fix were changing message that wasn't being displayed
immediate encumbrance feedback when removing gauntlets of power
make deliberately flying down the Castle's trap doors consistent with falling
+give more explicit feedback for exploding bag of holding
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
-/* SCCS Id: @(#)pickup.c 3.4 2003/04/02 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)pickup.c 3.4 2003/04/26 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
if (rot_alarm) obj->norevive = 1;
} else if (Is_mbag(current_container) && mbag_explodes(obj, 0)) {
- You("are blasted by a magical explosion!");
+ /* explicitly mention what item is triggering the explosion */
+ pline(
+ "As you put %s inside, you are blasted by a magical explosion!",
+ doname(obj));
/* did not actually insert obj yet */
if (was_unpaid) addtobill(obj, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
obfree(obj, (struct obj *)0);