%%% Internal functions
+-spec run1([local_hook()|distributed_hook()], atom(), list()) -> ok.
run1([], _Hook, _Args) ->
+%% Run distributed hook on target node.
+%% It is not attempted again in case of failure. Next hook will be executed
run1([{_Seq, Node, Module, Function} | Ls], Hook, Args) ->
+ %% MR: Should we have a safe rpc, like we have a safe apply or is bad_rpc enough ?
case rpc:call(Node, Module, Function, Args, ?TIMEOUT_DISTRIBUTED_HOOK) of
timeout ->
?ERROR_MSG("Timeout on RPC to ~p~nrunning hook: ~p",
run1(Ls, Hook, Args)
run1([{_Seq, Module, Function} | Ls], Hook, Args) ->
- Res = if is_function(Function) ->
- catch apply(Function, Args);
- true ->
- catch apply(Module, Function, Args)
- end,
+ Res = safe_apply(Module, Function, Args),
case Res of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("~p~nrunning hook: ~p",
- [Reason, {Hook, Args}]),
+ ?ERROR_MSG("~p~nrunning hook: ~p", [Reason, {Hook, Args}]),
run1(Ls, Hook, Args);
stop ->
run_fold1(Ls, Hook, NewVal, Args)
run_fold1([{_Seq, Module, Function} | Ls], Hook, Val, Args) ->
- Res = if is_function(Function) ->
- catch apply(Function, [Val | Args]);
- true ->
- catch apply(Module, Function, [Val | Args])
- end,
+ Res = safe_apply(Module, Function, [Val | Args]),
case Res of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("~p~nrunning hook: ~p",
- [Reason, {Hook, Args}]),
+ ?ERROR_MSG("~p~nrunning hook: ~p", [Reason, {Hook, Args}]),
run_fold1(Ls, Hook, Val, Args);
stop ->
NewVal ->
run_fold1(Ls, Hook, NewVal, Args)
+safe_apply(Module, Function, Args) ->
+ if is_function(Function) ->
+ catch apply(Function, Args);
+ true ->
+ catch apply(Module, Function, Args)
+ end.