" Test for :ptag
-func Test_ptag()
+func Test_tag_preview()
call writefile(["!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
\ "second\tXfile1\t2",
\ "third\tXfile1\t3",],
call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
call assert_equal(1, getwinvar(1, '&previewwindow'))
call assert_equal(0, getwinvar(2, '&previewwindow'))
- wincmd w
+ wincmd P
call assert_equal(3, line('.'))
" jump to the tag again
+ wincmd w
ptag third
+ wincmd P
+ call assert_equal(3, line('.'))
+ " jump to the newer tag
+ wincmd w
+ ptag
+ wincmd P
call assert_equal(3, line('.'))
" close the preview window
-" Test for jumping to a tag when the tag stack is full
-func Test_tag_stack_full()
+" Tag stack tests
+func Test_tag_stack()
let l = []
for i in range(10, 31)
let l += ["var" .. i .. "\tXfoo\t/^int var" .. i .. ";$/"]
call writefile(l, 'Xfoo')
+ " Jump to a tag when the tag stack is full. Oldest entry should be removed.
for i in range(10, 30)
exe "tag var" .. i
call assert_equal('var12', l.items[0].tagname)
call assert_equal('var31', l.items[19].tagname)
- " Jump from the top of the stack
+ " Use tnext with a single match
+ call assert_fails('tnext', 'E427:')
+ " Jump to newest entry from the top of the stack
call assert_fails('tag', 'E556:')
+ " Pop with zero count from the top of the stack
+ call assert_fails('0pop', 'E556:')
" Pop from an unsaved buffer
call append(1, "sample text")
" Pop all the entries in the tag stack
call assert_fails('30pop', 'E555:')
+ " Pop with a count when already at the bottom of the stack
+ call assert_fails('exe "normal 4\<C-T>"', 'E555:')
+ call assert_equal(1, gettagstack().curidx)
+ " Jump to newest entry from the bottom of the stack with zero count
+ call assert_fails('0tag', 'E555:')
" Pop the tag stack when it is empty
call settagstack(1, {'items' : []})
call assert_fails('pop', 'E73:')
call writefile(code, 'Xfoo')
+ call settagstack(1, {'items' : []})
tag first
call assert_equal(3, line('.'))
call assert_equal(1, line('.'))
call assert_fails('tprev', 'E425:')
+ tlast
+ call feedkeys("5\<CR>", 't')
+ tselect first
+ call assert_equal(2, gettagstack().curidx)
+ set ignorecase
+ tag FIRST
+ tnext
+ call assert_equal(2, line('.'))
+ set ignorecase&
+ call delete('Xtags')
+ call delete('Xfoo')
+ set tags&
+ %bwipe
+" Test for previewing multiple matching tags
+func Test_preview_tag_multimatch()
+ call writefile([
+ \ "!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "first\tXfoo\t1",
+ \ "first\tXfoo\t2",
+ \ "first\tXfoo\t3"],
+ \ 'Xtags')
+ set tags=Xtags
+ let code =<< trim [CODE]
+ int first() {}
+ int first() {}
+ int first() {}
+ [CODE]
+ call writefile(code, 'Xfoo')
+ enew | only
+ ptag first
+ ptlast
+ wincmd P
+ call assert_equal(3, line('.'))
+ wincmd w
+ call assert_fails('ptnext', 'E428:')
+ ptprev
+ wincmd P
+ call assert_equal(2, line('.'))
+ wincmd w
+ ptfirst
+ wincmd P
+ call assert_equal(1, line('.'))
+ wincmd w
+ call assert_fails('ptprev', 'E425:')
+ ptnext
+ wincmd P
+ call assert_equal(2, line('.'))
+ wincmd w
+ ptlast
+ call feedkeys("5\<CR>", 't')
+ ptselect first
+ wincmd P
+ call assert_equal(3, line('.'))
+ pclose
+ call delete('Xtags')
+ call delete('Xfoo')
+ set tags&
+ %bwipe
+" Test for jumping to multiple matching tags across multiple :tags commands
+func Test_tnext_multimatch()
+ call writefile([
+ \ "!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "first\tXfoo1\t1",
+ \ "first\tXfoo2\t1",
+ \ "first\tXfoo3\t1"],
+ \ 'Xtags')
+ set tags=Xtags
+ let code =<< trim [CODE]
+ int first() {}
+ [CODE]
+ call writefile(code, 'Xfoo1')
+ call writefile(code, 'Xfoo2')
+ call writefile(code, 'Xfoo3')
+ tag first
+ tag first
+ pop
+ tnext
+ tnext
+ call assert_fails('tnext', 'E428:')
+ call delete('Xtags')
+ call delete('Xfoo1')
+ call delete('Xfoo2')
+ call delete('Xfoo3')
+ set tags&
+ %bwipe
+" Test for jumping to multiple matching tags in non-existing files
+func Test_multimatch_non_existing_files()
+ call writefile([
+ \ "!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "first\tXfoo1\t1",
+ \ "first\tXfoo2\t1",
+ \ "first\tXfoo3\t1"],
+ \ 'Xtags')
+ set tags=Xtags
+ call settagstack(1, {'items' : []})
+ call assert_fails('tag first', 'E429:')
+ call assert_equal(3, gettagstack().items[0].matchnr)
+ call delete('Xtags')
+ set tags&
+ %bwipe
+func Test_tselect_listing()
+ call writefile([
+ \ "!_TAG_FILE_ENCODING\tutf-8\t//",
+ \ "first\tXfoo\t1" .. ';"' .. "\tv\ttyperef:typename:int\tfile:",
+ \ "first\tXfoo\t2" .. ';"' .. "\tv\ttyperef:typename:char\tfile:"],
+ \ 'Xtags')
+ set tags=Xtags
+ let code =<< trim [CODE]
+ static int first;
+ static char first;
+ [CODE]
+ call writefile(code, 'Xfoo')
+ call feedkeys("\<CR>", "t")
+ let l = split(execute("tselect first"), "\n")
+ let expected =<< [DATA]
+ # pri kind tag file
+ 1 FS v first Xfoo
+ typeref:typename:int
+ 1
+ 2 FS v first Xfoo
+ typeref:typename:char
+ 2
+Type number and <Enter> (empty cancels):
+ call assert_equal(expected, l)
call delete('Xtags')
call delete('Xfoo')
set tags&