--- /dev/null
+Stream: RFC2397 with corrupt? payload
+$streams = array(
+ "data:;base64,\0Zm9vYmFyIGZvb2Jhcg==",
+ "data:;base64,Zm9vYmFy\0IGZvb2Jhcg==",
+ 'data:;base64,#Zm9vYmFyIGZvb2Jhcg==',
+ 'data:;base64,#Zm9vYmFyIGZvb2Jhc=',
+ );
+foreach($streams as $stream)
+ var_dump(file_get_contents($stream));
+<?php exit(0); ?>
+string(0) ""
+string(6) "foobar"
+string(13) "foobar foobar"
+Warning: file_get_contents(data:;base64,#Zm9vYmFyIGZvb2Jhc=): failed to open stream: rfc2397: unable to decode in %sstream_rfc2397_006.php on line %d
add_assoc_bool(meta, "base64", base64);
+ /* skip ',' */
+ comma++;
+ dlen--;
+ if (base64) {
+ comma = (char*)php_base64_decode((const unsigned char *)comma, dlen, &ilen);
+ if (!comma) {
+ php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "rfc2397: unable to decode");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ comma = estrndup(comma, dlen);
+ ilen = dlen = php_url_decode(comma, dlen);
+ }
if ((stream = php_stream_temp_create_rel(0, ~0u)) != NULL) {
- /* skip ',' */
- comma++;
- dlen--;
/* store data */
- if (base64) {
- comma = (char*)php_base64_decode((const unsigned char *)comma, dlen, &ilen);
- php_stream_temp_write(stream, comma, ilen TSRMLS_CC);
- efree(comma);
- } else {
- comma = estrndup(comma, dlen);
- dlen = php_url_decode(comma, dlen);
- php_stream_temp_write(stream, comma, dlen TSRMLS_CC);
- efree(comma);
- }
+ php_stream_temp_write(stream, comma, ilen TSRMLS_CC);
+ efree(comma);
php_stream_temp_seek(stream, 0, SEEK_SET, &newoffs TSRMLS_CC);
/* set special stream stuff (enforce exact mode) */
vlen = strlen(mode);