# Some of the updated tests were to make them sync with 5.3 although they don't run on trunk anymore
var_dump( $curl_content );
-Warning: Directive 'safe_mode' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
+Deprecated: Directive 'safe_mode' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
*** Testing curl_setopt with CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION in safemode
Warning: curl_setopt(): CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode is enabled or an open_basedir is set in %s on line %d
require(dirname(__FILE__) .'/clean.inc');
-Warning: Directive 'magic_quotes_runtime' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
+Deprecated: Directive 'magic_quotes_runtime' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
database handler: cdb_make
string(32) "12fc5ba2b9dcfef2480e5324eeb5f3e5"
string(32) "12fc5ba2b9dcfef2480e5324eeb5f3e5"
-Warning: Directive 'magic_quotes_runtime' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
+Deprecated: Directive 'magic_quotes_runtime' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
array(5) {
array(6) {
echo $val . "\n";
-Warning: Directive 'magic_quotes_gpc' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
+Deprecated: Directive 'magic_quotes_gpc' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
\"probably a bug\"
\"probably a bug\"
\ No newline at end of file
echo $str . "\r\n";
-Warning: Directive 'magic_quotes_sybase' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
+Deprecated: Directive 'magic_quotes_sybase' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
-Warning: Directive 'safe_mode' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in %s on line %d
+Deprecated: Directive 'safe_mode' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in %s on line %d
-Warning: Directive 'safe_mode' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line %d
+WDeprecated: Directive 'safe_mode' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line %d
-Warning: Directive 'safe_mode' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
+Deprecated: Directive 'safe_mode' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
Warning: posix_access() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
-Warning: Directive 'safe_mode' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in %s on line %d
+Deprecated: Directive 'safe_mode' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in %s on line %d
-Warning: Directive 'safe_mode' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in %s on line %d
+Deprecated: Directive 'safe_mode' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in %s on line %d
Warning: posix_mkfifo(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is %d is not allowed to access /tmp owned by uid %d in %s on line %d
-Warning: Directive 'register_globals' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
+Deprecated: Directive 'register_globals' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
Deprecated: Function session_register() is deprecated in %s on line %d
-Warning: Directive 'magic_quotes_gpc' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in %s on line 0\r
+Deprecated: Directive 'magic_quotes_gpc' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in %s on line 0\r
*** Test by calling method or function with deprecated option ***\r
string(1) "1"\r
-Warning: Directive 'magic_quotes_gpc' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
+Deprecated: Directive 'magic_quotes_gpc' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
*** Testing parse_str() : basic functionality ***
Test string with array values
const char *directives[13]; /* Remember to change this if the number of directives change */
} directives[2] = {
"Directive '%s' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater",