Problem: "wincmd p" does not work after using an autocmd window.
Solution: Store "prevwin" in aco_save_T. (Christian Brabandt, closes #3690)
aco->save_curwin = curwin;
aco->save_curbuf = curbuf;
+ aco->save_prevwin = prevwin;
if (win != NULL)
/* There is a window for "buf" in the current tab page, make it the
/* Hmm, original window disappeared. Just use the first one. */
curwin = firstwin;
+ if (win_valid(aco->save_prevwin))
+ prevwin = aco->save_prevwin;
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
vars_clear(&aucmd_win->w_vars->dv_hashtab); /* free all w: variables */
hash_init(&aucmd_win->w_vars->dv_hashtab); /* re-use the hashtab */
curwin = aco->save_curwin;
curbuf = curwin->w_buffer;
+ if (win_valid(aco->save_prevwin))
+ prevwin = aco->save_prevwin;
/* In case the autocommand move the cursor to a position that that
* not exist in curbuf. */
int use_aucmd_win; /* using aucmd_win */
win_T *save_curwin; /* saved curwin */
win_T *new_curwin; /* new curwin */
+ win_T *save_prevwin; /* saved prevwin */
bufref_T new_curbuf; /* new curbuf */
char_u *globaldir; /* saved value of globaldir */
} aco_save_T;
+function! Fun_RenewFile()
+ sleep 2
+ silent execute '!echo "1" > tmp.txt'
+ sp
+ wincmd p
+ edit! tmp.txt
+func Test_window_prevwin()
+ " Can we make this work on MS-Windows?
+ if !has('unix')
+ return
+ endif
+ set hidden autoread
+ call writefile(['2'], 'tmp.txt')
+ new tmp.txt
+ q
+ " Need to wait a bit for the timestamp to be older.
+ call Fun_RenewFile()
+ call assert_equal(2, winnr())
+ wincmd p
+ call assert_equal(1, winnr())
+ wincmd p
+ q
+ call Fun_RenewFile()
+ call assert_equal(2, winnr())
+ wincmd p
+ call assert_equal(1, winnr())
+ wincmd p
+ " reset
+ q
+ call delete('tmp.txt')
+ set hidden&vim autoread&vim
+ delfunc Fun_RenewFile
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 630,