This made it sound to the translators like a question.
_fmt(OP_END_COND, N_("end of conditional execution (noop)")) \
_fmt(OP_ATTACH_VIEW_MAILCAP, N_("force viewing of attachment using mailcap")) \
_fmt(OP_ATTACH_VIEW_TEXT, N_("view attachment as text")) \
- _fmt(OP_ATTACH_COLLAPSE, N_("Toggle display of subparts")) \
+ _fmt(OP_ATTACH_COLLAPSE, N_("toggle display of subparts")) \
_fmt(OP_BOTTOM_PAGE, N_("move to the bottom of the page")) \
_fmt(OP_BOUNCE_MESSAGE, N_("remail a message to another user")) \
_fmt(OP_BROWSER_GOTO_FOLDER, N_("swap the current folder position with $folder if it exists")) \
_fmt(OP_PREV_LINE, N_("scroll up one line")) \
_fmt(OP_PREV_PAGE, N_("move to the previous page")) \
_fmt(OP_PRINT, N_("print the current entry")) \
- _fmt(OP_PURGE_MESSAGE, N_("really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder")) \
- _fmt(OP_PURGE_THREAD, N_("really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder")) \
+ _fmt(OP_PURGE_MESSAGE, N_("delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder")) \
+ _fmt(OP_PURGE_THREAD, N_("delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder")) \
_fmt(OP_QUERY, N_("query external program for addresses")) \
_fmt(OP_QUERY_APPEND, N_("append new query results to current results")) \
_fmt(OP_QUIT, N_("save changes to mailbox and quit")) \
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "показва/скрива подчасти"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "отпечатва текущото писмо"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "Mostra una adjunció com a text."
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "Activa o desactiva la visualització de les subparts."
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "Imprimeix l’entrada actual."
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr "Esborra completament l’entrada actual, sense emprar la paperera."
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
#, fuzzy
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr "Esborra completament l’entrada actual, sense emprar la paperera."
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "zobrazit přílohu jako text"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "přepnout zobrazování podčástí"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "vytisknout aktuální položku"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr "opravdu smazat aktuální položku a vynechat složku koše"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
#, fuzzy
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr "opravdu smazat aktuální položku a vynechat složku koše"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "vis denne del som tekst"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "Slå visning af underdele fra eller til"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "Zeige Anhang als Text an"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "Schalte Anzeige von Teilen ein/aus"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "Drucke aktuellen Eintrag"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
"Lösche den aktuellen Beitrag in echt, statt ihn in den Papierkorb zu legen"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
"Lösche den aktuellen Diskussionsfaden in echt, statt ihn in den Papierkorb "
"zu legen"
msgstr "παρουσίαση της προσάρτησης ως κείμενο"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "Αλλαγή της εμφάνισης των επιμέρους τμημάτων"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "εκτύπωση της τρέχουσας καταχώρησης"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "view attachment as text"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
-msgstr "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
+msgstr "toggle display of subparts"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgid "move to the bottom of the page"
msgstr "print the current entry"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
-msgstr "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgstr "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
-msgstr "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgstr "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgid "query external program for addresses"
msgstr "vidigi parton kiel tekston"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "ŝalti aŭ malŝalti montradon de subpartoj"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "presi la aktualan registron"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr "vere forviŝi la nunan eron, preterpasante rubujon"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
#, fuzzy
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr "vere forviŝi la nunan eron, preterpasante rubujon"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "mostrar archivos adjuntos como texto"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "Cambiar muestra de subpartes"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "imprimir la entrada actual"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr "borrar la entrada actual, sin pasar por la papelera de reciclaje"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr "borrar el hilo actual, sin pasar por la papelera de reciclaje"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "vaata lisa tekstina"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "Lülita osade näitamist"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "trüki jooksev kirje"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "gehigarriak testua balira ikusi"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "Azpizatien erakustaldia txandakatu"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "uneko sarrera inprimatu"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "visualiser un attachment en tant que texte"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "Inverser l'affichage des sous-parties"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "imprimer l'entrée courante"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr "supprimer réellement l'entrée courante, sans utiliser la corbeille"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
#, fuzzy
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr "supprimer réellement l'entrée courante, sans utiliser la corbeille"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "féach ar an iatán mar théacs"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "Scoránaigh taispeáint na bhfopháirteanna"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "priontáil an iontráil reatha"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "ver adxunto como texto"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "Cambia-la visualización das subpartes"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "imprimi-la entrada actual"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "melléklet megtekintése szövegként"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "További részek mutatása/elrejtése"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "bejegyzés nyomtatása"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "tampilkan lampiran sebagai teks"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "Tampilkan atau tidak sub-bagian"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "cetak entry ini"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "visualizza l'allegato come se fosse testo"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "(dis)attiva la visualizzazione delle sottoparti"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "stampa la voce corrente"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "添付ファイルをテキストとして表示"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "副パートの表示を切替"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "現在のエントリを印刷"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr "ごみ箱に入れず、現在のエントリを即座に削除"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr "ごみ箱に入れず、現在のエントリを即座に削除"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "첨부물을 text로 보기"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "추가 첨부물의 표시 상태 바꿈"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "현재 항목 출력"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "perjungti cituojamo teksto rodymą"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "spausdinti esamą įrašą"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
# FIXME: undo capital?
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "schakel weergeven van onderdelen aan/uit"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "druk het huidige item af"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr "huidig item echt verwijderen, voorbijgaand aan prullenmap"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
#, fuzzy
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr "huidig item echt verwijderen, voorbijgaand aan prullenmap"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "obejrzyj załącznik jako tekst"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "przełącza podgląd pod-listów listów złożonych"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "wydrukuj obecną pozycję"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "troca entre mostrar texto citado ou não"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "imprime a entrada atual"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "показать вложение как текст"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "Разрешить/запретить отображение частей дайджеста"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "напечатать текущую запись"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr "действительно удалить текущую запись не используя мусорную корзину"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
#, fuzzy
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr "действительно удалить текущую запись не используя мусорную корзину"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
#, fuzzy
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "prepnúť zobrazovanie citovaného textu"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "tlačiť aktuálnu položku"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "visa bilaga som text"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "Växla visning av underdelar"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "skriv ut den aktuella posten"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "eki metin olarak göster"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "Alt bölümlerin görüntülenmesini aç/kapat"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "geçerli ögeyi yazdır"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "дивитись додаток як текст"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "вимк./ввімкн. відображення підчастин"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "друкувати поточну позицію"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr "дійсно видалити поточну позицію не використовуючи кошик"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
#, fuzzy
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr "дійсно видалити поточну позицію не використовуючи кошик"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "作为文本查看附件"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "切换子部分的显示"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "打印当前条目"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr "真的删除了目前的项,没有归到回收站"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr "真的产出目前的线索, 没有归到回收站"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173
msgstr "用文字方式顯示附件內容"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:12
-msgid "Toggle display of subparts"
+msgid "toggle display of subparts"
msgstr "切換部件顯示"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:13
msgstr "列印現在的資料"
#: keymap_alldefs.h:171
-msgid "really delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current entry, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:172
-msgid "really delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
+msgid "delete the current thread, bypassing the trash folder"
msgstr ""
#: keymap_alldefs.h:173