Problem: Popup_setoptions(popup_getoptions()) does not work.
Solution: Also accept a list with three entries for "moved" and
"mousemoved". (closes #5081)
popup_show({id}) *popup_show()*
If {id} is a hidden popup, show it now.
For {id} see `popup_hide()`.
+ If {id} is the info popup it will be positioned next to the
+ current popup menu item.
popup_setoptions({id}, {options}) *popup_setoptions()*
- "expr": if the cursor moved outside |<cexpr>|
- [{start}, {end}]: if the cursor moved before column
{start} or after {end}
+ - [{lnum}, {start}, {end}]: if the cursor moved away
+ from line {lnum}, before column {start} or after
+ {end}
The popup also closes if the cursor moves to another
line or to another window.
+ mousemoved Like "moved" but referring to the mouse pointer
+ position
cursorline non-zero: Highlight the cursor line. Also scrolls the
text to show this line (only works properly
when 'wrap' is off).
else if (di->di_tv.v_type == VAR_LIST
&& di->di_tv.vval.v_list != NULL
- && di->di_tv.vval.v_list->lv_len == 2)
+ && (di->di_tv.vval.v_list->lv_len == 2
+ || di->di_tv.vval.v_list->lv_len == 3))
- list_T *l = di->di_tv.vval.v_list;
- int mincol = tv_get_number(&l->lv_first->li_tv);
- int maxcol = tv_get_number(&l->lv_first->li_next->li_tv);
+ list_T *l = di->di_tv.vval.v_list;
+ listitem_T *li = l->lv_first;
+ int mincol;
+ int maxcol;
+ if (di->di_tv.vval.v_list->lv_len == 3)
+ {
+ varnumber_T nr = tv_get_number(&l->lv_first->li_tv);
+ // Three numbers, might be from popup_getoptions().
+ if (mousemoved)
+ wp->w_popup_mouse_row = nr;
+ else
+ wp->w_popup_lnum = nr;
+ li = li->li_next;
+ }
+ mincol = tv_get_number(&li->li_tv);
+ maxcol = tv_get_number(&li->li_next->li_tv);
if (mousemoved)
wp->w_popup_mouse_mincol = mincol;
call assert_equal(['Top', 'Right', 'Bottom', 'Left'], options.borderhighlight)
call assert_equal(['1', '^', '2', '>', '3', 'v', '4', '<'], options.borderchars)
+ " Check that popup_setoptions() takes the output of popup_getoptions()
+ call popup_setoptions(winid, options)
+ call assert_equal(options, popup_getoptions(winid))
let winid = popup_create('hello both', #{line: 3, col: 8, border: [], padding: []})
call assert_equal(#{
\ line: 3,
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 2193,