elsif ( $ARGV[$i] eq '-bps' )
- $BPS=$ARGV[++$i]
+ $BPS=int(abs($ARGV[++$i]));
+ push(@bps_list, $BPS);
+if ( ! $TABLE || ! $COLUMN )
+ usage();
+ exit 1;
$SCHEMA = 'public';
$COLUMN = 'the_geom' if ( $COLUMN eq '' );
print " Type: $TYPE\n";
print "Extent: ".print_extent(\%ext)."\n" if ($VERBOSE);
-$ext = \%ext;
-#print "BPS: $bps (".@extents." cells)\n";
print " bps\test\treal\tdelta\tmatch_factor\n";
print "----------------------------------------------------------\n";
-for ($bps=1; $bps<=$BPS; $bps*=2)
- @extents = split_extent($ext, $bps);
+#for ($bps=1; $bps<=$BPS; $bps*=2)
+for ($i=0; $i<@bps_list; $i++)
+ $bps=$bps_list[$i];
+ @extents = split_extent(\%ext, $bps);
$avg_match_factor = $sum_match_factors/$count_match_factors;
$avg_match_factor = int($avg_match_factor*1000)/1000;
- print "(bps/best/worst/avg):\t".
- $bps."\t".
+ print " $bps\t".
+ "(best/worst/avg) \t".
# $Log$
+# Revision 1.5 2004/03/05 21:03:18 strk
+# Made the -bps switch specify the exact level(s) at which to run the test
# Revision 1.4 2004/03/05 16:40:30 strk
# rewritten split_extent to be more datatype-conservative