// enabled, and used, the value for the flag comes from the suffix of the
// argument.
-// AlwaysPrefix - Only allow the behavior enabled by the Prefix flag and reject
-// the Option=Value form.
// Grouping - With this option enabled, multiple letter options are allowed to
// bunch together with only a single hyphen for the whole group. This allows
// emulation of the behavior that ls uses for example: ls -la === ls -l -a
NormalFormatting = 0x00, // Nothing special
Positional = 0x01, // Is a positional argument, no '-' required
Prefix = 0x02, // Can this option directly prefix its value?
- AlwaysPrefix = 0x03, // Can this option only directly prefix its value?
- Grouping = 0x04 // Can this option group with other options?
+ Grouping = 0x03 // Can this option group with other options?
enum MiscFlags { // Miscellaneous flags to adjust argument
// detail representing the non-value
unsigned Value : 2;
unsigned HiddenFlag : 2; // enum OptionHidden
- unsigned Formatting : 3; // enum FormattingFlags
+ unsigned Formatting : 2; // enum FormattingFlags
unsigned Misc : 3;
unsigned Position = 0; // Position of last occurrence of the option
unsigned AdditionalVals = 0; // Greater than 0 for multi-valued option.
return I != Sub.OptionsMap.end() ? I->second : nullptr;
- // If the argument before the = is a valid option name and the option allows
- // non-prefix form (ie is not AlwaysPrefix), we match. If not, signal match
- // failure by returning nullptr.
+ // If the argument before the = is a valid option name, we match. If not,
+ // return Arg unmolested.
auto I = Sub.OptionsMap.find(Arg.substr(0, EqualPos));
if (I == Sub.OptionsMap.end())
return nullptr;
- auto O = I->second;
- if (O->getFormattingFlag() == cl::AlwaysPrefix)
- return nullptr;
Value = Arg.substr(EqualPos + 1);
Arg = Arg.substr(0, EqualPos);
return I->second;
switch (Handler->getValueExpectedFlag()) {
case ValueRequired:
if (!Value.data()) { // No value specified?
- // If no other argument or the option only supports prefix form, we
- // cannot look at the next argument.
- if (i + 1 >= argc || Handler->getFormattingFlag() == cl::AlwaysPrefix)
+ if (i + 1 >= argc)
return Handler->error("requires a value!");
// Steal the next argument, like for '-o filename'
assert(argv && "null check");
return O->getFormattingFlag() == cl::Grouping;
static inline bool isPrefixedOrGrouping(const Option *O) {
- return isGrouping(O) || O->getFormattingFlag() == cl::Prefix ||
- O->getFormattingFlag() == cl::AlwaysPrefix;
+ return isGrouping(O) || O->getFormattingFlag() == cl::Prefix;
// getOptionPred - Check to see if there are any options that satisfy the
// If the option is a prefixed option, then the value is simply the
// rest of the name... so fall through to later processing, by
// setting up the argument name flags and value fields.
- if (PGOpt->getFormattingFlag() == cl::Prefix ||
- PGOpt->getFormattingFlag() == cl::AlwaysPrefix) {
+ if (PGOpt->getFormattingFlag() == cl::Prefix) {
Value = Arg.substr(Length);
Arg = Arg.substr(0, Length);
assert(OptionsMap.count(Arg) && OptionsMap.find(Arg)->second == PGOpt);
-TEST(CommandLineTest, PrefixOptions) {
- cl::ResetCommandLineParser();
- StackOption<std::string, cl::list<std::string>> IncludeDirs(
- "I", cl::Prefix, cl::desc("Declare an include directory"));
- // Test non-prefixed variant works with cl::Prefix options.
- EXPECT_TRUE(IncludeDirs.empty());
- const char *args[] = {"prog", "-I=/usr/include"};
- cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(2, args, StringRef(), &llvm::nulls()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(IncludeDirs.size() == 1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(IncludeDirs.front().compare("/usr/include") == 0);
- IncludeDirs.erase(IncludeDirs.begin());
- cl::ResetAllOptionOccurrences();
- // Test non-prefixed variant works with cl::Prefix options when value is
- // passed in following argument.
- EXPECT_TRUE(IncludeDirs.empty());
- const char *args2[] = {"prog", "-I", "/usr/include"};
- cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(3, args2, StringRef(), &llvm::nulls()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(IncludeDirs.size() == 1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(IncludeDirs.front().compare("/usr/include") == 0);
- IncludeDirs.erase(IncludeDirs.begin());
- cl::ResetAllOptionOccurrences();
- // Test prefixed variant works with cl::Prefix options.
- EXPECT_TRUE(IncludeDirs.empty());
- const char *args3[] = {"prog", "-I/usr/include"};
- cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(2, args3, StringRef(), &llvm::nulls()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(IncludeDirs.size() == 1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(IncludeDirs.front().compare("/usr/include") == 0);
- StackOption<std::string, cl::list<std::string>> MacroDefs(
- "D", cl::AlwaysPrefix, cl::desc("Define a macro"),
- cl::value_desc("MACRO[=VALUE]"));
- cl::ResetAllOptionOccurrences();
- // Test non-prefixed variant does not work with cl::AlwaysPrefix options:
- // equal sign is part of the value.
- EXPECT_TRUE(MacroDefs.empty());
- const char *args4[] = {"prog", "-D=HAVE_FOO"};
- cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(2, args4, StringRef(), &llvm::nulls()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(MacroDefs.size() == 1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(MacroDefs.front().compare("=HAVE_FOO") == 0);
- MacroDefs.erase(MacroDefs.begin());
- cl::ResetAllOptionOccurrences();
- // Test non-prefixed variant does not allow value to be passed in following
- // argument with cl::AlwaysPrefix options.
- EXPECT_TRUE(MacroDefs.empty());
- const char *args5[] = {"prog", "-D", "HAVE_FOO"};
- cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(3, args5, StringRef(), &llvm::nulls()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(MacroDefs.empty());
- cl::ResetAllOptionOccurrences();
- // Test prefixed variant works with cl::AlwaysPrefix options.
- EXPECT_TRUE(MacroDefs.empty());
- const char *args6[] = {"prog", "-DHAVE_FOO"};
- cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(2, args6, StringRef(), &llvm::nulls()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(MacroDefs.size() == 1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(MacroDefs.front().compare("HAVE_FOO") == 0);
-} // anonymous namespace
+} // anonymous namespace