fSrcChapterStartPopUp, fSrcChapterToField,
fSrcChapterEndPopUp, fSrcDuration1Field, fSrcDuration2Field,
fDstFormatField, fDstFormatPopUp, fDstFile1Field, fDstFile2Field,
- fDstBrowseButton, fSrcAngleLabel,
- fSrcAnglePopUp, fDstMp4LargeFileCheck,
+ fDstBrowseButton, fSrcAngleLabel, fSrcAnglePopUp,
fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck, fDstMp4iPodFileCheck,
fEncodeStartStopPopUp, fSrcTimeStartEncodingField,
fSrcTimeEndEncodingField, fSrcFrameStartEncodingField,
[queueFileJob setObject:fChapterTitlesController.chapterTitlesArray forKey:@"ChapterNames"];
- /* Allow Mpeg4 64 bit formatting +4GB file sizes */
- [queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fDstMp4LargeFileCheck state]] forKey:@"Mp4LargeFile"];
/* Mux mp4 with http optimization */
[queueFileJob setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck state]] forKey:@"Mp4HttpOptimize"];
/* Add iPod uuid atom */
fChapterTitlesController.createChapterMarkers = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"ChapterMarkers"] boolValue];
[fChapterTitlesController addChaptersFromQueue:[queueToApply objectForKey:@"ChapterNames"]];
- /* Allow Mpeg4 64 bit formatting +4GB file sizes */
- [fDstMp4LargeFileCheck setState:[[queueToApply objectForKey:@"Mp4LargeFile"] intValue]];
/* Mux mp4 with http optimization */
[fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck setState:[[queueToApply objectForKey:@"Mp4HttpOptimize"] intValue]];
int videoContainer = (int)[[fDstFormatPopUp selectedItem] tag];
const char *ext = NULL;
- /* Initially set the large file (64 bit formatting) output checkbox to hidden */
- [fDstMp4LargeFileCheck setHidden:YES];
- [fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck setHidden:YES];
- [fDstMp4iPodFileCheck setHidden:YES];
// enable chapter markers and hide muxer-specific options
- [fDstMp4LargeFileCheck setHidden:YES];
[fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck setHidden:YES];
[fDstMp4iPodFileCheck setHidden:YES];
switch (videoContainer)
case HB_MUX_AV_MP4:
- (NSString*) muxerOptionsSummary
NSMutableString *summary = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@""];
- if ([fDstMp4LargeFileCheck isHidden] == NO &&
- [fDstMp4LargeFileCheck isEnabled] == YES &&
- [fDstMp4LargeFileCheck state] == NSOnState)
- {
- [summary appendString:@" - Large file size"];
- }
if ([fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck isHidden] == NO &&
[fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck isEnabled] == YES &&
[fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck state] == NSOnState)
/* check to see if we have only one chapter */
[self chapterPopUpChanged:nil];
- /* Allow Mpeg4 64 bit formatting +4GB file sizes */
- [fDstMp4LargeFileCheck setState:[[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"Mp4LargeFile"] intValue]];
/* Mux mp4 with http optimization */
[fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck setState:[[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"Mp4HttpOptimize"] intValue]];
[preset setObject:[fDstFormatPopUp titleOfSelectedItem] forKey:@"FileFormat"];
/* Chapter Markers fCreateChapterMarkers*/
[preset setObject:@(fChapterTitlesController.createChapterMarkers) forKey:@"ChapterMarkers"];
- /* Allow Mpeg4 64 bit formatting +4GB file sizes */
- [preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fDstMp4LargeFileCheck state]] forKey:@"Mp4LargeFile"];
+ /* Allow Mpeg4 64 bit formatting +4GB file sizes
+ key kept for compatibility. */
+ [preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:0]forKey:@"Mp4LargeFile"];
/* Mux mp4 with http optimization */
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck state]] forKey:@"Mp4HttpOptimize"];
/* Add iPod uuid atom */
<action selector="customSettingUsed:" target="240" id="4971"/>
- <button id="2364">
- <rect key="frame" x="513" y="401" width="96" height="18"/>
- <autoresizingMask key="autoresizingMask" flexibleMaxX="YES" flexibleMinY="YES"/>
- <string key="toolTip">Caution: This option will likely break device compatiblity with all but the AppleTV Take 2. Checking this box enables a 64 bit mp4 file which can be over 4 GB.</string>
- <buttonCell key="cell" type="check" title="Large file size" bezelStyle="regularSquare" imagePosition="left" alignment="left" controlSize="small" inset="2" id="4926">
- <behavior key="behavior" changeContents="YES" doesNotDimImage="YES" lightByContents="YES"/>
- <font key="font" metaFont="smallSystem"/>
- </buttonCell>
- <connections>
- <action selector="customSettingUsed:" target="240" id="2366"/>
- </connections>
- </button>
<button toolTip="This option adds an atom to the MP4 file which allows older iPods (5th Generation classic style) to play the file." id="4967">
<rect key="frame" x="388" y="401" width="108" height="18"/>
<autoresizingMask key="autoresizingMask" flexibleMaxX="YES" flexibleMinY="YES"/>
<outlet property="fDstFormatField" destination="1556" id="1583"/>
<outlet property="fDstFormatPopUp" destination="1557" id="1584"/>
<outlet property="fDstMp4HttpOptFileCheck" destination="4579" id="4581"/>
- <outlet property="fDstMp4LargeFileCheck" destination="2364" id="4578"/>
<outlet property="fDstMp4iPodFileCheck" destination="4967" id="4969"/>
<outlet property="fEncodeStartStopPopUp" destination="5513" id="5527"/>
<outlet property="fMainTabView" destination="1474" id="XMU-Vi-8QM"/>