Fix the problem From a bug report. His system has a logical name "DATA" pointing at some disk, and
when the dlb utility tried to open "data" for inclusion in the library
being built at install time, it attempted to access the wrong thing and
failed. He then attempted to fix it in a manner which let dlb finish, by
modifying dlb_main.c to append "." to file names that lack a dot, but
then nethack couldn't access "dungeon" in the library because string
comparison didn't match the altered dlb directory entry of "dungeon.".
NetHack was working around this unintended interaction with the
environment issue in fopen_datafile(), and dlb was doing so for fopen()
but not open(). This moves nethack's fixup out of src/files.c and into
sys/vms/vmsfiles.c, adds another routine there so that both open() and
fopen() are covered, and updates the vms Makefiles so that the various
utility programs all link with vmsfiles. (The build script
puts object files into a library and gets that last bit for free.)
unix: remove use of parentheses in nethack man page usage that confused a
man page conversion tool
unix,vms: allow digits after first character in name at "Who are you?" prompt
+vms: the DLB configuration could fail to build if a file without a dot
+ in its name happened to match a logical name
winCE: disable processing of double-click messages if the first click
causes map to scroll
Windows, probably MSDOS and OS/2: attempting to use very first false rumor
-/* SCCS Id: @(#)vmsconf.h 3.5 2006/09/22 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)vmsconf.h 3.5 2007/10/27 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
#define getuid() vms_getuid() /* vmsunix.c */
#define link(f1,f2) vms_link(f1,f2) /* vmsfiles.c */
#define open(f,k,m) vms_open(f,k,m) /* vmsfiles.c */
+#define fopen(f,m) vms_fopen(f,m) /* vmsfiles.c */
/* #define unlink(f0) vms_unlink(f0) /* vmsfiles.c */
#define unlink(f0) delete(f0) /* vaxcrtl */
/* used in several files which don't #include "extern.h" */
extern void FDECL(vms_exit, (int));
extern int FDECL(vms_open, (const char *,int,unsigned));
+extern FILE *FDECL(vms_fopen, (const char *,const char *));
+char *FDECL(vms_basename, (const char *)); /* vmsfiles.c */
#endif /* VMSCONF_H */
#endif /* VMS */
-/* SCCS Id: @(#)files.c 3.5 2007/01/08 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)files.c 3.5 2007/10/27 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
FILE *fp;
filename = fqname(filename, prefix, prefix == TROUBLEPREFIX ? 3 : 0);
-#ifdef VMS /* essential to have punctuation, to avoid logical names */
- {
- char tmp[BUFSIZ];
- if (!index(filename, '.') && !index(filename, ';'))
- filename = strcat(strcpy(tmp, filename), ";0");
- fp = fopen(filename, mode, "mbc=16");
- }
fp = fopen(filename, mode);
return fp;
# NetHack Makefile (VMS) - for building nethack itself.
-# SCCS Id: @(#)Makefile.src 3.5 2006/01/07
+# SCCS Id: @(#)Makefile.src 3.5 2007/10/27
# Copy this file to [.src]Makefile. and then edit it as needed.
# The default configuration is for building with DEC C (aka Compaq C).
# Specific VMS object files
SYSSRC = $(VMS)vmsmain.c,$(VMS)vmstty.c,$(VMS)vmsunix.c,\
-SYSOBJ = vmsmain.obj,vmstty.obj,vmsunix.obj,vmsfiles.obj,vmsmail.obj #,vmsmisc.obj
+SYSOBJ = vmsmain.obj,vmstty.obj,vmsunix.obj,vmsmail.obj #,vmsmisc.obj,vmsfiles.obj
LIBOPT = $(SRC)crtl.opt;
# termcap library
# lev_comp.h dgn_comp.h dgn_file.h
# the following .obj's should be made before any others (for makedefs)
-FIRSTOBJ = vmsmisc.obj,monst.obj,objects.obj
+FIRSTOBJ = vmsmisc.obj,vmsfiles.obj,monst.obj,objects.obj
# split up long list so that we can write pieces of it into nethack.opt
HOBJ1 = allmain.obj,alloc.obj,apply.obj,artifact.obj,attrib.obj, \
# NetHack Makefile (VMS) - for utility programs.
-# SCCS Id: @(#)Makefile.utl 3.5 2006/03/15
+# SCCS Id: @(#)Makefile.utl 3.5 2007/10/27
# Copy this file to [.util]Makefile. and then edit it as needed.
# The default configuration is for building with DEC C (aka Compaq C).
DLBSRC = dlb_main.c
+VMSOBJS = $(SRC)vmsmisc.obj,$(SRC)vmsfiles.obj
# object files that provide access to NetHack's names
NAMEOBJ1 = $(SRC)monst.obj,$(SRC)objects.obj
NAMEOBJ2 = $(SRC)drawing.obj,$(SRC)decl.obj
# object files for makedefs
MAKEOBJS = makedefs.obj,$(NAMEOBJ1)
-VMSMAKEOBJS = $(SRC)vmsmisc.obj
# object files for special levels compiler
SPLEVOBJS = lev_main.obj,lev_yacc.obj,lev_lex.obj,panic.obj,\
-VMSSPLEVOBJS = $(SRC)vmsmisc.obj,$(SRC)vmsfiles.obj
# object files for dungeon compiler
DGNCOMPOBJS = dgn_main.obj,dgn_yacc.obj,dgn_lex.obj,panic.obj,$(SRC)alloc.obj
-VMSDGNCOBJS = $(SRC)vmsmisc.obj
# object files for recovery utility
RECOVOBJS = recover.obj
-VMSRECOBJS = $(SRC)vmsmisc.obj,$(SRC)vmsfiles.obj
# object files for dlb utility
DLBOBJS = dlb_main.obj,panic.obj,$(SRC)alloc.obj,$(SRC)dlb.obj
-VMSDLBOBJS = $(SRC)vmsmisc.obj,$(SRC)vmsfiles.obj
# fake target
# dependencies for makedefs
makedefs.obj : makedefs.c \
# dependencies for lev_comp
lev_yacc.obj : $(HACK_H) $(INC)sp_lev.h lev_yacc.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) lev_yacc.c
# dependencies for dgn_comp
dgn_yacc.obj : $(CONFIG_H) $(INC)dgn_file.h $(INC)date.h dgn_yacc.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) dgn_yacc.c
# dependencies for recover
recover.obj : $(CONFIG_H) recover.c
# dependencies for dlb
dlb_main.obj : $(CONFIG_H) $(INC)dlb.h dlb_main.c
-/* SCCS Id: @(#)vmsfiles.c 3.5 1999/08/29 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)vmsfiles.c 3.5 2007/10/27 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
int FDECL(vms_link, (const char *,const char *));
int FDECL(vms_unlink, (const char *));
int FDECL(vms_creat, (const char *,unsigned int));
-int FDECL(vms_open, (const char *,int,unsigned int));
boolean FDECL(same_dir, (const char *,const char *));
int FDECL(c__translate, (int));
-char *FDECL(vms_basename, (const char *));
#include <rms.h>
#if 0
and use 32 block buffer for faster throughput; ~30% speedup measured.)
#undef creat
-int vms_creat(file, mode)
+vms_creat(file, mode)
const char *file;
unsigned int mode;
+ char filnambuf[BUFSIZ]; /*(not BUFSZ)*/
if (index(file, ';')) {
/* assumes remove or delete, not vms_unlink */
if (!unlink(file)) {
+ } else if (!index(file, '.')) {
+ /* force some punctuation to be present */
+ file = strcat(strcpy(filnambuf, file), ".");
return creat(file, mode, "shr=nil", "mbc=32", "mbf=2", "rop=wbh");
at least one NFS implementation).
#undef open
-int vms_open(file, flags, mode)
+vms_open(file, flags, mode)
const char *file;
int flags;
unsigned int mode;
- int fd = open(file, flags, mode, "mbc=32", "mbf=2", "rop=rah");
+ char filnambuf[BUFSIZ]; /*(not BUFSZ)*/
+ int fd;
+ if (!index(file, '.') && !index(file, ';')) {
+ /* force some punctuation to be present to make sure that
+ the file name can't accidentally match a logical name */
+ file = strcat(strcpy(filnambuf, file), ";0");
+ }
+ fd = open(file, flags, mode, "mbc=32", "mbf=2", "rop=rah");
if (fd < 0 && errno == EVMSERR && lib$match_cond(vaxc$errno, RMS$_FLK)) {
fd = open(file, flags, mode, "mbc=32", "mbf=2", "rop=rah");
return fd;
+/* do likewise for fopen() */
+#undef fopen
+vms_fopen(file, mode)
+const char *file, *mode;
+ char filnambuf[BUFSIZ]; /*(not BUFSZ)*/
+ FILE *fp;
+ if (!index(file, '.') && !index(file, ';')) {
+ /* force some punctuation to be present to make sure that
+ the file name can't accidentally match a logical name */
+ file = strcat(strcpy(filnambuf, file), ";0");
+ }
+ fp = fopen(file, mode, "mbc=32", "mbf=2", "rop=rah");
+ if (!fp && errno == EVMSERR && lib$match_cond(vaxc$errno, RMS$_FLK)) {
+ (void)sleep(1);
+ fp = fopen(file, mode, "mbc=32", "mbf=2", "rop=rah");
+ }
+ return fp;
Determine whether two strings contain the same directory name.
Used for deciding whether installed privileges should be disabled
-/* SCCS Id: @(#)dlb_main.c 3.5 1998/08/16 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)dlb_main.c 3.5 2007/10/27 */
/* Copyright (c) Kenneth Lorber, Bethesda, Maryland, 1993. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
char *FDECL(eos, (char *)); /* also used by dlb.c */
FILE *FDECL(fopen_datafile, (const char *,const char *));
-#ifdef VMS
-extern char *FDECL(vms_basename, (const char *));
-extern int FDECL(vms_open, (const char *,int,unsigned int));
static void FDECL(Write, (int,char *,long));
static void NDECL(usage);
static void NDECL(verbose_help);
-#ifdef VMS /* essential to have punctuation, to avoid logical names */
-static FILE *
-vms_fopen(filename, mode)
-const char *filename, *mode;
- char tmp[BUFSIZ];
- if (!index(filename, '.') && !index(filename, ';'))
- filename = strcat(strcpy(tmp, filename), ";0");
- return fopen(filename, mode, "mbc=16");
-#define fopen vms_fopen
-#endif /* VMS */
/* open_library(dlb.c) needs this (which normally comes from src/files.c) */
fopen_datafile(filename, mode)