Problem: A BufReadPre autocommand may cause the cursor to move.
Solution: Restore the cursor position after executing the autocommand,
unless the autocommand moved it. (Christian Brabandt,
closes #4302, closes #4294)
for (ap = patcmd.curpat; ap->next != NULL; ap = ap->next)
ap->last = FALSE;
ap->last = TRUE;
- check_lnums(TRUE); // make sure cursor and topline are valid
+ // make sure cursor and topline are valid
+ check_lnums(TRUE);
do_cmdline(NULL, getnextac, (void *)&patcmd,
+ // restore cursor and topline, unless they were changed
+ reset_lnums();
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
if (eap != NULL)
int min_rows(void);
int only_one_window(void);
void check_lnums(int do_curwin);
+void reset_lnums(void);
void make_snapshot(int idx);
void restore_snapshot(int idx, int close_curwin);
int switch_win(win_T **save_curwin, tabpage_T **save_curtab, win_T *win, tabpage_T *tp, int no_display);
+// Structure to store last cursor position and topline. Used by check_lnums()
+// and reset_lnums().
+typedef struct
+ int w_topline_save; // original topline value
+ int w_topline_corr; // corrected topline value
+ pos_T w_cursor_save; // original cursor position
+ pos_T w_cursor_corr; // corrected cursor position
+} pos_save_T;
#ifdef FEAT_MENU
typedef struct {
int wb_startcol;
int w_wincol; /* Leftmost column of window in screen. */
int w_width; /* Width of window, excluding separation. */
int w_vsep_width; /* Number of separator columns (0 or 1). */
+ pos_save_T w_save_cursor; /* backup of cursor pos and topline */
* === start of cached values ====
call assert_fails('au WinNew * ++once ++once echo bad', 'E983:')
+func Test_autocmd_bufreadpre()
+ new
+ let b:bufreadpre = 1
+ call append(0, range(100))
+ w! XAutocmdBufReadPre.txt
+ autocmd BufReadPre <buffer> :let b:bufreadpre += 1
+ norm! 50gg
+ sp
+ norm! 100gg
+ wincmd p
+ let g:wsv1 = winsaveview()
+ wincmd p
+ let g:wsv2 = winsaveview()
+ " triggers BufReadPre, should not move the cursor in either window
+ " The topline may change one line in a large window.
+ edit
+ call assert_inrange(g:wsv2.topline - 1, g:wsv2.topline + 1, winsaveview().topline)
+ call assert_equal(g:wsv2.lnum, winsaveview().lnum)
+ call assert_equal(2, b:bufreadpre)
+ wincmd p
+ call assert_equal(g:wsv1.topline, winsaveview().topline)
+ call assert_equal(g:wsv1.lnum, winsaveview().lnum)
+ call assert_equal(2, b:bufreadpre)
+ " Now set the cursor position in an BufReadPre autocommand
+ " (even though the position will be invalid, this should make Vim reset the
+ " cursor position in the other window.
+ wincmd p
+ set cpo+=g
+ " won't do anything, but try to set the cursor on an invalid lnum
+ autocmd BufReadPre <buffer> :norm! 70gg
+ " triggers BufReadPre, should not move the cursor in either window
+ e
+ call assert_equal(1, winsaveview().topline)
+ call assert_equal(1, winsaveview().lnum)
+ call assert_equal(3, b:bufreadpre)
+ wincmd p
+ call assert_equal(g:wsv1.topline, winsaveview().topline)
+ call assert_equal(g:wsv1.lnum, winsaveview().lnum)
+ call assert_equal(3, b:bufreadpre)
+ close
+ close
+ call delete('XAutocmdBufReadPre.txt')
+ set cpo-=g
" FileChangedShell tested in test_filechanged.vim
" Tests for the following autocommands:
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1205,
if ((do_curwin || wp != curwin) && wp->w_buffer == curbuf)
+ // save the original cursor position and topline
+ wp->w_save_cursor.w_cursor_save = wp->w_cursor;
+ wp->w_save_cursor.w_topline_save = wp->w_topline;
if (wp->w_cursor.lnum > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
wp->w_cursor.lnum = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
if (wp->w_topline > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
wp->w_topline = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
+ // save the corrected cursor position and topline
+ wp->w_save_cursor.w_cursor_corr = wp->w_cursor;
+ wp->w_save_cursor.w_topline_corr = wp->w_topline;
+ }
+ * Reset cursor and topline to its stored values from check_lnums().
+ * check_lnums() must have been called first!
+ */
+ void
+ win_T *wp;
+ tabpage_T *tp;
+ if (wp->w_buffer == curbuf)
+ {
+ // Restore the value if the autocommand didn't change it.
+ if (EQUAL_POS(wp->w_save_cursor.w_cursor_corr, wp->w_cursor))
+ wp->w_cursor = wp->w_save_cursor.w_cursor_save;
+ if (wp->w_save_cursor.w_topline_corr == wp->w_topline)
+ wp->w_topline = wp->w_save_cursor.w_topline_save;