# Advanced Dialog.
advanced = PyDialog(db, "AdvancedDlg", x, y, w, h, modal, title,
- "CompilePyc", "Next", "Cancel")
+ "CompilePyc", "Ok", "Ok")
advanced.title("Advanced Options for [ProductName]")
# A radio group with two options: allusers, justme
advanced.checkbox("CompilePyc", 135, 60, 230, 50, 3,
- "COMPILEALL", "Compile .py files to byte code after installation", "Next")
+ "COMPILEALL", "Compile .py files to byte code after installation", "Ok")
- c = advanced.next("Finish", "Cancel")
+ c = advanced.cancel("Ok", "CompilePyc", name="Ok") # Button just has location of cancel button.
c.event("EndDialog", "Return")
- c = advanced.cancel("Cancel", "CompilePyc")
- c.event("SpawnDialog", "CancelDlg")
# Existing Directory dialog
dlg = Dialog(db, "ExistingDirectoryDlg", 50, 30, 200, 80, modal, title,