/* Video encoder */
[queueFileJob setObject:[fVidEncoderPopUp titleOfSelectedItem] forKey:@"VideoEncoder"];
- /* x264 Preset, Tune, Profile, and Levels */
- if (![fx264UseAdvancedOptionsCheck state])
+ /* x264 advanced options */
+ if ([fx264UseAdvancedOptionsCheck state])
- // Set the x264 Preset
- [queueFileJob setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [fX264PresetSelectedTextField stringValue]] forKey:@"x264Preset"];
+ // we are using the advanced panel
+ [queueFileJob setObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt:1] forKey: @"x264UseAdvancedOptions"];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // we are using the x264 system
+ NSString *x264Preset = [fX264PresetSelectedTextField stringValue];
+ NSString *x264Tune = @""; // becomes NULL in prepareJob if unchanged
+ NSString *x264OptionExtra = [fDisplayX264PresetsAdditonalOptionsTextField stringValue];
+ NSString *h264Profile = @""; // becomes NULL in prepareJob if unchanged
+ NSString *h264Level = @""; // becomes NULL in prepareJob if unchanged
+ // we can't set "none" in the queue as libhb doesn't handle it
if ([fX264TunePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] != 0)
- { // we check to see if fastdecode is checked and if so we append it to the tune as so...
- if ([fX264FastDecodeCheck state] == NSOnState)
- {
- [queueFileJob setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@,%@", [fX264TunePopUp titleOfSelectedItem], @"fastdecode"] forKey:@"x264Tune"];
- }
- else
+ {
+ x264Tune = [x264Tune stringByAppendingString: [fX264TunePopUp titleOfSelectedItem]];
+ }
+ if ([fX264FastDecodeCheck state])
+ {
+ if ([x264Tune length])
- [queueFileJob setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [fX264TunePopUp titleOfSelectedItem]] forKey:@"x264Tune"];
+ x264Tune = [x264Tune stringByAppendingString: @","];
+ x264Tune = [x264Tune stringByAppendingString: @"fastdecode"];
- }
- // Make sure we are not ignoring the setting, for Profile its "auto" but index 0
- if ([fX264ProfilePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] != 0)
- {
- [queueFileJob setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [fX264ProfilePopUp titleOfSelectedItem]] forKey:@"h264Profile"];
- }
- // Make sure we are not ignoring the setting, for Level its "auto" but index 0
- if ([fX264LevelPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] != 0)
- {
- [queueFileJob setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [fX264LevelPopUp titleOfSelectedItem]] forKey:@"h264Level"];
+ // we can't set "auto" in the queue as libhb doesn't handle it
+ if ([fX264ProfilePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] != 0)
+ {
+ h264Profile = [fX264ProfilePopUp titleOfSelectedItem];
+ }
+ // we can't set "auto" in the queue as libhb doesn't handle it
+ if ([fX264LevelPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] != 0)
+ {
+ h264Level = [fX264LevelPopUp titleOfSelectedItem];
+ }
+ [queueFileJob setObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt:0] forKey: @"x264UseAdvancedOptions"];
+ [queueFileJob setObject: x264Preset forKey: @"x264Preset"];
+ [queueFileJob setObject: x264Tune forKey: @"x264Tune"];
+ [queueFileJob setObject: x264OptionExtra forKey: @"x264OptionExtra"];
+ [queueFileJob setObject: h264Profile forKey: @"h264Profile"];
+ [queueFileJob setObject: h264Level forKey: @"h264Level"];
- [queueFileJob setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [fDisplayX264PresetsAdditonalOptionsTextField stringValue]] forKey:@"x264AdditionalOptions"];
- /* END x264 Preset, Tune, Profile, and Levels */
/* x264 Advanced Option String */
[queueFileJob setObject:[fAdvancedOptions optionsString] forKey:@"x264Option"];
* If scanning we need to do some extra setup of the job.
- if( job->indepth_scan == 1 )
+ if (job->indepth_scan == 1)
- NSString *advanced_opts_tmp = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: job->advanced_opts];
+ char *x264_preset_tmp = strdup(job->x264_preset);
+ char *x264_tune_tmp = strdup(job->x264_tune);
+ char *x264_encopts_tmp = strdup(job->advanced_opts);
+ char *h264_profile_tmp = strdup(job->x264_profile);
+ char *h264_level_tmp = strdup(job->h264_level);
* When subtitle scan is enabled do a fast pre-scan job
* which will determine which subtitles to enable, if any.
- job->pass = -1;
+ job->indepth_scan = 1;
+ job->pass = -1;
+ hb_job_set_x264_preset (job, NULL);
+ hb_job_set_x264_tune (job, NULL);
hb_job_set_advanced_opts(job, NULL);
- job->indepth_scan = 1;
+ hb_job_set_x264_profile (job, NULL);
+ hb_job_set_x264_level (job, NULL);
- * Add the pre-scan job
+ * add the pre-scan job
- hb_add( fQueueEncodeLibhb, job );
- hb_job_set_advanced_opts(job, [advanced_opts_tmp UTF8String] );
+ hb_add(fQueueEncodeLibhb, job);
+ /*
+ * reset the advanced settings
+ */
+ hb_job_set_x264_preset (job, x264_preset_tmp);
+ hb_job_set_x264_tune (job, x264_tune_tmp);
+ hb_job_set_advanced_opts(job, x264_encopts_tmp);
+ hb_job_set_x264_profile (job, h264_profile_tmp);
+ hb_job_set_x264_level (job, h264_level_tmp);
+ free(x264_preset_tmp);
+ free(x264_tune_tmp);
+ free(x264_encopts_tmp);
+ free(h264_profile_tmp);
+ free(h264_level_tmp);
/* Format (Muxer) and Video Encoder */
job->mux = [[fDstFormatPopUp selectedItem] tag];
job->vcodec = [[fVidEncoderPopUp selectedItem] tag];
+ job->fastfirstpass = 0;
job->chapter_markers = 0;
if( job->vcodec == HB_VCODEC_X264 )
- /* Below Sends x264 options to the core library if x264 is selected*/
- job->fastfirstpass = 0;
- // we are none on the x264 preset slider so use the advanced options panel
- //if ([fX264PresetsSlider intValue] == 0)
+ /* advanced x264 options */
+ NSString *x264Tune = @"";
+ const char *x264_preset = NULL;
+ const char *x264_tune = NULL;
+ const char *x264_encopts = NULL;
+ const char *h264_profile = NULL;
+ const char *h264_level = NULL;
if ([fx264UseAdvancedOptionsCheck state])
- hb_job_set_advanced_opts(job, [[fAdvancedOptions optionsString] UTF8String] );
+ // we are using the advanced panel
+ x264_encopts = [[fAdvancedOptions optionsString] UTF8String];
- // we are using x264 presets
- // so we set the presets, and tune etc according to the widgets
- [self x264PresetsSetJobVariables:nil];
+ // we are using the x264 system
+ x264_preset = [[fX264PresetSelectedTextField stringValue] UTF8String];
+ x264_encopts = [[fDisplayX264PresetsAdditonalOptionsTextField stringValue] UTF8String];
+ if ([fX264TunePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] != 0)
+ {
+ x264Tune = [x264Tune stringByAppendingString: [fX264TunePopUp titleOfSelectedItem]];
+ }
+ if ([fX264FastDecodeCheck state])
+ {
+ if ([x264Tune length])
+ {
+ x264Tune = [x264Tune stringByAppendingString: @","];
+ }
+ x264Tune = [x264Tune stringByAppendingString: @"fastdecode"];
+ }
+ if ([x264Tune length])
+ {
+ x264_tune = [x264Tune UTF8String];
+ }
+ if ([fX264ProfilePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] != 0)
+ {
+ h264_profile = [[fX264ProfilePopUp titleOfSelectedItem] UTF8String];
+ }
+ if ([fX264LevelPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] != 0)
+ {
+ h264_level = [[fX264ProfilePopUp titleOfSelectedItem] UTF8String];
+ }
+ hb_job_set_x264_preset (job, x264_preset);
+ hb_job_set_x264_tune (job, x264_tune);
+ hb_job_set_advanced_opts(job, x264_encopts);
+ hb_job_set_x264_profile (job, h264_profile);
+ hb_job_set_x264_level (job, h264_level);
else if( job->vcodec & HB_VCODEC_FFMPEG_MASK )
- hb_job_set_advanced_opts(job, [[fAdvancedOptions optionsStringLavc] UTF8String] );
+ hb_job_set_advanced_opts(job, [[fAdvancedOptions optionsStringLavc] UTF8String]);
/* Video settings */
job->fastfirstpass = 0;
- /* Here we pass the x264 preset, profile, tune, level to libhb or the advanced string */
- // First make sure we are not on the first tickmark for preset which does not use x264 presets
- if([queueToApply objectForKey:@"x264Preset"])
+ /* Here we pass the advanced x264 options to libhb */
+ const char *x264_preset = NULL;
+ const char *x264_tune = NULL;
+ const char *x264_encopts = NULL;
+ const char *h264_profile = NULL;
+ const char *h264_level = NULL;
+ if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"x264UseAdvancedOptions"] intValue])
- hb_job_set_x264_preset(job, [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"x264Preset"]UTF8String] );
- // Note we do not have to append fast decode here to tune because it was already done in preparing the queue file item
- hb_job_set_x264_tune (job, [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"x264Tune"]UTF8String] );
- hb_job_set_x264_profile(job, [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"x264Profile"]UTF8String] );
- hb_job_set_x264_level(job, [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"x264Level"]UTF8String] );
- hb_job_set_advanced_opts( job, [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"x264AdditionalOptions"] UTF8String] );
+ // we are using the advanced panel
+ x264_encopts = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"x264Option"] UTF8String];
- hb_job_set_advanced_opts( job, [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"x264Option"] UTF8String] );
+ // we are using the x264 system
+ x264_preset = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"x264Preset"] UTF8String];
+ x264_encopts = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"x264OptionExtra"] UTF8String];
+ if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"x264Tune"] length])
+ {
+ x264_tune = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"x264Tune"] UTF8String];
+ }
+ if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"h264Profile"] length])
+ {
+ h264_profile = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"h264Profile"] UTF8String];
+ }
+ if ([[queueToApply objectForKey:@"h264Level"] length])
+ {
+ h264_level = [[queueToApply objectForKey:@"h264Level"] UTF8String];
+ }
+ hb_job_set_x264_preset (job, x264_preset);
+ hb_job_set_x264_tune (job, x264_tune);
+ hb_job_set_advanced_opts(job, x264_encopts);
+ hb_job_set_x264_profile (job, h264_profile);
+ hb_job_set_x264_level (job, h264_level);
else if( job->vcodec & HB_VCODEC_FFMPEG_MASK )
-- (IBAction) x264PresetsSetJobVariables: (id) sender
- hb_list_t * list = hb_get_titles( fHandle );
- hb_title_t * title = (hb_title_t *) hb_list_item( list,
- [fSrcTitlePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] );
- hb_job_t * job = title->job;
- hb_job_set_x264_preset(job, [[fX264PresetSelectedTextField stringValue]UTF8String] );
- // Make sure we are not ignoring the setting, for Tune its "none" but index 0
- if ([fX264TunePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] != 0)
- {
- // we check to see if fastdecode is checked and if so we append it to the tune as so...
- if ([fX264FastDecodeCheck state] == NSOnState)
- {
- hb_job_set_x264_tune (job, [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@,%@", [fX264TunePopUp titleOfSelectedItem], @"fastdecode"] UTF8String] );
- }
- else
- {
- hb_job_set_x264_tune (job, [[fX264TunePopUp titleOfSelectedItem]UTF8String] );
- }
- }
- // Make sure we are not ignoring the setting, for Profile its "auto" but index 0
- if ([fX264ProfilePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] != 0)
- {
- hb_job_set_x264_profile(job, [[fX264ProfilePopUp titleOfSelectedItem]UTF8String] );
- }
- // Make sure we are not ignoring the setting, for Level its "auto" but index 0
- if ([fX264LevelPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] != 0)
- {
- hb_job_set_x264_level(job, [[fX264LevelPopUp titleOfSelectedItem]UTF8String] );
- }
- hb_job_set_advanced_opts(job, [[fDisplayX264PresetsAdditonalOptionsTextField stringValue] UTF8String] );
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark - Picture
if ([[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"VideoEncoder"] isEqualToString:@"H.264 (x264)"])
- * x264UeAdvancedOptions is not set (legacy preset)
+ * x264UseAdvancedOptions is not set (legacy preset)
* or set to 1 (enabled), so we use the old advanced panel
if (![chosenPreset objectForKey:@"x264UseAdvancedOptions"] ||
[self updateX264Widgets:nil];
- * x264UeAdvancedOptions is set to 0 (disabled),
+ * x264UseAdvancedOptions is set to 0 (disabled),
* so we use the x264 system
- /* Set the x264 preset slider */
- const char * const * x264_presets = hb_x264_presets();
- for (int i = 0; x264_presets[i] != NULL; i++)
+ /* x264Preset */
+ NSString *name;
+ [fX264PresetsSlider setIntegerValue:fX264MediumPresetIndex];
+ NSEnumerator *enumerator = [fX264PresetNames objectEnumerator];
+ NSString *x264Preset = [chosenPreset objectForKey:@"x264Preset"];
+ while ((name = (NSString *)[enumerator nextObject]))
- if ([[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"x264Preset"]
- isEqualToString: [NSString stringWithUTF8String:x264_presets[i]]])
+ if ([name isEqualToString:x264Preset])
- [fX264PresetsSlider setIntValue: i];
+ [fX264PresetsSlider setIntegerValue:[fX264PresetNames indexOfObject:name]];
[self x264PresetsSliderChanged:nil];
+ break;
/* x264Tune */
- if (![[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"x264Tune"] isEqualToString: @""])
- {
- [fX264TunePopUp selectItemWithTitle:[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"x264Tune"]];
- }
- else
+ [fX264TunePopUp selectItemWithTitle:[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"x264Tune"]];
+ if ([fX264TunePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] == -1)
- /* if the preset does not specify, use "none" */
[fX264TunePopUp selectItemAtIndex:0];
/* Fast Decode checkbox */
/* additional x264 options */
[fDisplayX264PresetsAdditonalOptionsTextField setStringValue:[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"x264OptionExtra"]];
/* h264Profile */
- if (![[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"h264Profile"] isEqualToString: @""])
- {
- [fX264ProfilePopUp selectItemWithTitle:[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"h264Profile"]];
- }
- else
+ [fX264ProfilePopUp selectItemWithTitle:[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"h264Profile"]];
+ if ([fX264ProfilePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] == -1)
- /* if the preset does not specify, use "auto" */
[fX264ProfilePopUp selectItemAtIndex:0];
/* h264Level */
- if (![[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"h264Level"] isEqualToString: @""])
- {
- [fX264LevelPopUp selectItemWithTitle:[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"h264Level"]];
- }
- else
+ [fX264LevelPopUp selectItemWithTitle:[chosenPreset objectForKey:@"h264Level"]];
+ if ([fX264LevelPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] == -1)
- /* if the preset does not specify, use "auto" */
[fX264LevelPopUp selectItemAtIndex:0];
/* we enable the advanced panel and update the widgets */
[preset setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] forKey:@"x264UseAdvancedOptions"];
/* x264 preset */
[preset setObject:[fX264PresetSelectedTextField stringValue] forKey:@"x264Preset"];
- /* x264 psy tune, if not "none" */
- if ([fX264TunePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] != 0)
- {
- [preset setObject: [fX264TunePopUp titleOfSelectedItem] forKey:@"x264Tune"];
- }
- /* x264 fastdecode - can be set even if tune is "none" */
+ /* x264 psy tune */
+ [preset setObject: [fX264TunePopUp titleOfSelectedItem] forKey:@"x264Tune"];
+ /* x264 fastdecode */
[preset setObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt:[fX264FastDecodeCheck state]] forKey:@"x264FastDecode"];
/* additional x264 options */
[preset setObject:[fDisplayX264PresetsAdditonalOptionsTextField stringValue] forKey:@"x264OptionExtra"];
- /* h264Profile, if not "auto" */
- if ([fX264ProfilePopUp indexOfSelectedItem] != 0)
- {
- [preset setObject:[fX264ProfilePopUp titleOfSelectedItem] forKey:@"h264Profile"];
- }
+ /* h264Profile */
+ [preset setObject:[fX264ProfilePopUp titleOfSelectedItem] forKey:@"h264Profile"];
/* h264 level, if not "auto" */
- if ([fX264LevelPopUp indexOfSelectedItem] != 0)
- {
- [preset setObject:[fX264LevelPopUp titleOfSelectedItem] forKey:@"h264Level"];
- }
+ [preset setObject:[fX264LevelPopUp titleOfSelectedItem] forKey:@"h264Level"];
* bonus: set the unparsed options to make the preset compatible
* with old HB versions
[finalString appendString: videoInfo withAttributes:detailAttr];
[finalString appendString:@"\n" withAttributes:detailAttr];
- // x264 options (for now either the x264 presets panel or the hb x264 advanced panel
if ([[item objectForKey:@"VideoEncoder"] isEqualToString: @"H.264 (x264)"])
- // check to see if we are using a x264 preset, if so concatenate the display of presets, tunes , etc.
- if ([item objectForKey:@"x264Preset"])
+ /* we are using x264 */
+ NSString *x264Info = @"";
+ if ([[item objectForKey:@"x264UseAdvancedOptions"] intValue])
- [finalString appendString: @"x264 Presets: " withAttributes:detailBoldAttr];
- NSString * x264PresetsInfo = @"";
- x264PresetsInfo = [x264PresetsInfo stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Preset:%@ - ",[item objectForKey:@"x264Preset"]]];
- if ([item objectForKey:@"x264Tune"])
+ // we are using the old advanced panel
+ if ([item objectForKey:@"x264Option"] &&
+ [[item objectForKey:@"x264Option"] length])
- x264PresetsInfo = [x264PresetsInfo stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Tune:%@ - ",[item objectForKey:@"x264Tune"]]];
+ x264Info = [x264Info stringByAppendingString: [item objectForKey:@"x264Option"]];
- x264PresetsInfo = [x264PresetsInfo stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Tune:none - "]];
+ x264Info = [x264Info stringByAppendingString: @"default settings"];
- if ([item objectForKey:@"x264Option"])
- {
- x264PresetsInfo = [x264PresetsInfo stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Additional Options:%@ - ",[item objectForKey:@"x264AdditionalOptions"]]];
- }
- if ([item objectForKey:@"h264Profile"])
- {
- x264PresetsInfo = [x264PresetsInfo stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Profile:%@ - ",[item objectForKey:@"h264Profile"]]];
- }
- else
- {
- x264PresetsInfo = [x264PresetsInfo stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Profile:auto - "]];
- }
- if ([item objectForKey:@"h264Level"])
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // we are using the x264 system
+ x264Info = [x264Info stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Preset: %@", [item objectForKey:@"x264Preset"]]];
+ if ([[item objectForKey:@"x264Tune"] length])
- x264PresetsInfo = [x264PresetsInfo stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Level:%@",[item objectForKey:@"h264Level"]]];
+ x264Info = [x264Info stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@" - Tune: %@", [item objectForKey:@"x264Tune"]]];
- else
+ if ([[item objectForKey:@"x264OptionExtra"] length])
- x264PresetsInfo = [x264PresetsInfo stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Level:auto"]];
+ x264Info = [x264Info stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@" - Options: %@", [item objectForKey:@"x264OptionExtra"]]];
- [finalString appendString: x264PresetsInfo withAttributes:detailAttr];
- }
- else /// we are using the HB Advanced Panel
- {
- [finalString appendString: @"x264 Advanced Options: " withAttributes:detailBoldAttr];
- if ([item objectForKey:@"x264Option"])
+ if ([[item objectForKey:@"h264Profile"] length])
- [finalString appendString: [item objectForKey:@"x264Option"] withAttributes:detailAttr];
+ x264Info = [x264Info stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@" - Profile: %@", [item objectForKey:@"h264Profile"]]];
- else
+ if ([[item objectForKey:@"h264Level"] length])
- [finalString appendString: @"x264 defaults" withAttributes:detailAttr];
+ x264Info = [x264Info stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat:@" - Level: %@", [item objectForKey:@"h264Level"]]];
+ [finalString appendString: @"x264: " withAttributes:detailBoldAttr];
+ [finalString appendString: x264Info withAttributes:detailAttr];
[finalString appendString:@"\n" withAttributes:detailAttr];
- /*If we are not x264 and we are not Theora then we must be FFmpeg (lavc) */
else if (![[item objectForKey:@"VideoEncoder"] isEqualToString: @"VP3 (Theora)"])
- [finalString appendString: @"FFmpeg (lavc) Options: " withAttributes:detailBoldAttr];
- if ([item objectForKey:@"lavcOption"])
+ /* we are using libavcodec */
+ NSString *lavcInfo = @"";
+ if ([item objectForKey:@"lavcOption"] &&
+ [[item objectForKey:@"lavcOption"] length])
- [finalString appendString: [item objectForKey:@"lavcOption"] withAttributes:detailAttr];
+ lavcInfo = [lavcInfo stringByAppendingString: [item objectForKey:@"lavcOption"]];
- [finalString appendString: @"FFmpeg (lavc) defaults" withAttributes:detailAttr];
+ lavcInfo = [lavcInfo stringByAppendingString: @"default settings"];
+ [finalString appendString: @"ffmpeg: " withAttributes:detailBoldAttr];
+ [finalString appendString: lavcInfo withAttributes:detailAttr];
[finalString appendString:@"\n" withAttributes:detailAttr];