
#print self.__activeConnections
def getConnectionData(self, connId, checkStatus = True):
def hookTransaction(self, transCommand, callback):
- # If you call this function, callback will replace
+ # If you call this function, callback will replace
# the current Transaction sub command.
# (don't get confused with the Transaction smbCommand)
# If the transaction sub command doesn't not exist, it is added
- # connId : the connection Id, used to grab/update information about
+ # connId : the connection Id, used to grab/update information about
# the current connection
- # smbServer : the SMBServer instance available for you to ask
+ # smbServer : the SMBServer instance available for you to ask
# configuration data
# recvPacket : the full SMBPacket that triggered this command
# parameters : the transaction parameters
# data : the transaction data
- # maxDataCount: the max amount of data that can be transfered agreed
+ # maxDataCount: the max amount of data that can be transfered agreed
# with the client
# and MUST return:
# respSetup: the setup response of the transaction
# respParameters: the parameters response of the transaction
# respData: the data reponse of the transaction
- # errorCode: the NT error code
+ # errorCode: the NT error code
if self.__smbTransCommands.has_key(transCommand):
originalCommand = self.__smbTransCommands[transCommand]
- originalCommand = None
+ originalCommand = None
self.__smbTransCommands[transCommand] = callback
return originalCommand
if self.__smbTrans2Commands.has_key(transCommand):
originalCommand = self.__smbTrans2Commands[transCommand]
- originalCommand = None
+ originalCommand = None
self.__smbTrans2Commands[transCommand] = callback
return originalCommand
if self.__smbNTTransCommands.has_key(transCommand):
originalCommand = self.__smbNTTransCommands[transCommand]
- originalCommand = None
+ originalCommand = None
self.__smbNTTransCommands[transCommand] = callback
return originalCommand
def hookSmbCommand(self, smbCommand, callback):
# Here we should add to self.__smbCommands
- # If you call this function, callback will replace
+ # If you call this function, callback will replace
# the current smbCommand.
# If smbCommand doesn't not exist, it is added
# If SMB command exists, it returns the original function replaced
- # connId : the connection Id, used to grab/update information about
+ # connId : the connection Id, used to grab/update information about
# the current connection
- # smbServer : the SMBServer instance available for you to ask
+ # smbServer : the SMBServer instance available for you to ask
# configuration data
- # SMBCommand: the SMBCommand itself, with its data and parameters.
+ # SMBCommand: the SMBCommand itself, with its data and parameters.
# Check smb.py:SMBCommand() for a reference
# recvPacket: the full SMBPacket that triggered this command
# and MUST return:
# <list of respSMBCommands>, <list of packets>, errorCode
- # <list of packets> has higher preference over commands, in case you
- # want to change the whole packet
- # errorCode: the NT error code
+ # <list of packets> has higher preference over commands, in case you
+ # want to change the whole packet
+ # errorCode: the NT error code
# the callback function is slightly different:
# callback(connId, smbServer, SMBCommand, recvPacket, transCommands)
- #
+ #
# transCommands: a list of transaction subcommands already registered
if self.__smbCommands.has_key(smbCommand):
originalCommand = self.__smbCommands[smbCommand]
- originalCommand = None
+ originalCommand = None
self.__smbCommands[smbCommand] = callback
return originalCommand
def unregisterSmb2Command(self, smb2Command):
if self.__smb2Commands.has_key(smb2Command):
if self.__smb2Commands.has_key(smb2Command):
originalCommand = self.__smb2Commands[smb2Command]
- originalCommand = None
+ originalCommand = None
self.__smb2Commands[smb2Command] = callback
return originalCommand
def getServerOS(self):
return self.__serverOS
def getServerDomain(self):
return self.__serverDomain
def getSMBChallenge(self):
return self.__challenge
def getServerConfig(self):
return self.__serverConfig
if isSMB2 is False:
if packet['Command'] == smb.SMB.SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2:
respCommands, respPackets, errorCode = self.__smbCommands[packet['Command']](
- connId,
- self,
+ connId,
+ self,
elif packet['Command'] == smb.SMB.SMB_COM_NT_TRANSACT:
respCommands, respPackets, errorCode = self.__smbCommands[packet['Command']](
- connId,
- self,
+ connId,
+ self,
elif packet['Command'] == smb.SMB.SMB_COM_TRANSACTION:
respCommands, respPackets, errorCode = self.__smbCommands[packet['Command']](
- connId,
- self,
+ connId,
+ self,
self.log('SMB2_NEGOTIATE: %s' % e, logging.ERROR)
# If something went wrong, let's fallback to SMB1
respCommands, respPackets, errorCode = self.__smbCommands[packet['Command']](
- connId,
- self,
+ connId,
+ self,
#self.__SMB2Support = False
respCommands, respPackets, errorCode = self.__smbCommands[packet['Command']](
- connId,
- self,
+ connId,
+ self,
respCommands, respPackets, errorCode = self.__smbCommands[packet['Command']](
- connId,
- self,
+ connId,
+ self,
- respCommands, respPackets, errorCode = self.__smbCommands[255](connId, self, SMBCommand, packet)
+ respCommands, respPackets, errorCode = self.__smbCommands[255](connId, self, SMBCommand, packet)
compoundedPacketsResponse.append((respCommands, respPackets, errorCode))
if self.__smb2Commands.has_key(packet['Command']):
if self.__SMB2Support is True:
respCommands, respPackets, errorCode = self.__smb2Commands[packet['Command']](
- connId,
- self,
+ connId,
+ self,
respCommands, respPackets, errorCode = self.__smb2Commands[255](connId, self, packet)
- respCommands, respPackets, errorCode = self.__smb2Commands[255](connId, self, packet)
+ respCommands, respPackets, errorCode = self.__smb2Commands[255](connId, self, packet)
# Let's store the result for this compounded packet
compoundedPacketsResponse.append((respCommands, respPackets, errorCode))
data = data[packet['NextCommand']:]
packet = smb2.SMB2Packet(data = data)
- done = True
+ done = True
except Exception, e:
#import traceback
# packet['ErrorClass'] = errorCode & 0xff
# return [packet]
- self.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
+ self.setConnectionData(connId, connData)
packetsToSend = []
for packetNum in range(len(compoundedPacketsResponse)):
# TODO this should come from a per session configuration
respPacket['Flags2'] = smb.SMB.FLAGS2_EXTENDED_SECURITY | smb.SMB.FLAGS2_NT_STATUS | smb.SMB.FLAGS2_LONG_NAMES | packet['Flags2'] & smb.SMB.FLAGS2_UNICODE
#respPacket['Flags1'] = 0x98
#respPacket['Flags2'] = 0xc807
respPacket['Tid'] = packet['Tid']
respPacket['Mid'] = packet['Mid']
respPacket['Pid'] = packet['Pid']
respPacket['Uid'] = connData['Uid']
respPacket['ErrorCode'] = errorCode >> 16
respPacket['_reserved'] = errorCode >> 8 & 0xff
respPacket['ErrorClass'] = errorCode & 0xff
respPacket = smb2.SMB2Packet()
self.__SMB2Support = False
if self.__logFile != 'None':
- logging.basicConfig(filename = self.__logFile,
- level = logging.DEBUG,
- format="%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s",
+ logging.basicConfig(filename = self.__logFile,
+ level = logging.DEBUG,
+ format="%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s",
datefmt = '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p')
self.__log = LOG
self.__credentials[name] = (domain, lmhash, nthash.strip('\r\n'))
line = cred.readline()
- self.log('Config file parsed')
+ self.log('Config file parsed')
# For windows platforms, opening a directory is not an option, so we set a void FD
-from impacket.dcerpc.v5.rpcrt import DCERPCServer
-from impacket.dcerpc.v5.dtypes import NULL
-from impacket.dcerpc.v5.srvs import NetrShareEnum, NetrShareEnumResponse, SHARE_INFO_1, NetrServerGetInfo, NetrServerGetInfoResponse, NetrShareGetInfo, NetrShareGetInfoResponse
-from impacket.dcerpc.v5.wkst import NetrWkstaGetInfo, NetrWkstaGetInfoResponse
-from impacket.system_errors import ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL
-class WKSTServer(DCERPCServer):
- def __init__(self):
- DCERPCServer.__init__(self)
- self.wkssvcCallBacks = {
- 0: self.NetrWkstaGetInfo,
- }
- self.addCallbacks(('6BFFD098-A112-3610-9833-46C3F87E345A', '1.0'),'\\PIPE\\wkssvc', self.wkssvcCallBacks)
- def NetrWkstaGetInfo(self,data):
- request = NetrWkstaGetInfo(data)
- self.log("NetrWkstaGetInfo Level: %d" % request['Level'])
- answer = NetrWkstaGetInfoResponse()
- if request['Level'] not in (100, 101):
- answer['ErrorCode'] = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL
- return answer
- answer['WkstaInfo']['tag'] = request['Level']
- if request['Level'] == 100:
- # Windows. Decimal value 500.
- answer['WkstaInfo']['WkstaInfo100']['wki100_platform_id'] = 0x000001F4
- answer['WkstaInfo']['WkstaInfo100']['wki100_computername'] = NULL
- answer['WkstaInfo']['WkstaInfo100']['wki100_langroup'] = NULL
- answer['WkstaInfo']['WkstaInfo100']['wki100_ver_major'] = 5
- answer['WkstaInfo']['WkstaInfo100']['wki100_ver_minor'] = 0
- else:
- # Windows. Decimal value 500.
- answer['WkstaInfo']['WkstaInfo101']['wki101_platform_id'] = 0x000001F4
- answer['WkstaInfo']['WkstaInfo101']['wki101_computername'] = NULL
- answer['WkstaInfo']['WkstaInfo101']['wki101_langroup'] = NULL
- answer['WkstaInfo']['WkstaInfo101']['wki101_ver_major'] = 5
- answer['WkstaInfo']['WkstaInfo101']['wki101_ver_minor'] = 0
- answer['WkstaInfo']['WkstaInfo101']['wki101_lanroot'] = NULL
- return answer
-class SRVSServer(DCERPCServer):
- def __init__(self):
- DCERPCServer.__init__(self)
- self._shares = {}
- self.__serverConfig = None
- self.__logFile = None
- self.srvsvcCallBacks = {
- 15: self.NetrShareEnum,
- 16: self.NetrShareGetInfo,
- 21: self.NetrServerGetInfo,
- }
- self.addCallbacks(('4B324FC8-1670-01D3-1278-5A47BF6EE188', '3.0'),'\\PIPE\\srvsvc', self.srvsvcCallBacks)
- def setServerConfig(self, config):
- self.__serverConfig = config
- def processConfigFile(self, configFile=None):
- if configFile is not None:
- self.__serverConfig = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
- self.__serverConfig.read(configFile)
- sections = self.__serverConfig.sections()
- # Let's check the log file
- self.__logFile = self.__serverConfig.get('global','log_file')
- if self.__logFile != 'None':
- logging.basicConfig(filename = self.__logFile,
- level = logging.DEBUG,
- format="%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s",
- datefmt = '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p')
- # Remove the global one
- del(sections[sections.index('global')])
- self._shares = {}
- for i in sections:
- self._shares[i] = dict(self.__serverConfig.items(i))
- def NetrShareGetInfo(self,data):
- request = NetrShareGetInfo(data)
- self.log("NetrGetShareInfo Level: %d" % request['Level'])
- s = request['NetName'][:-1].upper()
- answer = NetrShareGetInfoResponse()
- if self._shares.has_key(s):
- share = self._shares[s]
- answer['InfoStruct']['tag'] = 1
- answer['InfoStruct']['ShareInfo1']['shi1_netname']= s+'\x00'
- answer['InfoStruct']['ShareInfo1']['shi1_type'] = share['share type']
- answer['InfoStruct']['ShareInfo1']['shi1_remark'] = share['comment']+'\x00'
- answer['ErrorCode'] = 0
- else:
- answer['InfoStruct']['tag'] = 1
- answer['InfoStruct']['ShareInfo1']= NULL
- answer['ErrorCode'] = 0x0906 #WERR_NET_NAME_NOT_FOUND
- return answer
- def NetrServerGetInfo(self,data):
- request = NetrServerGetInfo(data)
- self.log("NetrServerGetInfo Level: %d" % request['Level'])
- answer = NetrServerGetInfoResponse()
- answer['InfoStruct']['tag'] = 101
- # PLATFORM_ID_NT = 500
- answer['InfoStruct']['ServerInfo101']['sv101_platform_id'] = 500
- answer['InfoStruct']['ServerInfo101']['sv101_name'] = request['ServerName']
- # Windows 7 = 6.1
- answer['InfoStruct']['ServerInfo101']['sv101_version_major'] = 6
- answer['InfoStruct']['ServerInfo101']['sv101_version_minor'] = 1
- # Workstation = 1
- answer['InfoStruct']['ServerInfo101']['sv101_type'] = 1
- answer['InfoStruct']['ServerInfo101']['sv101_comment'] = NULL
- answer['ErrorCode'] = 0
- return answer
- def NetrShareEnum(self, data):
- request = NetrShareEnum(data)
- self.log("NetrShareEnum Level: %d" % request['InfoStruct']['Level'])
- shareEnum = NetrShareEnumResponse()
- shareEnum['InfoStruct']['Level'] = 1
- shareEnum['InfoStruct']['ShareInfo']['tag'] = 1
- shareEnum['TotalEntries'] = len(self._shares)
- shareEnum['InfoStruct']['ShareInfo']['Level1']['EntriesRead'] = len(self._shares)
- shareEnum['ErrorCode'] = 0
- for i in self._shares:
- shareInfo = SHARE_INFO_1()
- shareInfo['shi1_netname'] = i+'\x00'
- shareInfo['shi1_type'] = self._shares[i]['share type']
- shareInfo['shi1_remark'] = self._shares[i]['comment']+'\x00'
- shareEnum['InfoStruct']['ShareInfo']['Level1']['Buffer'].append(shareInfo)
- return shareEnum
-class SimpleSMBServer:
- """
- SimpleSMBServer class - Implements a simple, customizable SMB Server
- :param string listenAddress: the address you want the server to listen on
- :param integer listenPort: the port number you want the server to listen on
- :param string configFile: a file with all the servers' configuration. If no file specified, this class will create the basic parameters needed to run. You will need to add your shares manually tho. See addShare() method
- """
- def __init__(self, listenAddress = '', listenPort=445, configFile=''):
- if configFile != '':
- self.__server = SMBSERVER((listenAddress,listenPort))
- self.__server.processConfigFile(configFile)
- self.__smbConfig = None
- else:
- # Here we write a mini config for the server
- self.__smbConfig = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
- self.__smbConfig.add_section('global')
- self.__smbConfig.set('global','server_name',''.join([random.choice(string.letters) for _ in range(8)]))
- self.__smbConfig.set('global','server_os',''.join([random.choice(string.letters) for _ in range(8)])
- self.__smbConfig.set('global','server_domain',''.join([random.choice(string.letters) for _ in range(8)])
- self.__smbConfig.set('global','log_file','None')
- self.__smbConfig.set('global','rpc_apis','yes')
- self.__smbConfig.set('global','credentials_file','')
- self.__smbConfig.set('global', 'challenge', "A"*8)
- # IPC always needed
- self.__smbConfig.add_section('IPC$')
- self.__smbConfig.set('IPC$','comment','')
- self.__smbConfig.set('IPC$','read only','yes')
- self.__smbConfig.set('IPC$','share type','3')
- self.__smbConfig.set('IPC$','path','')
- self.__server = SMBSERVER((listenAddress,listenPort), config_parser = self.__smbConfig)
- self.__server.processConfigFile()
- # Now we have to register the MS-SRVS server. This specially important for
- # Windows 7+ and Mavericks clients since they WONT (specially OSX)
- # ask for shares using MS-RAP.
- self.__srvsServer = SRVSServer()
- self.__srvsServer.daemon = True
- self.__wkstServer = WKSTServer()
- self.__wkstServer.daemon = True
- self.__server.registerNamedPipe('srvsvc',('',self.__srvsServer.getListenPort()))
- self.__server.registerNamedPipe('wkssvc',('',self.__wkstServer.getListenPort()))
- def start(self):
- self.__srvsServer.start()
- self.__wkstServer.start()
- self.__server.serve_forever()
- def registerNamedPipe(self, pipeName, address):
- return self.__server.registerNamedPipe(pipeName, address)
- def unregisterNamedPipe(self, pipeName):
- return self.__server.unregisterNamedPipe(pipeName)
- def getRegisteredNamedPipes(self):
- return self.__server.getRegisteredNamedPipes()
- def addShare(self, shareName, sharePath, shareComment='', shareType = 0, readOnly = 'no'):
- self.__smbConfig.add_section(shareName)
- self.__smbConfig.set(shareName, 'comment', shareComment)
- self.__smbConfig.set(shareName, 'read only', readOnly)
- self.__smbConfig.set(shareName, 'share type', shareType)
- self.__smbConfig.set(shareName, 'path', sharePath)
- self.__server.setServerConfig(self.__smbConfig)
- self.__srvsServer.setServerConfig(self.__smbConfig)
- self.__server.processConfigFile()
- self.__srvsServer.processConfigFile()
- def removeShare(self, shareName):
- self.__smbConfig.remove_section(shareName)
- self.__server.setServerConfig(self.__smbConfig)
- self.__srvsServer.setServerConfig(self.__smbConfig)
- self.__server.processConfigFile()
- self.__srvsServer.processConfigFile()
- def setSMBChallenge(self, challenge):
- if challenge != '':
- self.__smbConfig.set('global', 'challenge', unhexlify(challenge))
- self.__server.setServerConfig(self.__smbConfig)
- self.__server.processConfigFile()
- def setLogFile(self, logFile):
- self.__smbConfig.set('global','log_file',logFile)
- self.__server.setServerConfig(self.__smbConfig)
- self.__server.processConfigFile()
- def setCredentialsFile(self, logFile):
- self.__smbConfig.set('global','credentials_file',logFile)
- self.__server.setServerConfig(self.__smbConfig)
- self.__server.processConfigFile()
- def setSMB2Support(self, value):
- if value is True:
- self.__smbConfig.set("global", "SMB2Support", "True")
- else:
- self.__smbConfig.set("global", "SMB2Support", "False")
- self.__server.setServerConfig(self.__smbConfig)
- self.__server.processConfigFile()