<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!-- Website Autolayout DTD V2.1b1
+<!-- Website Autolayout DTD V2.2
Part of the Website distribution
+ Please use the following formal public identifier to identify it:
+ "-//Norman Walsh//DTD Website Autolayout V2.2//EN"
+ For example:
+ <!DOCTYPE autolayout PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DTD Website Autolayout V2.2//EN"
+ "http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/website/2.2/autolayout.dtd">
Please direct all questions and comments about this DTD to
Norman Walsh, <ndw@nwalsh.com>.
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
-<!-- Website Layout DTD V2.1b1
+<!-- Website Layout DTD V2.2
Part of the Website distribution
+ Please use the following formal public identifier to identify it:
+ "-//Norman Walsh//DTD Website Layout V2.2//EN"
+ For example:
+ <!DOCTYPE layout PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DTD Website Layout V2.2//EN"
+ "http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/website/2.2/layout.dtd">
Please direct all questions and comments about this DTD to
Norman Walsh, <ndw@nwalsh.com>.
<!ELEMENT summary (#PCDATA)*>
-<!-- End of layout.dtd V2.2b1 ............................................. -->
+<!-- End of layout.dtd V2.2 ............................................... -->
<!-- ...................................................................... -->