#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/StringToOffsetTable.h"
+namespace {
+enum PieceKind {
+ MultiPieceClass,
+ TextPieceClass,
+ PlaceholderPieceClass,
+ SelectPieceClass,
+ PluralPieceClass,
+ DiffPieceClass,
+ SubstitutionPieceClass,
+enum ModifierType {
+ MT_Unknown,
+ MT_Placeholder,
+ MT_Select,
+ MT_Sub,
+ MT_Plural,
+ MT_Diff,
+ MT_Ordinal,
+ MT_S,
+ MT_Q,
+ MT_ObjCClass,
+ MT_ObjCInstance,
+static StringRef getModifierName(ModifierType MT) {
+ switch (MT) {
+ case MT_Select:
+ return "select";
+ case MT_Sub:
+ return "sub";
+ case MT_Diff:
+ return "diff";
+ case MT_Plural:
+ return "plural";
+ case MT_Ordinal:
+ return "ordinal";
+ case MT_S:
+ return "s";
+ case MT_Q:
+ return "q";
+ case MT_Placeholder:
+ return "";
+ case MT_ObjCClass:
+ return "objcclass";
+ case MT_ObjCInstance:
+ return "objcinstance";
+ case MT_Unknown:
+ llvm_unreachable("invalid modifier type");
+ }
+struct Piece {
+ // This type and its derived classes are move-only.
+ Piece(PieceKind Kind) : ClassKind(Kind) {}
+ Piece(Piece const &O) = delete;
+ Piece &operator=(Piece const &) = delete;
+ virtual ~Piece() {}
+ PieceKind getPieceClass() const { return ClassKind; }
+ static bool classof(const Piece *) { return true; }
+ PieceKind ClassKind;
+struct MultiPiece : Piece {
+ MultiPiece() : Piece(MultiPieceClass) {}
+ MultiPiece(std::vector<Piece *> Pieces)
+ : Piece(MultiPieceClass), Pieces(std::move(Pieces)) {}
+ std::vector<Piece *> Pieces;
+ static bool classof(const Piece *P) {
+ return P->getPieceClass() == MultiPieceClass;
+ }
+struct TextPiece : Piece {
+ StringRef Role;
+ std::string Text;
+ TextPiece(StringRef Text, StringRef Role = "")
+ : Piece(TextPieceClass), Role(Role), Text(Text.str()) {}
+ static bool classof(const Piece *P) {
+ return P->getPieceClass() == TextPieceClass;
+ }
+struct PlaceholderPiece : Piece {
+ ModifierType Kind;
+ int Index;
+ PlaceholderPiece(ModifierType Kind, int Index)
+ : Piece(PlaceholderPieceClass), Kind(Kind), Index(Index) {}
+ static bool classof(const Piece *P) {
+ return P->getPieceClass() == PlaceholderPieceClass;
+ }
+struct SelectPiece : Piece {
+ SelectPiece(PieceKind Kind, ModifierType ModKind)
+ : Piece(Kind), ModKind(ModKind) {}
+ SelectPiece(ModifierType ModKind) : SelectPiece(SelectPieceClass, ModKind) {}
+ ModifierType ModKind;
+ std::vector<Piece *> Options;
+ int Index;
+ static bool classof(const Piece *P) {
+ return P->getPieceClass() == SelectPieceClass ||
+ P->getPieceClass() == PluralPieceClass;
+ }
+struct PluralPiece : SelectPiece {
+ PluralPiece() : SelectPiece(PluralPieceClass, MT_Plural) {}
+ std::vector<Piece *> OptionPrefixes;
+ int Index;
+ static bool classof(const Piece *P) {
+ return P->getPieceClass() == PluralPieceClass;
+ }
+struct DiffPiece : Piece {
+ DiffPiece() : Piece(DiffPieceClass) {}
+ Piece *Options[2] = {};
+ int Indexes[2] = {};
+ static bool classof(const Piece *P) {
+ return P->getPieceClass() == DiffPieceClass;
+ }
+struct SubstitutionPiece : Piece {
+ SubstitutionPiece() : Piece(SubstitutionPieceClass) {}
+ std::string Name;
+ std::vector<int> Modifiers;
+ static bool classof(const Piece *P) {
+ return P->getPieceClass() == SubstitutionPieceClass;
+ }
+/// Diagnostic text, parsed into pieces.
+struct DiagnosticTextBuilder {
+ DiagnosticTextBuilder(DiagnosticTextBuilder const &) = delete;
+ DiagnosticTextBuilder &operator=(DiagnosticTextBuilder const &) = delete;
+ DiagnosticTextBuilder(RecordKeeper &Records) {
+ // Build up the list of substitution records.
+ for (auto *S : Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("TextSubstitution")) {
+ EvaluatingRecordGuard Guard(&EvaluatingRecord, S);
+ Substitutions.try_emplace(
+ S->getName(), DiagText(*this, S->getValueAsString("Substitution")));
+ }
+ // Check that no diagnostic definitions have the same name as a
+ // substitution.
+ for (Record *Diag : Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("Diagnostic")) {
+ StringRef Name = Diag->getName();
+ if (Substitutions.count(Name))
+ llvm::PrintFatalError(
+ Diag->getLoc(),
+ "Diagnostic '" + Name +
+ "' has same name as TextSubstitution definition");
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<std::string> buildForDocumentation(StringRef Role,
+ const Record *R);
+ std::string buildForDefinition(const Record *R);
+ Piece *getSubstitution(SubstitutionPiece *S) const {
+ auto It = Substitutions.find(S->Name);
+ if (It == Substitutions.end())
+ PrintFatalError("Failed to find substitution with name: " + S->Name);
+ return It->second.Root;
+ }
+ void PrintFatalError(llvm::Twine const &Msg) const {
+ assert(EvaluatingRecord && "not evaluating a record?");
+ llvm::PrintFatalError(EvaluatingRecord->getLoc(), Msg);
+ }
+ struct DiagText {
+ DiagnosticTextBuilder &Builder;
+ std::vector<Piece *> AllocatedPieces;
+ Piece *Root = nullptr;
+ template <class T, class... Args> T *New(Args &&... args) {
+ static_assert(std::is_base_of<Piece, T>::value, "must be piece");
+ T *Mem = new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ AllocatedPieces.push_back(Mem);
+ return Mem;
+ }
+ DiagText(DiagnosticTextBuilder &Builder, StringRef Text)
+ : Builder(Builder), Root(parseDiagText(Text)) {}
+ Piece *parseDiagText(StringRef &Text, bool Nested = false);
+ int parseModifier(StringRef &) const;
+ public:
+ DiagText(DiagText &&O) noexcept
+ : Builder(O.Builder), AllocatedPieces(std::move(O.AllocatedPieces)),
+ Root(O.Root) {
+ O.Root = nullptr;
+ }
+ ~DiagText() {
+ for (Piece *P : AllocatedPieces)
+ delete P;
+ }
+ };
+ const Record *EvaluatingRecord = nullptr;
+ struct EvaluatingRecordGuard {
+ EvaluatingRecordGuard(const Record **Dest, const Record *New)
+ : Dest(Dest), Old(*Dest) {
+ *Dest = New;
+ }
+ ~EvaluatingRecordGuard() { *Dest = Old; }
+ const Record **Dest;
+ const Record *Old;
+ };
+ StringMap<DiagText> Substitutions;
+template <class Derived> struct DiagTextVisitor {
+ using ModifierMappingsType = Optional<std::vector<int>>;
+ Derived &getDerived() { return static_cast<Derived &>(*this); }
+ std::vector<int>
+ getSubstitutionMappings(SubstitutionPiece *P,
+ const ModifierMappingsType &Mappings) const {
+ std::vector<int> NewMappings;
+ for (int Idx : P->Modifiers)
+ NewMappings.push_back(mapIndex(Idx, Mappings));
+ return NewMappings;
+ }
+ struct SubstitutionContext {
+ SubstitutionContext(DiagTextVisitor &Visitor, SubstitutionPiece *P)
+ : Visitor(Visitor) {
+ Substitution = Visitor.Builder.getSubstitution(P);
+ OldMappings = std::move(Visitor.ModifierMappings);
+ std::vector<int> NewMappings =
+ Visitor.getSubstitutionMappings(P, OldMappings);
+ Visitor.ModifierMappings = std::move(NewMappings);
+ }
+ ~SubstitutionContext() {
+ Visitor.ModifierMappings = std::move(OldMappings);
+ }
+ private:
+ DiagTextVisitor &Visitor;
+ Optional<std::vector<int>> OldMappings;
+ public:
+ Piece *Substitution;
+ };
+ DiagTextVisitor(DiagnosticTextBuilder &Builder) : Builder(Builder) {}
+ void Visit(Piece *P) {
+ switch (P->getPieceClass()) {
+#define CASE(T) \
+ case T##PieceClass: \
+ return getDerived().Visit##T(static_cast<T##Piece *>(P))
+ CASE(Multi);
+ CASE(Text);
+ CASE(Placeholder);
+ CASE(Select);
+ CASE(Plural);
+ CASE(Diff);
+ CASE(Substitution);
+#undef CASE
+ }
+ }
+ void VisitSubstitution(SubstitutionPiece *P) {
+ SubstitutionContext Guard(*this, P);
+ Visit(Guard.Substitution);
+ }
+ int mapIndex(int Idx,
+ ModifierMappingsType const &ModifierMappings) const {
+ if (!ModifierMappings)
+ return Idx;
+ if (ModifierMappings->size() <= static_cast<unsigned>(Idx))
+ Builder.PrintFatalError("Modifier value '" + std::to_string(Idx) +
+ "' is not valid for this mapping (has " +
+ std::to_string(ModifierMappings->size()) +
+ " mappings)");
+ return (*ModifierMappings)[Idx];
+ }
+ int mapIndex(int Idx) const {
+ return mapIndex(Idx, ModifierMappings);
+ }
+ DiagnosticTextBuilder &Builder;
+ ModifierMappingsType ModifierMappings;
+void escapeRST(StringRef Str, std::string &Out) {
+ for (auto K : Str) {
+ if (StringRef("`*|_[]\\").count(K))
+ Out.push_back('\\');
+ Out.push_back(K);
+ }
+template <typename It> void padToSameLength(It Begin, It End) {
+ size_t Width = 0;
+ for (It I = Begin; I != End; ++I)
+ Width = std::max(Width, I->size());
+ for (It I = Begin; I != End; ++I)
+ (*I) += std::string(Width - I->size(), ' ');
+template <typename It> void makeTableRows(It Begin, It End) {
+ if (Begin == End)
+ return;
+ padToSameLength(Begin, End);
+ for (It I = Begin; I != End; ++I)
+ *I = "|" + *I + "|";
+void makeRowSeparator(std::string &Str) {
+ for (char &K : Str)
+ K = (K == '|' ? '+' : '-');
+struct DiagTextDocPrinter : DiagTextVisitor<DiagTextDocPrinter> {
+ using BaseTy = DiagTextVisitor<DiagTextDocPrinter>;
+ DiagTextDocPrinter(DiagnosticTextBuilder &Builder,
+ std::vector<std::string> &RST)
+ : BaseTy(Builder), RST(RST) {}
+ void gatherNodes(
+ Piece *OrigP, const ModifierMappingsType &CurrentMappings,
+ std::vector<std::pair<Piece *, ModifierMappingsType>> &Pieces) const {
+ if (auto *Sub = dyn_cast<SubstitutionPiece>(OrigP)) {
+ ModifierMappingsType NewMappings =
+ getSubstitutionMappings(Sub, CurrentMappings);
+ return gatherNodes(Builder.getSubstitution(Sub), NewMappings, Pieces);
+ }
+ if (auto *MD = dyn_cast<MultiPiece>(OrigP)) {
+ for (Piece *Node : MD->Pieces)
+ gatherNodes(Node, CurrentMappings, Pieces);
+ return;
+ }
+ Pieces.push_back(std::make_pair(OrigP, CurrentMappings));
+ }
+ void VisitMulti(MultiPiece *P) {
+ if (P->Pieces.empty()) {
+ RST.push_back("");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (P->Pieces.size() == 1)
+ return Visit(P->Pieces[0]);
+ // Flatten the list of nodes, replacing any substitution pieces with the
+ // recursively flattened substituted node.
+ std::vector<std::pair<Piece *, ModifierMappingsType>> Pieces;
+ gatherNodes(P, ModifierMappings, Pieces);
+ std::string EmptyLinePrefix;
+ size_t Start = RST.size();
+ bool HasMultipleLines = true;
+ for (const std::pair<Piece *, ModifierMappingsType> &NodePair : Pieces) {
+ std::vector<std::string> Lines;
+ DiagTextDocPrinter Visitor{Builder, Lines};
+ Visitor.ModifierMappings = NodePair.second;
+ Visitor.Visit(NodePair.first);
+ if (Lines.empty())
+ continue;
+ // We need a vertical separator if either this or the previous piece is a
+ // multi-line piece, or this is the last piece.
+ const char *Separator = (Lines.size() > 1 || HasMultipleLines) ? "|" : "";
+ HasMultipleLines = Lines.size() > 1;
+ if (Start + Lines.size() > RST.size())
+ RST.resize(Start + Lines.size(), EmptyLinePrefix);
+ padToSameLength(Lines.begin(), Lines.end());
+ for (size_t I = 0; I != Lines.size(); ++I)
+ RST[Start + I] += Separator + Lines[I];
+ std::string Empty(Lines[0].size(), ' ');
+ for (size_t I = Start + Lines.size(); I != RST.size(); ++I)
+ RST[I] += Separator + Empty;
+ EmptyLinePrefix += Separator + Empty;
+ }
+ for (size_t I = Start; I != RST.size(); ++I)
+ RST[I] += "|";
+ EmptyLinePrefix += "|";
+ makeRowSeparator(EmptyLinePrefix);
+ RST.insert(RST.begin() + Start, EmptyLinePrefix);
+ RST.insert(RST.end(), EmptyLinePrefix);
+ }
+ void VisitText(TextPiece *P) {
+ RST.push_back("");
+ auto &S = RST.back();
+ StringRef T = P->Text;
+ while (!T.empty() && T.front() == ' ') {
+ RST.back() += " |nbsp| ";
+ T = T.drop_front();
+ }
+ std::string Suffix;
+ while (!T.empty() && T.back() == ' ') {
+ Suffix += " |nbsp| ";
+ T = T.drop_back();
+ }
+ if (!T.empty()) {
+ S += ':';
+ S += P->Role;
+ S += ":`";
+ escapeRST(T, S);
+ S += '`';
+ }
+ S += Suffix;
+ }
+ void VisitPlaceholder(PlaceholderPiece *P) {
+ RST.push_back(std::string(":placeholder:`") +
+ char('A' + mapIndex(P->Index)) + "`");
+ }
+ void VisitSelect(SelectPiece *P) {
+ std::vector<size_t> SeparatorIndexes;
+ SeparatorIndexes.push_back(RST.size());
+ RST.emplace_back();
+ for (auto *O : P->Options) {
+ Visit(O);
+ SeparatorIndexes.push_back(RST.size());
+ RST.emplace_back();
+ }
+ makeTableRows(RST.begin() + SeparatorIndexes.front(),
+ RST.begin() + SeparatorIndexes.back() + 1);
+ for (size_t I : SeparatorIndexes)
+ makeRowSeparator(RST[I]);
+ }
+ void VisitPlural(PluralPiece *P) { VisitSelect(P); }
+ void VisitDiff(DiffPiece *P) { Visit(P->Options[1]); }
+ std::vector<std::string> &RST;
+struct DiagTextPrinter : DiagTextVisitor<DiagTextPrinter> {
+ using BaseTy = DiagTextVisitor<DiagTextPrinter>;
+ DiagTextPrinter(DiagnosticTextBuilder &Builder, std::string &Result)
+ : BaseTy(Builder), Result(Result) {}
+ void VisitMulti(MultiPiece *P) {
+ for (auto *Child : P->Pieces)
+ Visit(Child);
+ }
+ void VisitText(TextPiece *P) { Result += P->Text; }
+ void VisitPlaceholder(PlaceholderPiece *P) {
+ Result += "%";
+ Result += getModifierName(P->Kind);
+ addInt(mapIndex(P->Index));
+ }
+ void VisitSelect(SelectPiece *P) {
+ Result += "%";
+ Result += getModifierName(P->ModKind);
+ if (P->ModKind == MT_Select) {
+ Result += "{";
+ for (auto *D : P->Options) {
+ Visit(D);
+ Result += '|';
+ }
+ if (!P->Options.empty())
+ Result.erase(--Result.end());
+ Result += '}';
+ }
+ addInt(mapIndex(P->Index));
+ }
+ void VisitPlural(PluralPiece *P) {
+ Result += "%plural{";
+ assert(P->Options.size() == P->OptionPrefixes.size());
+ for (unsigned I = 0, End = P->Options.size(); I < End; ++I) {
+ if (P->OptionPrefixes[I])
+ Visit(P->OptionPrefixes[I]);
+ Visit(P->Options[I]);
+ Result += "|";
+ }
+ if (!P->Options.empty())
+ Result.erase(--Result.end());
+ Result += '}';
+ addInt(mapIndex(P->Index));
+ }
+ void VisitDiff(DiffPiece *P) {
+ Result += "%diff{";
+ Visit(P->Options[0]);
+ Result += "|";
+ Visit(P->Options[1]);
+ Result += "}";
+ addInt(mapIndex(P->Indexes[0]));
+ Result += ",";
+ addInt(mapIndex(P->Indexes[1]));
+ }
+ void addInt(int Val) { Result += std::to_string(Val); }
+ std::string &Result;
+int DiagnosticTextBuilder::DiagText::parseModifier(StringRef &Text) const {
+ if (Text.empty() || !isdigit(Text[0]))
+ Builder.PrintFatalError("expected modifier in diagnostic");
+ int Val = 0;
+ do {
+ Val *= 10;
+ Val += Text[0] - '0';
+ Text = Text.drop_front();
+ } while (!Text.empty() && isdigit(Text[0]));
+ return Val;
+Piece *DiagnosticTextBuilder::DiagText::parseDiagText(StringRef &Text,
+ bool Nested) {
+ std::vector<Piece *> Parsed;
+ while (!Text.empty()) {
+ size_t End = (size_t)-2;
+ do
+ End = Nested ? Text.find_first_of("%|}", End + 2)
+ : Text.find_first_of('%', End + 2);
+ while (End < Text.size() - 1 && Text[End] == '%' &&
+ (Text[End + 1] == '%' || Text[End + 1] == '|'));
+ if (End) {
+ Parsed.push_back(New<TextPiece>(Text.slice(0, End), "diagtext"));
+ Text = Text.slice(End, StringRef::npos);
+ if (Text.empty())
+ break;
+ }
+ if (Text[0] == '|' || Text[0] == '}')
+ break;
+ // Drop the '%'.
+ Text = Text.drop_front();
+ // Extract the (optional) modifier.
+ size_t ModLength = Text.find_first_of("0123456789{");
+ StringRef Modifier = Text.slice(0, ModLength);
+ Text = Text.slice(ModLength, StringRef::npos);
+ ModifierType ModType = llvm::StringSwitch<ModifierType>{Modifier}
+ .Case("select", MT_Select)
+ .Case("sub", MT_Sub)
+ .Case("diff", MT_Diff)
+ .Case("plural", MT_Plural)
+ .Case("s", MT_S)
+ .Case("ordinal", MT_Ordinal)
+ .Case("q", MT_Q)
+ .Case("objcclass", MT_ObjCClass)
+ .Case("objcinstance", MT_ObjCInstance)
+ .Case("", MT_Placeholder)
+ .Default(MT_Unknown);
+ switch (ModType) {
+ case MT_Unknown:
+ Builder.PrintFatalError("Unknown modifier type: " + Modifier);
+ case MT_Select: {
+ SelectPiece *Select = New<SelectPiece>(MT_Select);
+ do {
+ Text = Text.drop_front(); // '{' or '|'
+ Select->Options.push_back(parseDiagText(Text, true));
+ assert(!Text.empty() && "malformed %select");
+ } while (Text.front() == '|');
+ // Drop the trailing '}'.
+ Text = Text.drop_front(1);
+ Select->Index = parseModifier(Text);
+ Parsed.push_back(Select);
+ continue;
+ }
+ case MT_Plural: {
+ PluralPiece *Plural = New<PluralPiece>();
+ do {
+ Text = Text.drop_front(); // '{' or '|'
+ size_t End = Text.find_first_of(":");
+ if (End == StringRef::npos)
+ Builder.PrintFatalError("expected ':' while parsing %plural");
+ ++End;
+ assert(!Text.empty());
+ Plural->OptionPrefixes.push_back(
+ New<TextPiece>(Text.slice(0, End), "diagtext"));
+ Text = Text.slice(End, StringRef::npos);
+ Plural->Options.push_back(parseDiagText(Text, true));
+ assert(!Text.empty() && "malformed %select");
+ } while (Text.front() == '|');
+ // Drop the trailing '}'.
+ Text = Text.drop_front(1);
+ Plural->Index = parseModifier(Text);
+ Parsed.push_back(Plural);
+ continue;
+ }
+ case MT_Sub: {
+ SubstitutionPiece *Sub = New<SubstitutionPiece>();
+ Text = Text.drop_front(); // '{'
+ size_t NameSize = Text.find_first_of('}');
+ assert(NameSize != size_t(-1) && "failed to find the end of the name");
+ assert(NameSize != 0 && "empty name?");
+ Sub->Name = Text.substr(0, NameSize).str();
+ Text = Text.drop_front(NameSize);
+ Text = Text.drop_front(); // '}'
+ if (!Text.empty()) {
+ while (true) {
+ if (!isdigit(Text[0]))
+ break;
+ Sub->Modifiers.push_back(parseModifier(Text));
+ if (Text.empty() || Text[0] != ',')
+ break;
+ Text = Text.drop_front(); // ','
+ assert(!Text.empty() && isdigit(Text[0]) &&
+ "expected another modifier");
+ }
+ }
+ Parsed.push_back(Sub);
+ continue;
+ }
+ case MT_Diff: {
+ DiffPiece *Diff = New<DiffPiece>();
+ Text = Text.drop_front(); // '{'
+ Diff->Options[0] = parseDiagText(Text, true);
+ Text = Text.drop_front(); // '|'
+ Diff->Options[1] = parseDiagText(Text, true);
+ Text = Text.drop_front(); // '}'
+ Diff->Indexes[0] = parseModifier(Text);
+ Text = Text.drop_front(); // ','
+ Diff->Indexes[1] = parseModifier(Text);
+ Parsed.push_back(Diff);
+ continue;
+ }
+ case MT_S: {
+ SelectPiece *Select = New<SelectPiece>(ModType);
+ Select->Options.push_back(New<TextPiece>(""));
+ Select->Options.push_back(New<TextPiece>("s", "diagtext"));
+ Select->Index = parseModifier(Text);
+ Parsed.push_back(Select);
+ continue;
+ }
+ case MT_Q:
+ case MT_Placeholder:
+ case MT_ObjCClass:
+ case MT_ObjCInstance:
+ case MT_Ordinal: {
+ Parsed.push_back(New<PlaceholderPiece>(ModType, parseModifier(Text)));
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return New<MultiPiece>(Parsed);
+DiagnosticTextBuilder::buildForDocumentation(StringRef Severity,
+ const Record *R) {
+ EvaluatingRecordGuard Guard(&EvaluatingRecord, R);
+ StringRef Text = R->getValueAsString("Text");
+ DiagText D(*this, Text);
+ TextPiece *Prefix = D.New<TextPiece>(Severity, Severity);
+ Prefix->Text += ": ";
+ auto *MP = dyn_cast<MultiPiece>(D.Root);
+ if (!MP) {
+ MP = D.New<MultiPiece>();
+ MP->Pieces.push_back(D.Root);
+ D.Root = MP;
+ }
+ MP->Pieces.insert(MP->Pieces.begin(), Prefix);
+ std::vector<std::string> Result;
+ DiagTextDocPrinter{*this, Result}.Visit(D.Root);
+ return Result;
+std::string DiagnosticTextBuilder::buildForDefinition(const Record *R) {
+ EvaluatingRecordGuard Guard(&EvaluatingRecord, R);
+ StringRef Text = R->getValueAsString("Text");
+ DiagText D(*this, Text);
+ std::string Result;
+ DiagTextPrinter{*this, Result}.Visit(D.Root);
+ return Result;
+} // namespace
// Warning Tables (.inc file) generation.
return ClsName == "CLASS_REMARK";
/// ClangDiagsDefsEmitter - The top-level class emits .def files containing
/// declarations of Clang diagnostics.
namespace clang {
OS << "#endif\n\n";
- const std::vector<Record*> &Diags =
- Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("Diagnostic");
+ DiagnosticTextBuilder DiagTextBuilder(Records);
+ std::vector<Record *> Diags = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("Diagnostic");
std::vector<Record*> DiagGroups
= Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("DiagGroup");
// Description string.
OS << ", \"";
- OS.write_escaped(R.getValueAsString("Text")) << '"';
+ OS.write_escaped(DiagTextBuilder.buildForDefinition(&R)) << '"';
// Warning associated with the diagnostic. This is stored as an index into
// the alphabetically sorted warning table.
namespace docs {
namespace {
-/// Diagnostic text, parsed into pieces.
-struct DiagText {
- struct Piece {
- // This type and its derived classes are move-only.
- Piece() {}
- Piece(Piece &&O) {}
- Piece &operator=(Piece &&O) { return *this; }
- virtual void print(std::vector<std::string> &RST) = 0;
- virtual ~Piece() {}
- };
- struct TextPiece : Piece {
- StringRef Role;
- std::string Text;
- void print(std::vector<std::string> &RST) override;
- };
- struct PlaceholderPiece : Piece {
- int Index;
- void print(std::vector<std::string> &RST) override;
- };
- struct SelectPiece : Piece {
- SelectPiece() {}
- SelectPiece(SelectPiece &&O) noexcept : Options(std::move(O.Options)) {}
- std::vector<DiagText> Options;
- void print(std::vector<std::string> &RST) override;
- };
- std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Piece>> Pieces;
- DiagText();
- DiagText(DiagText &&O) noexcept : Pieces(std::move(O.Pieces)) {}
- DiagText(StringRef Text);
- DiagText(StringRef Kind, StringRef Text);
- template<typename P> void add(P Piece) {
- Pieces.push_back(llvm::make_unique<P>(std::move(Piece)));
- }
- void print(std::vector<std::string> &RST);
-DiagText parseDiagText(StringRef &Text, bool Nested = false) {
- DiagText Parsed;
- while (!Text.empty()) {
- size_t End = (size_t)-2;
- do
- End = Nested ? Text.find_first_of("%|}", End + 2)
- : Text.find_first_of('%', End + 2);
- while (End < Text.size() - 1 && Text[End] == '%' && Text[End + 1] == '%');
- if (End) {
- DiagText::TextPiece Piece;
- Piece.Role = "diagtext";
- Piece.Text = Text.slice(0, End);
- Parsed.add(std::move(Piece));
- Text = Text.slice(End, StringRef::npos);
- if (Text.empty()) break;
- }
- if (Text[0] == '|' || Text[0] == '}')
- break;
- // Drop the '%'.
- Text = Text.drop_front();
- // Extract the (optional) modifier.
- size_t ModLength = Text.find_first_of("0123456789{");
- StringRef Modifier = Text.slice(0, ModLength);
- Text = Text.slice(ModLength, StringRef::npos);
- // FIXME: Handle %ordinal here.
- if (Modifier == "select" || Modifier == "plural") {
- DiagText::SelectPiece Select;
- do {
- Text = Text.drop_front();
- if (Modifier == "plural")
- while (Text[0] != ':')
- Text = Text.drop_front();
- Select.Options.push_back(parseDiagText(Text, true));
- assert(!Text.empty() && "malformed %select");
- } while (Text.front() == '|');
- Parsed.add(std::move(Select));
- // Drop the trailing '}n'.
- Text = Text.drop_front(2);
- continue;
- }
- // For %diff, just take the second alternative (tree diagnostic). It would
- // be preferable to take the first one, and replace the $ with the suitable
- // placeholders.
- if (Modifier == "diff") {
- Text = Text.drop_front(); // '{'
- parseDiagText(Text, true);
- Text = Text.drop_front(); // '|'
- DiagText D = parseDiagText(Text, true);
- for (auto &P : D.Pieces)
- Parsed.Pieces.push_back(std::move(P));
- Text = Text.drop_front(4); // '}n,m'
- continue;
- }
- if (Modifier == "s") {
- Text = Text.drop_front();
- DiagText::SelectPiece Select;
- Select.Options.push_back(DiagText(""));
- Select.Options.push_back(DiagText("s"));
- Parsed.add(std::move(Select));
- continue;
- }
- assert(!Text.empty() && isdigit(Text[0]) && "malformed placeholder");
- DiagText::PlaceholderPiece Placeholder;
- Placeholder.Index = Text[0] - '0';
- Parsed.add(std::move(Placeholder));
- Text = Text.drop_front();
- continue;
- }
- return Parsed;
-DiagText::DiagText() {}
-DiagText::DiagText(StringRef Text) : DiagText(parseDiagText(Text, false)) {}
-DiagText::DiagText(StringRef Kind, StringRef Text) : DiagText(parseDiagText(Text, false)) {
- TextPiece Prefix;
- Prefix.Role = Kind;
- Prefix.Text = Kind;
- Prefix.Text += ": ";
- Pieces.insert(Pieces.begin(),
- llvm::make_unique<TextPiece>(std::move(Prefix)));
-void escapeRST(StringRef Str, std::string &Out) {
- for (auto K : Str) {
- if (StringRef("`*|_[]\\").count(K))
- Out.push_back('\\');
- Out.push_back(K);
- }
-template<typename It> void padToSameLength(It Begin, It End) {
- size_t Width = 0;
- for (It I = Begin; I != End; ++I)
- Width = std::max(Width, I->size());
- for (It I = Begin; I != End; ++I)
- (*I) += std::string(Width - I->size(), ' ');
-template<typename It> void makeTableRows(It Begin, It End) {
- if (Begin == End) return;
- padToSameLength(Begin, End);
- for (It I = Begin; I != End; ++I)
- *I = "|" + *I + "|";
-void makeRowSeparator(std::string &Str) {
- for (char &K : Str)
- K = (K == '|' ? '+' : '-');
-void DiagText::print(std::vector<std::string> &RST) {
- if (Pieces.empty()) {
- RST.push_back("");
- return;
- }
- if (Pieces.size() == 1)
- return Pieces[0]->print(RST);
- std::string EmptyLinePrefix;
- size_t Start = RST.size();
- bool HasMultipleLines = true;
- for (auto &P : Pieces) {
- std::vector<std::string> Lines;
- P->print(Lines);
- if (Lines.empty())
- continue;
- // We need a vertical separator if either this or the previous piece is a
- // multi-line piece, or this is the last piece.
- const char *Separator = (Lines.size() > 1 || HasMultipleLines) ? "|" : "";
- HasMultipleLines = Lines.size() > 1;
- if (Start + Lines.size() > RST.size())
- RST.resize(Start + Lines.size(), EmptyLinePrefix);
- padToSameLength(Lines.begin(), Lines.end());
- for (size_t I = 0; I != Lines.size(); ++I)
- RST[Start + I] += Separator + Lines[I];
- std::string Empty(Lines[0].size(), ' ');
- for (size_t I = Start + Lines.size(); I != RST.size(); ++I)
- RST[I] += Separator + Empty;
- EmptyLinePrefix += Separator + Empty;
- }
- for (size_t I = Start; I != RST.size(); ++I)
- RST[I] += "|";
- EmptyLinePrefix += "|";
- makeRowSeparator(EmptyLinePrefix);
- RST.insert(RST.begin() + Start, EmptyLinePrefix);
- RST.insert(RST.end(), EmptyLinePrefix);
-void DiagText::TextPiece::print(std::vector<std::string> &RST) {
- RST.push_back("");
- auto &S = RST.back();
- StringRef T = Text;
- while (!T.empty() && T.front() == ' ') {
- RST.back() += " |nbsp| ";
- T = T.drop_front();
- }
- std::string Suffix;
- while (!T.empty() && T.back() == ' ') {
- Suffix += " |nbsp| ";
- T = T.drop_back();
- }
- if (!T.empty()) {
- S += ':';
- S += Role;
- S += ":`";
- escapeRST(T, S);
- S += '`';
- }
- S += Suffix;
-void DiagText::PlaceholderPiece::print(std::vector<std::string> &RST) {
- RST.push_back(std::string(":placeholder:`") + char('A' + Index) + "`");
-void DiagText::SelectPiece::print(std::vector<std::string> &RST) {
- std::vector<size_t> SeparatorIndexes;
- SeparatorIndexes.push_back(RST.size());
- RST.emplace_back();
- for (auto &O : Options) {
- O.print(RST);
- SeparatorIndexes.push_back(RST.size());
- RST.emplace_back();
- }
- makeTableRows(RST.begin() + SeparatorIndexes.front(),
- RST.begin() + SeparatorIndexes.back() + 1);
- for (size_t I : SeparatorIndexes)
- makeRowSeparator(RST[I]);
bool isRemarkGroup(const Record *DiagGroup,
const std::map<std::string, GroupInfo> &DiagsInGroup) {
bool AnyRemarks = false, AnyNonRemarks = false;
OS << Str << "\n" << std::string(Str.size(), Kind) << "\n";
-void writeDiagnosticText(StringRef Role, StringRef Text, raw_ostream &OS) {
+void writeDiagnosticText(DiagnosticTextBuilder &Builder, const Record *R,
+ StringRef Role, raw_ostream &OS) {
+ StringRef Text = R->getValueAsString("Text");
if (Text == "%0")
OS << "The text of this diagnostic is not controlled by Clang.\n\n";
else {
- std::vector<std::string> Out;
- DiagText(Role, Text).print(Out);
+ std::vector<std::string> Out = Builder.buildForDocumentation(Role, R);
for (auto &Line : Out)
OS << Line << "\n";
OS << "\n";
OS << Documentation->getValueAsString("Intro") << "\n";
+ DiagnosticTextBuilder Builder(Records);
std::vector<Record*> Diags =
std::vector<Record*> DiagGroups =
llvm::sort(DiagGroups.begin(), DiagGroups.end(), diagGroupBeforeByName);
Severity[0] = tolower(Severity[0]);
if (Severity == "ignored")
Severity = IsRemarkGroup ? "remark" : "warning";
- writeDiagnosticText(Severity, D->getValueAsString("Text"), OS);
+ writeDiagnosticText(Builder, D, Severity, OS);