\fBnxtnode_sg\fP(\fIsg\fP : \fBgraph_t\fP, \fIn\fP : \fBnode_t\fP) : \fBnode_t\fP
returns the next node after \fIn\fP in \fIsg\fP, or \fBNULL\fP.
-(\fBCurrently unsupported\fP)
\fBisNode\fP(\fIsg\fP : \fBgraph_t\fP, \fIs\fP : \fBstring\fP) : \fBnode_t\fP
looks for a node in (sub)graph \fIsg\fP of name \fIs\fP. If such a node
\fBisSubnode\fP(\fIsg\fP : \fBgraph_t\fP, \fIn\fP : \fBnode_t\fP) : \fBint\fP
returns non-zero if node \fIn\fP is in (sub)graph \fIsg\fP, or zero
-(\fBCurrently unsupported\fP)
\fBindegreeOf\fP(\fIsg\fP : \fBgraph_t\fP, \fIn\fP : \fBnode_t\fP) : \fBint\fP
returns the indegree of node \fIn\fP in (sub)graph \fIsg\fP.
-(\fBCurrently unsupported\fP)
\fBoutdegreeOf\fP(\fIsg\fP : \fBgraph_t\fP, \fIn\fP : \fBnode_t\fP) : \fBint\fP
returns the outdegree of node \fIn\fP in (sub)graph \fIsg\fP.
-(\fBCurrently unsupported\fP)
\fBdegreeOf\fP(\fIsg\fP : \fBgraph_t\fP, \fIn\fP : \fBnode_t\fP) : \fBint\fP
returns the degree of node \fIn\fP in (sub)graph \fIsg\fP.
-(\fBCurrently unsupported\fP)
.SS "Edges"
\fBedge\fP(\fIt\fP : \fBnode_t\fP, \fIh\fP : \fBnode_t\fP, \fIs\fP : \fBstring\fP) : \fBedge_t\fP
in (sub)graph \fIsg\fP (and all parent graphs). If the graph is undirected, the distinction between
head and tail nodes is unimportant.
If such an edge already exists, it is returned.
-(\fBCurrently unsupported\fP)
\fBsubedge\fP(\fIg\fP : \fBgraph_t\fP, \fIe\fP : \fBedge_t\fP) : \fBedge_t\fP
inserts the edge \fIe\fP into the subgraph \fIg\fP. Returns the edge.
name \fIs\fP in (sub)graph \fIsg\fP. If the graph is undirected, the distinction between
head and tail nodes is unimportant.
If such an edge exists, it is returned. Otherwise, \fBNULL\fP is returned.
-(\fBCurrently unsupported\fP)
\fBisSubedge\fP(\fIg\fP : \fBgraph_t\fP, \fIe\fP : \fBedge_t\fP) : \fBint\fP
returns non-zero if edge \fIe\fP is in (sub)graph \fIsg\fP, or zero
-(\fBCurrently unsupported\fP)
\fBfstout\fP(\fIn\fP : \fBnode_t\fP) : \fBedge_t\fP
returns the first outedge of node \fIn\fP in the root graph.
\fBfstout_sg\fP(\fIsg\fP : \fBgraph_t\fP, \fIn\fP : \fBnode_t\fP) : \fBedge_t\fP
returns the first outedge of node \fIn\fP in (sub)graph \fIsg\fP.
-(\fBCurrently unsupported\fP)
\fBnxtout\fP(\fIe\fP : \fBedge_t\fP) : \fBedge_t\fP
returns the next outedge after \fIe\fP in the root graph.
\fBnxtout_sg\fP(\fIsg\fP : \fBgraph_t\fP, \fIe\fP : \fBedge_t\fP) : \fBedge_t\fP
returns the next outedge after \fIe\fP in graph \fIsg\fP.
-(\fBCurrently unsupported\fP)
\fBfstin\fP(\fIn\fP : \fBnode_t\fP) : \fBedge_t\fP
returns the first inedge of node \fIn\fP in the root graph.
\fBfstin_sg\fP(\fIsg\fP : \fBgraph_t\fP, \fIn\fP : \fBnode_t\fP) : \fBedge_t\fP
returns the first inedge of node \fIn\fP in graph \fIsg\fP.
-(\fBCurrently unsupported\fP)
\fBnxtin\fP(\fIe\fP : \fBedge_t\fP) : \fBedge_t\fP
returns the next inedge after \fIe\fP in the root graph.
\fBnxtin_sg\fP(\fIsg\fP : \fBgraph_t\fP, \fIe\fP : \fBedge_t\fP) : \fBedge_t\fP
returns the next inedge after \fIe\fP in graph \fIsg\fP.
-(\fBCurrently unsupported\fP)
\fBfstedge\fP(\fIn\fP : \fBnode_t\fP) : \fBedge_t\fP
returns the first edge of node \fIn\fP in the root graph.
\fBfstedge_sg\fP(\fIsg\fP : \fBgraph_t\fP, \fIn\fP : \fBnode_t\fP) : \fBedge_t\fP
returns the first edge of node \fIn\fP in graph \fIsg\fP.
-(\fBCurrently unsupported\fP)
\fBnxtedge\fP(\fIe\fP : \fBedge_t\fP, \fBnode_t\fP) : \fBedge_t\fP
returns the next edge after \fIe\fP in the root graph.
\fBnxtedge_sg\fP(\fIsg\fP : \fBgraph_t\fP, \fIe\fP : \fBedge_t\fP, \fBnode_t\fP) : \fBedge_t\fP
returns the next edge after \fIe\fP in the graph \fIsg\fP.
-(\fBCurrently unsupported\fP)
.SS "Graph I/O"
\fBwrite\fP(\fIg\fP : \fBgraph_t\fP) : \fBvoid\fP