parse_performance_data(pd) | Parses a performance data string and returns an array describing the values.
dirname(path) | Returns the directory portion of the specified path.
basename(path) | Returns the filename portion of the specified path.
+escape\_shell\_arg(text) | Escapes a string for use as a single shell argument.
+escape\_shell\_cmd(text) | Escapes shell meta characters in a string.
escape\_create\_process\_arg(text)| (Windows only) Escapes a string for use as an argument for CreateProcess().
exit(integer) | Terminates the application.
REGISTER_SCRIPTFUNCTION(basename, &Utility::BaseName);
REGISTER_SCRIPTFUNCTION(dirname, &Utility::DirName);
REGISTER_SCRIPTFUNCTION(msi_get_component_path, &ScriptUtils::MsiGetComponentPathShim);
+REGISTER_SCRIPTFUNCTION(escape_shell_cmd, &Utility::EscapeShellCmd);
+REGISTER_SCRIPTFUNCTION(escape_shell_arg, &Utility::EscapeShellArg);
#ifdef _WIN32
REGISTER_SCRIPTFUNCTION(escape_create_process_arg, &Utility::EscapeCreateProcessArg);
#endif /* _WIN32 */
->>>>>>> 08ccb4e... Build fix
String ScriptUtils::CastString(const Value& value)