. Fixed bug #75220 (Segfault when calling is_callable on parent).
-- Date:
- . Fixed bug #75222 (DateInterval microseconds property always 0). (jhdxr)
-- litespeed:
- . Fixed bug #75248 (Binary directory doesn't get created when building
- only litespeed SAPI). (petk)
- . Fixed bug #75251 (Missing program prefix and suffix). (petk)
-28 Sep 2017, PHP 7.2.0RC3
-- Core
- . Fixed bug #75241 (Null pointer dereference in zend_mm_alloc_small()).
- (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #74878 (Data race in ZTS builds). (Nikita, Dmitry)
- . Fixed bug #75236 (infinite loop when printing an error-message). (Andrea)
- . Fixed bug #75252 (Incorrect token formatting on two parse errors in one
- request). (Nikita)
-- FPM:
- . Fixed bug #75212 (php_value acts like php_admin_value). (Remi)
-- MySQLi:
- . Fixed bug #75018 (Data corruption when reading fields of bit type). (Anatol)
-- Opcache:
- . Fixed bug #75230 (Invalid opcode 49/1/8 using opcache). (Laruence)
-- PCRE:
- . Fixed bug ##75223 (PCRE JIT broken in 7.2). (Dmitry)
-- PDO_mysql:
- . Fixed bug #75177 (Type 'bit' is fetched as unexpected string). (Anatol)
-- SPL:
- . Fixed bug #73629 (SplDoublyLinkedList::setIteratorMode masks intern flags).
- (J. Jeising, cmb)
-14 Sep 2017, PHP 7.2.0RC2
-- Core:
- . Fixed Bug #75142 (buildcheck.sh check for autoconf version needs to be updated
- for v2.64). (zizzy at zizzy dot net, Remi)
- BCMath:
- . Fixed bug #44995 (bcpowmod() fails if scale != 0). (cmb)
- . Fixed bug #46781 (BC math handles minus zero incorrectly). (cmb)
- . Fixed bug #54598 (bcpowmod() may return 1 if modulus is 1). (okano1220, cmb)
- . Fixed bug #75178 (bcpowmod() misbehaves for non-integer base or modulus). (cmb)
-- CLI server:
- . Fixed bug #70470 (Built-in server truncates headers spanning over TCP
- packets). (bouk)
+ . Fixed bug #66364 (BCMath bcmul ignores scale parameter). (cmb)
+ . Implemented request #67855 (No way to get current scale in use). (Chris
+ Wright, cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #75164 (split_bc_num() is pointless). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #75169 (BCMath errors/warnings bypass PHP's error handling). (cmb)
- Date:
- . Fixed bug #75149 (redefinition of typedefs ttinfo and t1info). (Remi)
-- GD:
- . Fixed bug #75139 (libgd/gd_interpolation.c:1786: suspicious if ?). (cmb)
-- Intl:
- . Fixed bug #75193 (segfault in collator_convert_object_to_string). (Remi)
-- Gettext:
- . Fixed bug #73730 (textdomain(null) throws in strict mode). (cmb)
-- Opcache
- . Fixed incorect constant conditional jump elimination. (Dmitry)
-- OpenSSL
- . Automatically load OpenSSL configuration file. (Jakub Zelenka)
-- SPL:
- . Fixed bug #75155 (AppendIterator::append() is broken when appending another
- AppendIterator). (Nikita)
- . Fixed bug #75173 (incorrect behavior of AppendIterator::append in foreach loop).
- (jhdxr)
-- Standard:
- . Fixed bug #75152 (signed integer overflow in parse_iv). (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #75170 (mt_rand() bias on 64-bit machines). (Nikita)
-- ZIP:
- . Fixed bug #75143 (new method setEncryptionName() seems not to exist
- in ZipArchive). (Anatol)
-31 Aug 2017, PHP 7.2.0RC1
-- Core:
- . Fixed bug #75042 (run-tests.php issues with EXTENSION block). (John Boehr)
-- CURL:
- . Fixed bug #75093 (OpenSSL support not detected). (Remi)
- . Better fix for #74125 (use pkg-config instead of curl-config). (Remi)
-- GD:
- . Fixed bug #75111 (Memory disclosure or DoS via crafted .bmp image). (cmb)
- . Fixed bug #75124 (gdImageGrayScale() may produce colors). (cmb)
-- Intl:
- . Fixed bug #75090 (IntlGregorianCalendar doesn't have constants from parent
- class). (tpunt)
-- PCRE:
- . Fixed bug #75089 (preg_grep() is not reporting PREG_BAD_UTF8_ERROR after
- first input string). (Dmitry)
- . Fixed bug #74631 (PDO_PCO with PHP-FPM: OCI environment initialized
- before PHP-FPM sets it up). (Ingmar Runge)
-- SQLite3:
- . Update to Sqlite 3.20.1. (cmb)
-- Standard:
- . Fixed bug #75097 (gethostname fails if your host name is 64 chars long). (Andrea)
-17 Aug 2017, PHP 7.2.0beta3
-- Core:
- . Fixed bug #75063 (Main CWD initialized with wrong codepage). (Anatol)
- . Fixed bug #74725 (html_errors=1 breaks unhandled exceptions). (Andrea)
-- Date:
- . Fixed bugĀ #75002 (Null Pointer Dereference in timelib_time_clone). (Derick)
-- FTP:
- . Added ftp_append() function. (blar)
-- JSON:
- . Fixed bug #75185 (Buffer overflow in json_decode() with
-- Mbstring:
- . Fixed bug #75001 (Wrong reflection on mb_eregi_replace). (Fabien
- Villepinte)
-- SQLite3:
- . Updated to SQLite 3.20.0. (cmb)
-- SPL:
- . Fixed bug #75049 (spl_autoload_unregister can't handle
- spl_autoload_functions results). (Laruence)
- . Added spl_object_id(). (Tyson Andre)
-- Standard:
- . Fixed bug #75075 (unpack with X* causes infinity loop). (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #74103 (heap-use-after-free when unserializing invalid array
- size). (Nikita)
- . Fixed bug #75054 (A Denial of Service Vulnerability was found when
- performing deserialization). (Nikita)
-- WDDX:
- . Fixed bug #73793 (WDDX uses wrong decimal seperator). (cmb)
- . Fixed bug #74975 (Incorrect xmlrpc serialization for classes with declared
- properties). (blar)
-03 Aug 2017, PHP 7.2.0beta2
-- Core:
- . Implemented FR #74963 (Improved error message on fetching property of
- non-object). (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #74947 (Segfault in scanner on INF number). (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #74954 (null deref and segfault in zend_generator_resume()). (Bob)
-- CLI:
- . Fixed bug #74979 (Interactive shell opening instead of script execution
- with -f flag). (Anatol)
+ . Implemented FR #74668: Add DateTime::createFromImmutable() method.
+ (majkl578, Rican7)
++ . Fixed bug #75222 (DateInterval microseconds property always 0). (jhdxr)
- cURL:
. Fixed bug #74125 (Fixed finding CURL on systems with multiarch support).