goto syntax
) else if /i "%~1" == "-help" (
goto syntax
+ ) else if /i "%~1" == "-VSpath" (
+ if "%~2" == "" (
+ echo.
+ echo Error. Please provide VS Path.
+ goto error
+ ) else (
+ set "ABS_VC_PATH=%~2\VC"
+ shift
+ )
+ ) else if /i "%~1" == "-perlpath" (
+ if "%~2" == "" (
+ echo.
+ echo Error. Please provide Perl root Path.
+ goto error
+ ) else (
+ set "PERL_PATH=%~2"
+ shift
+ )
) else (
if not defined START_DIR (
set START_DIR=%~1%
rem Default the start directory if one isn't specified
if not defined START_DIR set START_DIR=..\..\openssl
- rem Check we have a program files directory
- if not defined PF goto nopf
+ if not defined ABS_VC_PATH (
+ rem Check we have a program files directory
+ if not defined PF goto nopf
+ set "ABS_VC_PATH=%PF%\%VC_PATH%"
+ )
rem Check we have Visual Studio installed
- if not exist "%PF%\%VC_PATH%" goto novc
- rem Check we have Perl in our path
- echo %PATH% | findstr /I /C:"\Perl" 1>nul
- if errorlevel 1 (
- rem It isn't so check we have it installed and set the path if it is
- if exist "%SystemDrive%\Perl" (
- set "PATH=%SystemDrive%\Perl\bin;%PATH%"
- ) else (
- if exist "%SystemDrive%\Perl64" (
- set "PATH=%SystemDrive%\Perl64\bin;%PATH%"
- ) else (
- goto noperl
- )
- )
+ if not exist "%ABS_VC_PATH%" goto novc
+ if not defined PERL_PATH (
+ rem Check we have Perl in our path
+ rem using !! below as %% was having \Microsoft was unexecpted error.
+ echo !PATH! | findstr /I /C:"\Perl" 1>nul
+ if errorlevel 1 (
+ rem It isn't so check we have it installed and set the path if it is
+ if exist "%SystemDrive%\Perl" (
+ set "PATH=%SystemDrive%\Perl\bin;%PATH%"
+ ) else (
+ if exist "%SystemDrive%\Perl64" (
+ set "PATH=%SystemDrive%\Perl64\bin;%PATH%"
+ ) else (
+ goto noperl
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ) else (
+ set "PATH=%PERL_PATH%\Perl\bin;%PATH%"
rem Check the start directory exists
if "%VC_VER%" == "6.0" (
- call "%PF%\%VC_PATH%\bin\vcvars32"
+ call "%ABS_VC_PATH%\bin\vcvars32"
) else if "%VC_VER%" == "7.0" (
- call "%PF%\%VC_PATH%\bin\vcvars32"
+ call "%ABS_VC_PATH%\bin\vcvars32"
) else if "%VC_VER%" == "7.1" (
- call "%PF%\%VC_PATH%\bin\vcvars32"
+ call "%ABS_VC_PATH%\bin\vcvars32"
) else if "%VC_VER%" == "15.0" (
- call "%PF%\%VC_PATH%\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall" %VCVARS_PLATFORM%
+ call "%ABS_VC_PATH%\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall" %VCVARS_PLATFORM%
) else (
- call "%PF%\%VC_PATH%\vcvarsall" %VCVARS_PLATFORM%
+ call "%ABS_VC_PATH%\vcvarsall" %VCVARS_PLATFORM%
rem Display the help
- echo Usage: build-openssl ^<compiler^> [platform] [configuration] [directory]
+ echo Usage: build-openssl ^<compiler^> [platform] [configuration] [directory] [-VSpath] ["VSpath"] [-perlpath] ["perlpath"]
echo Compiler:
echo Other:
echo directory - Specifies the OpenSSL source directory
+ echo.
+ echo -VSpath - Specify the custom VS path if Visual Studio is installed at other location
+ echo then "C:/<ProgramFiles>/Microsoft Visual Studio[version]
+ echo For e.g. -VSpath "C:\apps\MVS14"
+ echo.
+ echo -perlpath - Specify the custom perl root path if perl is not located at "C:\Perl" and it is a
+ echo portable copy of perl and not installed on the win system
+ echo For e.g. -perlpath "D:\strawberry-perl-"
goto error
echo Error: %VC_DESC% is not installed
+ echo Error: Please check whether Visual compiler is installed at the path "%ABS_VC_PATH%"
+ echo Error: Please provide proper VS Path by using -VSpath
goto error
echo Error: Perl is not installed
+ echo Error: Please check whether Perl is installed or it is at location "C:\Perl"
+ echo Error: If Perl is portable please provide perl root path by using -perlpath
goto error