import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
* Keep our own default ULocale.
private static Locale defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault();
- private static ULocale defaultULocale = forLocale(defaultLocale);
+ private static ULocale defaultULocale;
private static Locale[] defaultCategoryLocales = new Locale[Category.values().length];
private static ULocale[] defaultCategoryULocales = new ULocale[Category.values().length];
static {
- for (Category cat: Category.values()) {
- int idx = cat.ordinal();
- defaultCategoryLocales[idx] = JDKLocaleHelper.getDefault(cat);
- defaultCategoryULocales[idx] = forLocale(defaultCategoryLocales[idx]);
+ defaultULocale = forLocale(defaultLocale);
+ // For Java 6 or older JRE, ICU initializes the default script from
+ // "user.script" system property. The system property was added
+ // in Java 7. On JRE 7, Locale.getDefault() should reflect the
+ // property value to the Locale's default. So ICU just relies on
+ // Locale.getDefault().
+ // Note: The "user.script" property is only used by initialization.
+ //
+ if (JDKLocaleHelper.isJava7orNewer()) {
+ for (Category cat: Category.values()) {
+ int idx = cat.ordinal();
+ defaultCategoryLocales[idx] = JDKLocaleHelper.getDefault(cat);
+ defaultCategoryULocales[idx] = forLocale(defaultCategoryLocales[idx]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Make sure the current default Locale is original.
+ // If not, it means that someone updated the default Locale.
+ // In this case, user.XXX properties are already out of date
+ // and we should not use user.script.
+ if (JDKLocaleHelper.isOriginalDefaultLocale(defaultLocale)) {
+ // Use "user.script" if available
+ String userScript = JDKLocaleHelper.getSystemProperty("user.script");
+ if (userScript != null && LanguageTag.isScript(userScript)) {
+ // Note: Builder or forLanguageTag cannot be used here
+ // when one of Locale fields is not well-formed.
+ BaseLocale base = defaultULocale.base();
+ BaseLocale newBase = BaseLocale.getInstance(base.getLanguage(), userScript,
+ base.getRegion(), base.getVariant());
+ defaultULocale = getInstance(newBase, defaultULocale.extensions());
+ }
+ }
+ // Java 6 or older does not have separated category locales,
+ // use the non-category default for all
+ for (Category cat: Category.values()) {
+ int idx = cat.ordinal();
+ defaultCategoryLocales[idx] = defaultLocale;
+ defaultCategoryULocales[idx] = defaultULocale;
+ }
* Returns the current default ULocale.
+ * <p>
+ * The default ULocale is synchronized the default Java Locale. This method checks
+ * the current default Java Locale and returns an equivalent ULocale.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>Note:</b> JDK Locale before Java 7 is not capable to represent a locale's script.
+ * Therefore, the script field in the default ULocale is always empty unless
+ * an ULocale with non-empty script is explicitly set by {@link #setDefault(ULocale)}
+ * on Java 6 or older systems.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>Note for ICU 49 or later:</b> Some JRE implementations allows user to override default
+ * JDK Locale using system properties - <code>user.language</code>, <code></code>
+ * and <code>user.variant</code>. In addition to these system properties, some Java 7
+ * implementations support <code>user.script</code> for overriding default Locale's script.
+ * ICU 49 or later versions use <code>user.script</code> system property on Java 6
+ * or older systems supporting other <code>user.*</code> system properties to initialize
+ * the default ULocale. The <code>user.script</code> override for default ULocale is not
+ * used on Java 7 or the current Java default Locale was changed after start up.
+ *
* @return the default ULocale.
* @stable ICU 2.8
+ // Returns true if the given Locale matches the original
+ // default locale initialized by JVM by checking user.XXX
+ // system properties. When the system properties are not accessible,
+ // this method returns false.
+ public static boolean isOriginalDefaultLocale(Locale loc) {
+ if (isJava7orNewer) {
+ String script = "";
+ try {
+ script = (String) mGetScript.invoke(loc, (Object[]) null);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return loc.getLanguage().equals(getSystemProperty("user.language"))
+ && loc.getCountry().equals(getSystemProperty(""))
+ && loc.getVariant().equals(getSystemProperty("user.variant"))
+ && script.equals(getSystemProperty("user.script"));
+ }
+ return loc.getLanguage().equals(getSystemProperty("user.language"))
+ && loc.getCountry().equals(getSystemProperty(""))
+ && loc.getVariant().equals(getSystemProperty("user.variant"));
+ }
+ public static String getSystemProperty(String key) {
+ String val = null;
+ final String fkey = key;
+ if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) {
+ try {
+ val = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<String>() {
+ public String run() {
+ return System.getProperty(fkey);
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (AccessControlException e) {
+ // ignore
+ }
+ } else {
+ val = System.getProperty(fkey);
+ }
+ return val;
+ }